
  • 购买积分:14 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:(美)玛勒·梅尔(Marlene Mayers)等著
  • 出 版 社:南昌:江西科学技术出版社
  • 出版年份:2001
  • ISBN:7539018488
  • 页数:404 页

第一章 一般护理 2

1-1 石膏固定(Casting) 2

1-2 精神错乱(Confusion) 6

1-3 死亡与临终(Death and Dying) 10

1-4 出院指导(Education for Discharge) 15

1-5 老年住院病人(Geriatric Patient,Hospitalized) 21

1-6 制动(Immobility) 26

1-7 疼痛处理(Pain Management) 30

1-8 全胃肠外营养疗法(Parenteral Nutrition,Total) 34

1-9 手术后护理(Postoperative Care) 37

1-10 褥疮(Pressure Ulcers) 41

1-11 牵引(Traction) 47

1-12 排尿障碍(Urinary Elimination,Altered) 52

第二章 内科护理 61

2-1 成人呼吸窘迫综合征(Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome) 61

2-2 急性乙醇中毒(Alcoholism,Acute Phase) 67

2-3 阿尔采默病(Alzheimer s disease) 71

2-4 恶性贫血(Anemia,Pernicious) 76

2-5 镰状细胞贫血(急性危象期)〔Anemia,Sickle Cell (Acute Crisis)〕 78

2-6 关节炎(Arthritis) 81

2-7 哮喘(Asthma) 86

2-8 进展期癌症(Cancer,Advanced) 90

2-9 脑血管意外(Cerebrovascular Accident) 95

2-10 化学药物依赖(Chemical Dependency) 102

2-11 胆囊炎、胆结石(Cholecystitis,Cholelithiasis) 106

2-12 慢性阻塞性肺疾病(Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) 110

2-13 肝硬化(Cirrhosis of the Liver) 114

2-14 溃疡性结肠炎(Colitis,Ulcerative) 119

2-15 充血性心力衰竭(Congestive Heart Failure) 125

2-16 深部静脉血栓形成(Deep Venous Thrombosis) 130

2-17 糖尿病(Diabetes Mellitus) 132

2-18 弥散性血管内凝血(Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation) 137

2-19 胃肠道出血(Gastrointestinal Bleeding) 140

2-20 HIV携带者/艾滋病(HIV/AIDS) 144

2-21 肠炎(Intestinal Inflammation) 151

2-22 肠梗阻(Intestinal Obstruction) 155

2-23 急性白血病(Leukemia,Acute Phase) 157

2-24 细菌性或病毒性脑膜炎(Meningitis,Bacterial or Viral) 161

2-25 多发性骨髓瘤(Multiple Myeloma) 165

2-26 多发生硬化症(Multiple Sclerosis) 169

2-27 心肌梗死(离开CCU之后)〔Myocardial Infarction (Post CCU)〕 173

2-28 胰腺炎(Pancreatitis) 178

2-29 帕金森病(Parkinson s Disease) 182

2-30 肺炎(Pneumonia) 188

2-31 气胸(Pneumothorax) 191

2-32 肺栓塞(Pulmonary Embolism) 194

2-33 肾结石(Renal Calculi) 199

2-34 急性肾功能衰竭(Renal Failure,Acute) 203

2-35 慢性肾功能衰竭(Renal Failure,Chronic) 208

2-36 肋骨骨折(不需手术)〔(Rib Fractures (Without Sugery)〕 213

2-37 癫痫发作性疾病(Seizure Disorders) 216

2-38 休克(Shock) 220

2-39 蛛网膜下腔出血(Subarachnoid Hemorrhage) 224

2-40 肺结核(Tuberculosis) 227

2-41 静脉功能不全(下肢溃疡)〔Venous Insufficiency (Leg Ulcers)〕 233

2-42 伤口感染(Wound Infection) 237

第三章 外科护理 243

3-1 肾上腺切除术(Adrenalectomy) 243

3-2 截肢术(Amputation) 246

3-3 阑尾切除术(Appendectomy) 251

3-4 关节成形术、全髋关节置换术(Arthroplasty,Total Joint Replacement) 253

3-5 烧伤与植皮(Burns and Grafts) 258

3-6 心脏手术(Gardiac Surgery) 265

3-7 胆囊切除术(Cholecystectomy) 273

3-8 胆道结石、碎石术(Choleithiasis,Lithotripsy) 276

3-9 结肠切除术(Colon Resection) 278

3-10 颜面骨折(Facial Fracture) 282

3-11 股与腘窝血管绕道术(Femoropopliteal Bypass) 285

3-12 股骨骨折(Femur Fracture) 289

3-13 胃切除/胃造瘘(Gastric Resection,Gastrostomy) 292

3-14 裂孔疝修补术(Hiatal Hernia Repair) 297

3-15 髋关节针(修补术)〔Hip Pin (Prosthesis)〕 301

3-16 子宫切除术(Hysterectomy) 308

3-17 部腹术(Laparotomy) 313

3-18 喉切除术(全喉或部分)〔Laryngectomy(Total or Partial)〕 316

3-19 乳房成型术(Mammoplasty) 321

3-20 乳房切除术(Mastectomy) 325

3-21 鼻部手术(Nasal Surgery) 330

3-22 颈部手术(根除术)(Neck Surgery,Radical) 333

3-23 肾切除术(Nephrectomy) 340

3-24 骨盆骨折(Pelvic Fracture) 344

3-25 门静脉分流术(Portal Shunt) 347

3-26 前列腺切除术(经尿道前列腺切除术)(Prostatectomy,TUR) 356

3-27 直肠手术(Rectal Surgery) 360

3-28 视网膜剥离(Retinal Detachment) 362

3-29 肩关节断术离(Shoulder Separation) 367

3-30 脾脏切除术(Splenectomy) 372

3-31 胸骨切开术(Thoracotomy) 377

3-32 甲状腺切除术(Thyroidectomy) 381

3-33 输尿管碎石术(Ureteral Lithotripsy) 384

3-34 输尿管截石术(Ureterolithotomy) 388

3-35 阴道成型手术(Vaginal Plastic Surgery) 393

3-36 静脉结扎与剥除术(Vein Ligation and Stripping) 396

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附录 缩写名词 399