Lesson One Computer Crime 1
Lesson Two Prison Industries 14
Lesson Thre Probatee 26
Lesson Four General Agreement on Tariff and Trade(GATT) 37
Lesson Five Foreign Trade in the U.S.A 61
Lesson Six Antidumping Law in the United States 82
Lesson Seven Contracts(Ⅰ) 96
Lesson Eight Contracts(Ⅱ) 111
Lesson Nine A Sales Agency Agreement 126
Lesson Ten Credit Cards 142
Lesson Eleven Participating Bank Agreement 155
Lesson Twelve Foreign Direct Investment 173
Lesson Thirteen EC Company Law 192
Lesson Fourteen Regulations for Management of a Company Limited by Shares 207
Lesson Fifteen U.S.Laws and Policies Affecting the Transfer of Technology 222
Lesson Sixteen How to Protect Your Invention 250
Lesson Seventeen Exploiting Natural Resources in Russia 263
Lesson Eighteen Futures Markets 284
Lesson Nineteen State and Federal Securities Laws 305
Lesson Twenty Something about Taxes in the U.S.A 323
Lesson Twenty one Taxation of Chinese Investment in the United States 339
Lesson Twenty-two Arbitration Procedure in China 362
Lesson Twenty-three Preparing Pleadings 377
Lesson Twenty-four Protecting Foreign Trade-Mark Rights in Canada 392