前言 宋家珩 1
中加人民友谊的象征——诺尔曼·白求恩大夫 乔国 1
序 王仁强博士 1
Preface 1
Dr. Norman Bethune : A Symbol of Sino-Canadian Friendship Qiao Guo 1
历史不会忘记——记医疗传教士理查德·布朗 宋家珩 36
A Vital History : An Account of Medical Missionary Richard Brown Song Jiaheng 36
把爱献给第二故乡:中国——文幼章的生平 管平 44
A Devotion to China as a Second Home: A Life Story of James G. Endicott Guan Ping 44
万绿丛中一点红——加拿大护士琼·尤恩的中国岁月 乔国 86
A Canadian Nurse s Years in China: The Story of Jean Ewen, A Red Flower Set Off by Myriads of Green 86
Tillson Lever Harrison : An Immortal Figure of Human Perseverance and Justice Guan Ping 105
他死了,他却活着——为正义永生的夏理逊 管平 105
季理斐与广学会 李巍 128
Donald MacGillivray and Christian Literature Society for China Li Wei 128
Robert McClure: A Canadian Doctor Who Devoted His Valuable Years to China Song Jiaheng 167
把最宝贵的年华献给了中国——记罗伯特·麦克卢尔医生 宋家珩 167
A Critical Biography of James Mellon Menzies, the Missionary and the Archaeologist Fang Hui 186
The China Years : Chester Ronning and Sino-Canadian Relations Zhang Renyu 213
中国岁月——切斯特·朗宁与中加关系 张仁玉 213
On William Charles White, Bishop of Canadian Anglican Church : The Personal Growth of a Missionary a 256
从传教士到汉学家——加拿大圣公会主教怀履光 李巍 256