美英报刊文章选读 下PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:周学艺主编
- 出 版 社:北京:北京大学出版社
- 出版年份:1997
- ISBN:7301000308
- 页数:328 页
Ⅱ.British Affairs 1
Moral&Spiritual Decline(道德水准和精神文明滑坡) 1
Lesson Twenty-five:Britain shaken by an‘assault on tradi-tional values'(The Times,July 6,1996) 1
Royal Family(王室) 21
Lesson Twenty-six:CHARLES AND DIANA AGREE ON DIVORCE TERMS(The New York Times,July 13,1996) 21
Monarchy(君主制) 32
Lesson Twenty-seven:Why the Monarchy Must Stay(Ⅳewsweek,March 11,1996) 32
Constitutional Reform(宪政改革) 44
Lesson Twenty-eightDemocracy's second age(The Economist,September 1 4th,1996) 44
Lesson Twenty-nine:Constituting trouble(The Times,July 23,1996) 72
IRA(爱尔兰共和军) 86
Lesson Thirty:BLOWN-AWAY HOPES(Time,February 19,1996) 86
Lesson Thirty-one:Anything But Beef(Newsweek,April 8,1996) 108
Mad-Cow Disease(疯牛病) 108
Labour's Policy Towards EU(工党政府对欧盟的政策) 122
Lesson Thirty-two:Labour moves closer to EU(Financial Times,May 5,1997) 122
Ⅲ.World Affairs 131
Worldwide Corruption And Anti-corruption)(腐败和反腐败斗争席卷全球) 131
Lesson Thirty-three:WAR AGAINST SLEAZE(Time,May 6,1996) 131
Lesson Thirty-four:WAR AGAINST SLEAZE(Continued) 150
Civil War(内战) 161
Afghanistan(阿富汗) 161
Lesson Thirty-five:From Anarchy To Islamic Rule In Afghanistan(The Washington Post National Week-ly Edition,October 7-13,1996) 161
Algeria(阿尔及利亚) 170
Lesson Thirty-six:BALLOTS,NOT BULLETS(Time,November 27,1995) 170
Burundi(布隆迪) 183
Lesson Thirty-seven:Anybody there?(The Economist,July 27th,1996) 183
Pakistan—Farm Laborers(巴基斯坦:农工) 193
Lesson Thirty-eight:Pakistan struggles to end human bondage(Financial Times,August 8,1996) 193
Asia 193
Japan一“Comfort Women”(日本:“慰安妇”) 199
Lesson Thirty-nine:VICTIMS OF HISTORY(Time,June 17,1996) 199
Middle East & Africa 208
Israel—Yitzhak Rabin(以色列:已故拉宾总理) 208
Lesson Forty:MAN OF ISRAEL(Time,November 13,1995) 208
Tanzania—Julius Nyerere(坦桑尼亚:前总统尼雷尔) 228
Lesson Forty-one:African Statesman Still Sowing Seeds for Future(The New York Times,September 1,1996) 228
South Africa—Truth Commission(南非:真理与和解委员会) 238
Lesson Forty-two:Testimony to S.African Catharsis(The Washington Post,April 20,1996) 238
Latin America 248
Ecuador—Economic Growth Demanded(厄瓜多尔:要求发展经济) 248
Lesson Forty-three:The poverty challenge for Ecuador's populist(Financial Times,August 1,1996) 248
Lesson Forty-four:Democracy on Drugs(Newsweek,January 22,1996) 255
Lat.America—Drugs(拉美:毒品) 255
Europe 265
Cyprus—Potential Conflict(塞浦路斯:潜在的冲突) 265
Lesson Forty-five:The Next Flashpoint?Cyprus Grows Tense,Raising Fears of War(The Wall Street Journal,June 6,1996) 265
Bosnia—Peace Or War(波黑:战争还是和平) 276
Lesson Forty-six:A Bosnian sort of peace(U.S.News&World Report,April 1,1996) 276
Italy—Judgment Backfired(意大利:审判不公遭反弹) 288
Lesson Forty-seven:Italy outraged as war crimes trial back-fires(Financial Times,August 3/August 4,1996) 288
France—Return To The World Stage(法国:重返世界外交舞台) 296
Lesson Forty-eight:France Barges Back(Time,July 1,1996) 296
Ⅰ.Important Press of U.S.&Britain 311
Ⅱ.News Agencies of U.S.&Britain 313
Ⅲ.United States Government 314
Ⅳ.British Government 322
Ⅴ.Important International Organization 326
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