《中国名优中成药 英汉对照》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:14 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:张恩勤主编
  • 出 版 社:上海:上海中医学院出版社
  • 出版年份:1990
  • ISBN:7810101279
  • 页数:448 页

RENSHEN ZAIZAO WAN (Ginseng Restorative Bolus) 2

Section One Pills and Boluses 第一节 丸剂 2

人参再造丸 3

RENSHEN GUIPI WAN (Ginseng Spleen-Invigorating Bolus) 4

人参归脾丸 5

RENSHEN JIANPI WAN (Ginseng Spleen-Strengthening Bolus) 6

人参健脾丸 7

RENSHEN YANGRONG WAN (Ginseng Tonic Bolus) 8

环心丹 9

人参养荣丸 9

ZHIBAO SAN BIAN WAN (Treasured Three Animal Penes Pill) 10

SHI QUAN DABU WAN (Bolus of Ten Powerful Tonics) 10

至宝三鞭丸 11

十全大补丸 11

BUZHONG YIQI WAN (Bolus for Reinforcing Middle-jiao and Replenishing Qi) 12

补中益气丸 13

SHIHU YEGUANG WAN (Eyesight-Improving Bolus of Noble Dendrobium) 14

石斛夜光丸 15

ANSHEN BUXIN WAN (Sedative and Heart-Invigorating Pill) 16

安神补心丸 17

HUANXIN DAN (Coronary Heart Disease Pill) 18

BAIZI YANGXIN WAN (Mind-Easing Tonic Bolus with Arborvitae Seed) 20

柏子养心丸 21

QINGWEN JIEDU WAN (Antipyretic and Antitoxic Bolus) 22

清瘟解毒丸 23

LIU YING WAN (Anti-inflammatory Pill) 24

LIU SHEN WAN (Pill of Six Ingredients with Magical Effects) 24

六应丸 25

六神丸 25

XIAO HUOLUO DAN (Small Bolus for Activating Channels and Collaterals) 26

小活络丹 27

DA HUOLUO WAN (Large Bolus for Activating Channels and Collaterals) 28

大活络丸 29

YIN QIAO JIEDU WAN (Antitoxic Bolus of Honeysuckle Flower and Forsythia) 30

银翘解毒丸 31

HOUZHENG WAN (Pill for Throat Diseases) 32

喉症丸 33

SUXIAO NIUHUANG WAN (Quick-Acting Cow-bezoar Bolus) 34

速效牛黄丸 35

NIUHUANG SHANGQING WAN (Cow-bezoar Bolus for Clearing away Heat of the Upper Part of the Body) 36

牛黄上清丸 37

TIANMA WAN (Gastrodia Tuber Bolus) 38

天麻丸 39

TONGXUAN LIFEI WAN (Lung-Ventilating-Regulating Bolus) 40

通宣理肺丸 41

WUJI BAIFENG WAN (White Phoenix Bolus of Black-bone Chicken) 42

乌鸡白凤丸 43

LONGDAN XIEGAN WAN (Bolus of Gentian for Purging Liver-fire) 44

龙胆泻肝丸 45

MINGMU DIHUANG WAN (Rehmannia Bolus for Improving Eyesight) 46

明目地黄丸 47

XIANG SHA LIU JUNZI WAN (Pill of Costus and Amomum with Six Noble Ingredients) 48

香砂六君子丸 49

SHEXIANG BAOXIN WAN (Heart Pill of Musk) 50

麝香保心丸 51

XIHUANG WAN (Pill of Cow-bezoar) 52

JUHONG WAN (Tangerine Peel Bolus) 52

犀黄丸 53

桔红丸 53

GEJIE DINGCHUAN WAN (Asthma-Relieving Bolus of Gecko) 54

蛤蚧定喘丸 55

NIUHUANG QINGXIN WAN (Cow-bezoar Sedative Bolus) 56

牛黄清心丸 57

ANGONG NIUHUANG WAN (Cow-bezoar Bolus for Resurrection) 58

安宫牛黄丸 59

JUFANG ZHIBAO DAN (Treasured Bolus) 60

局方至宝丹 61

NIUHUANG ZHENJING WAN (Convulsion-Relieving Pill of Cow-bezoar) 62

牛黄镇惊丸 63

XIANG LIAN WAN (Aucklandia-Coptis Pill) 64

香连丸 65

HUANGLIAN SHANGQING WAN (Coptis Bolus for Clearing the Upper Heat) 66

黄连上清丸 67

WU JI WAN (Liver-fire-Purging and Spleen-Stomach-Regulating Pill) 68

ZUOJIN WAN (Liver-fire-Purging and Stomach-Regulating Pill) 68

戊己丸 69

左金丸 69

MINGMU SHANGQING WAN (Eyesight-improving and Upper-Heat-Removing Bolus) 70

明目上清丸 71

CHANSU WAN (Pill of Toad Venom) 72

蟾酥丸 73

FUZI LIZHONG WAN (Aconite Bolus for Regulating the Function of Middle-jiao) 74

BINGLANG SIXIAO WAN (Digestion Pill of Betel Nut) 74

附子理中丸 75

槟榔四消丸 75

XIANG SHA YANGWEI WAN (Stomach Pill of Aucklandia and Amomum Fruit) 76

香砂养胃丸 77

KAIXIONG SHUNQI WAN (Digestion-Promoting Pill) 78

开胸顺气丸 79

MUXIANG SHUNQI WAN (Qi-Regulating Pill of Aucklandia) 80

木香顺气丸 81

YUQUAN WAN (Diabetes Pill) 82

玉泉丸 83

ZUOGUI WAN (Kidney-yin-Tonifying Bolus) 84

JINGUI SHENQI WAN (Kidney-qi-Tonifying Pill) 84

左归丸 85

金匮肾气丸 85

TIANWANG BUXIN DAN (Cardiotonic Bolus) 86

天王补心丹 87

YINAO FUJIAN WAN (Pill for Cerebral Thrombosis) 88

益脑复健丸 89

HUITIAN ZAIZAO WAN (Restorative Bolus with Tremendous Power) 90

回天再造丸 91

DINGKUN DAN (Bolus for Woman Diseases) 92

定坤丹 93

LIUHE DINGZHONG WAN (Stomach-Regulating Pill) 94

六合定中丸 95

SUZI JIANGQI WAN (Antiasthmatic Pill of Perilla Fruit) 96

苏子降气丸 97

MUGUA WAN (Chaenomeles Fruit Pill) 98

SHANGQING WAN (Bolus for Clearing away Heat of the Upper Part of the Body) 98

木瓜丸 99

上清丸 99

SHUGAN WAN (Liver-Soothing Bolus) 100

舒肝丸 101

XIAOYAO WAN (Ease Pill) 102

逍遥丸 103

FANGFENG TONGSHENG WAN (Miraculous Pill of Ledebouriella) 104

防风通圣丸 105

SHUGAN HEWEI WAN (Pill for Soothing the Liver and Regulating the Stomach) 106

舒肝和胃丸 107

ZHUSHA ANSHEN WAN (Cinnabar Sedative Pill) 108

朱砂安神丸 109

XIN BAO (Heart Treasure Pill) 110

心宝 111

GUBEN KECHUAN WAN (Tonic Pill for Treating Cough and Asthma) 112

HUOXIN WAN (Pill for Promoting Coronary Circulation) 112

固本咳喘丸 113

活心丸 113

PIAN ZI HUANG (Anti-inflammatory and Analgesic Bolus) 114

片仔癀 115

TONGMAI YANGXIN WAN (Pulse-Invigorating and Heart-Nourishing Pill) 116

WANSHI NIUHUANG QINGXIN WAN (Bolus of Cow-bezoar for Claring Heart-fire) 116

通脉养心丸 117

万氏牛黄清心丸 117

GUANXIN SUHE WAN (Storax Pill for Treating Coronary Heart Disease) 118

冠心苏合丸 119

LIU WEI DIHUANG WAN (Pill of Six Ingredients with Rehmannia) 120

六味地黄丸 121

JIANNAO BUSHEN WAN (Brain-Invigorating and Kidney-Tonifying Pill) 122

健脑补肾丸 123

NIUHUANG JIEDU WAN (Cow-bezoar Antitoxic Bolus) 124

牛黄解毒丸 125

XIAOER QIYING WAN (Infantile Convulsion Pill) 126

BAOJI WAN (Health Pill) 126

小儿奇应丸 127

保济丸 127

ZHUANGYAO JIANSHEN WAN (Loins-Strengthening and Kidney-Invigorating Bolus) 128

壮腰健肾丸 129

Section Two Tablets 第二节 片剂 132

LINGYANG GANMAO PIAN (Tablet of Antelope s Horn for Common Cold) 132

QIAN BAI BIYAN PIAN (Rhinitis Tablet of Climbing Groundsel and Spikemoss) 132

羚羊感冒片 133

千柏鼻炎片 133

ANLUOTONG PIAN (Rheumatalgia and Neuralgia Tablet) 134

安络痛片 135

XIAOLUOTONG PIAN (Rheumatalgia-Relieving Teblet) 136

消络痛片 137

YUANHU ZHITONG PIAN (Tablet of Corydalis Tuber for Alleviating Pain) 138

JIANGYAPING PIAN (Antihypertensive Tablet) 138

元胡止痛片 139

降压平片 139

ZAIZHANG SHENGXUE PIAN (Tablet for Replenishing Blood and Treating Aplastic Anemia) 140

再障生血片 141

CIWUJIA PIAN (Acanthopanax Root Tablet) 142

刺五加片 143

NAOLINGSU PIAN (Brian-Invigorating Tablet) 144

XINXUENING PIAN (Tablet for Coronary Heart Diseases and Hypertension) 144

脑灵素片 145

心血宁片 145

LIQI SHUXIN PIAN (Qi-Regulating and Heart-Soothing Tablet) 146

理气舒心片 147

LIGAN PIAN (Liver-Benefiting Tablet) 148

利肝片 149

DANGGUI JINGAO PIAN (Chinese Angelica Extract Tablet) 150

FUFANG CHUANBEIJING PIAN (Compound Tablet of Sichuan Fritillary Bulb) 150

当归浸膏片 151

复方川贝精片 151

NIUHUANG JIEDU PIAN (Detoxicating Tablet of Cow-bezoar) 152

牛黄解毒片 153

LIDAN PIAN (Cholagogic Tablet) 154

利胆片 155

FUFANG DANSHEN PIAN (Compound Tablet of Red Sage Root) 156

复方丹参片 157

QUFENG ZHITONG PIAN (Wind-Expelling and Pain-Alleviating Tablet) 158

祛风止痛片 159

SHILINTONG PIAN (Stranguria-Treating and Calculus-Removing Tablet) 160

CHUANXINLIAN PIAN (Andrographis Tablet) 160

石淋通片 161

穿心莲片 161

HUGAN PIAN (Liver-Protecting Tablet) 162

护肝片 163

XI LING JIEDU PIAN (Detoxicating Tablet of Rhinoceros Horn and Antelope s Horn) 164

犀羚解毒片 165

ANWEI PIAN (Gastralgia Tablet) 166

LIDAN PAISHI PIAN (Cholagogic and Lithagogue Tablet) 166

安胃片 167

利胆排石片 167

NAOXUESHUAN PIAN (Anti-Cerebral-Thrombosis Tablet) 168

脑血栓片 169

BUSHEN YINAO PIAN (Kidney-Brain-Nourishing Tablet) 170

补肾益脑片 171

LIGANLONG PIAN (Liver-Restoring Tablet) 172

BUXUE NINGSHEN PIAN (Tablet for Blood-Enriching and Mind-Tranquilizing) 172

补血宁神片 173

利肝隆片 173

GENGNIANAN (Climacteric-Syndrome-Relieving Tablet) 174

更年安 175

LANWEI XIAOYAN PIAN (Appendicitis Tablet) 176

阑尾消炎片 177

FUKANGNING PIAN (Tablet for Women s Health and Tranquilness) 178

妇康宁片 179

BUSHEN QIANGSHEN PIAN (Tonic Tablet for Kidney-Reinforcing) 180

补肾强身片 181

HUOXUE TONGMAI PIAN (Tablet for Promoting Coronary Circulation) 182

SHUJIN HUOXUE PIAN (Tablet for Relieving Rigidity of Muscles and Promoting Blood Circulation) 182

活血通脉片 183

舒筋活血片 183

GANXILE (Liver-Tonic Tablet) 184

肝喜乐 185

KANGGUSUIYAN PIAN (Tablet for Treating Osteomyelitis) 186

XIAOER NIUHUANG PIAN (Tablet of Cow-bezoar for Children) 186

抗骨髓炎片 187

小儿牛黄片 187

XIAOER XIAOSHI PIAN (Children s Indigestion Tablet) 188

小儿消食片 189

XIAOER XIELI PIAN (Children s Dysentery Tablet) 190

XIAOER GENMAO PIAN (Children s Cold Tablet) 190

小儿泻痢片 191

小儿感冒片 191

NIUHUANG YIJIN PIAN (Tablet of Cow-bezoar for Throat Trouble) 192

牛黄益金片 193

TANKEJING PIAN (Expectorant Tablet) 194

FANGGAN PIAN (Tablet for Preventing Common Cold) 194

防感片 195

痰咳净片 195

SHENKANGNING PIAN (Tablet for Chronic Nephritis) 196

肾康宁片 197

GANMAOQING PIAN (Tablet for Treating Common Cold) 198

WEITELING PIAN (Gastralgia Tablet) 198

感冒清片 199

胃特灵片 199

TIANJIN GANMAO PIAN (Tianjin Cold-Treating Tablet) 200

QINGCHUNBAO PIAN (Youth Recovery Tablet) 200

天津感冒片 201

青春宝片 201

XIAOER JINDAN PIAN (Children-Welfare Tablet) 202

小儿金丹片 203

ANNAO NIUHUANG PIAN (Tablet of Cow-bezoar for Tranquilization) 204

SANQI SHANGYAO PIAN (Fracture and Sprain Tablet of Notoginseng) 204

安脑牛黄片 205

三七伤药片 205

FUKE SHI WEI PIAN (Tablet of Ten Ingredients for Woman Diseases) 206

妇科十味片 207

Section Three Infusions (Medicinal Granules) 第三节 冲剂 210

GANMAO TUIRE CHONGJI (Cold-Fever-Treating Infusion) 210

CANMAO QINGRE CHONGJI (Infusion for Treating Coryza for Wind-Cold Type) 210

感冒退热冲剂 211

感冒清热冲剂 211

YU ZHA CHONGJI (Infusion of Fragrant Solomonseal and Hawthorn Fruit) 212

玉楂冲剂 213

SHEN QI CHONGJI (Infusion of Pilose Asiabell and Wolfberry Fruit) 214

WUJIASHEN CHONGJI (Acanthopanax Infusion) 214

参杞冲剂 215

五加参冲剂 215

XIAOER SHENGXUE LING (Infusion for Iron-deficiency Anemia of Children) 216

小儿升血录 217

EJIAO YISHOU JING (Longevity Extract of Donkey-hide Gelatin) 218

DASHANZHA CHONGJI (Infusion of Hawthorn Fruit) 218

阿胶益寿晶 219

大山楂冲剂 219

FUFANG JINYINHUA CHONGJI (Compound Infusion of Honeysuckle Flower) 220

复方金银花冲剂 221

JIANNAO CHONGJI (Brain-Strengthening Infusion) 222

EJIAO ZIBU JING (Tonic Infusion of Donkey-hide Gelatin) 222

健脑冲剂 223

阿胶滋补精 223

SHUGAN CHONGJI (Liver-Soothing Infusion) 224

舒肝冲剂 225

LUOHANGUO ZHIKE CHONGJI (Infusion of Grosvenor Momordica Fruit for Arresting Cough) 226

FUFANG BANLANGEN CHONGJI (Compound Infusion of Isatis Root) 226

罗汉果止咳冲剂 227

复方板蓝根冲剂 227

FUFANG GANYAN CHONGJI (Compound Hepatitis-Treating Infusion) 228

复方肝炎冲剂 229

YIN CHAI CHONGJI (Infusion of Honeysuckle Stem and Chinese Thorowax) 230

银柴冲剂 231

PAISHI CHONGJI (Lithagogue Infusion) 232

YUNZHI GANTAI CHONGJI (Tonic Infusion of Versicolor for Liver) 232

排石冲剂 233

云芝肝泰油剂 233

ZHIKE PIPA CHONGJI (Cough Infusion of Loquat Leaf) 234

止咳批杷冲剂 235

HUPO XIAOSHI CHONGJI (Lithagogue Infusion of Amber) 236

SHEN QI CHONGJI (Infusion of Ginsend and Astragalus) 236

琥珀消石冲剂 237

参芪冲剂 237

JIN JI CHONGJI (Infusion of Cherokee Rose and Spatholobus Stem) 238

金鸡冲剂 239

Section Four Oral Liquids 第四节 口服液 240

SHENGMAI YIN (Pulse-Activating Decoction) 240

RENSHEN FENGHUANGJIANG (Oral Liquid of Ginseng and Royal Jelly) 240

生脉饮 241

人参蜂皇浆 241

HAILONG GEJIE JING (Oral Liquid of Sea Dragon and Gecko) 242

海龙蛤蚧精 243

CHUFENG JING (Oral Liquid of Chicken Fetus) 244

雏凤精 245

KANGBAO KOUFUYE (Oral Liquid for Health) 248

康宝口服液 249

SHEN QI WANGJIANG YANGXUE JING (Blood-Nourishing Oral Liquid of Royal Jelly, Ginseng and Astragalus Root) 250

TAISHANLINGZHI JING (Oral Liquid of Taishan Lucid Ganoderma) 250

参芪王浆养血精 251

泰山灵芝精 251

LIANG SHEN JING (Oral Liquid of Ginseng and Acanthopanax) 252

两参精 253

XIYANGSHEN FENGWANGJIANG (Oral Liquid of American Ginseng and Royal Jelly) 254

SHEN QI JING (Oral Liquid of Ginseng and Astragalus) 254

西洋参蜂王浆 255

参芪精 255

YANGXUE DANGGUI JING (Oral Liquid of Chinese Angelica for Nourishing Blood) 256

养血当归精 257

FUFANG DAQINGYE HEJI (Compound Oral Liquid of Isatis Leaf) 258

QINGCHUNBAO KOUFUYE (Oral Liquid for Youth Recovery) 258

复方大青叶合剂 259

青春宝口服液 259

RENSHEN JING (Oral Liquid of Ginseng Tonic) 260

CHONGCAO BUTIAN JING (Oral Liquid of Cordyceps) 260

虫草补天精 261

人参精 261

YIN HUANG KOUFUYE (Oral Liquid of Honeysuckle Flower and Scutellaria) 262

银黄口服液 263

Section Five Capsules 第五节 胶囊剂 264


WEIKANGLING JIAONANG (Stomach-Recovering Capsule) 264

双宝素胶囊 265

胃康灵胶囊 265

SHENJINDAN JIAONANG (Relaxing Muscles and Tendons Capsule) 266

伸筋丹胶囊 267

YANDEPING JIAONANG (Anti-inflammation Capsule) 268

炎得平胶囊 269

NU BAO (Menstruation-Regulating Capsule) 270

YANLIXIAO JIAONANG (Quick-Acting Anti-inflammation Capsule) 270

女宝 271

炎立消胶囊 271

TIANMA JIAONANG (Gastrodia Capsule) 272

天麻胶囊 273

FENGRU JIAONANG (Royal Jelly Capsule) 274

蜂乳胶囊 275

YUANHU ZHITONG JIAONANG (Analgesic Capsule of Corydalis Tuber) 276

WEINAIAN JIAONANG (Capsule for Relieving Gastric Trouble) 276

元胡止痛胶囊 277

胃乃安胶囊 277

DONGCHONGXIACAO JIAONANG (Capsule of Chinese Caterpillar Fungus) 278

WURENCHUN JIAONANG (Capsule of Schisandra Fruit) 278

冬虫夏草胶囊 279

五仁醇胶囊 279

SHANDONGEJIAO GAO (Seimifluid Extract of Shandong Donkey-hide Gelatin) 282

Section Six Semifluid Extracts 第六节 膏滋剂 282

ER XIAN GAO (Semifluid Extract of Ginseng and Antler Glue) 282

二仙膏 283

山东阿胶膏 283

LUTAI GAO (Semifluid Extract of Deer Foetus) 284

鹿胎膏 285

YIMUCAO GAO (Semifluid Extract of Motherwort) 286

益母草膏 287

SHEN LU BUGAO (Tonic Semifluid Extract of Ginseng and Venison) 288

参鹿补膏 289

ZHISOU DINGCHUAN GAO (Semifluid Extract for Relieving Cough and Asthma) 290

RUNFEI GAO (Lung-Nourishing Semifluid Extract) 290

止嗽定喘膏 291

润肺膏 291

SHI QUAN DABU GAO (Tonic Semifluid Extract of Ten Ingredients) 292

FUFANG DANSHEN GAO (Compound Semifluid Extract of Red Sage Root) 292

十全大补膏 293

复方丹参膏 293

RENSHEN ZIBU GAO (Tonic Semifluid Extract of Ginseng) 294

人参滋补膏 295

Section Seven Powders 第七节 散剂 298

YI NIAN JIN (Children s Indigestion Powder) 298

QILI SAN (Anti-bruise Powder) 298

一捻金 299

七厘散 299

JIUFEN SAN (Nine Fen Powder) 300

九分散 301

GUILING JI (Longevity Powder) 302

龟龄集 303

XIAOER FEIBAO (Lung Powder for Children) 304

小儿肺宝 305

WU LING SAN (Powder of Five Ingredients with Poria) 306

五苓散 307

LINGYANG QINGFEI SAN (Powder of Antelope s Horn for Clearing Lung-heat) 308

羚羊清肺散 309

FEIERLE SANJI (Digestion Powder for Infants) 310

GUZHE CUOSHANG SAN (Powder for Fracture and Trauma 310

肥儿乐散剂 311

骨折挫伤散 311

FUFANG SHEDAN CHUANBEI SAN (Compound Powder of Snake-bile and Fritillary Bulb) 312

复方蛇胆川贝散 313

BEI LING SAN (Powder of Fritillary Bulb and Antelope s Horn) 314

TAOHUA SAN (Pink Powder) 314

贝羚散 315

桃花散 315

ZIXUE DNA (Purple Snowy Powder) 316

紫雪丹(紫雪散) 317

YUNNAN BAIYAO (Yunnan White Drug-Powder) 318

云南白药 319

Section Eight Syrups 第八节 糖浆剂 322

TIANJIN ZHIKE TANGJIANG (Tianjin Cough Syrup) 322

ZHIKE PIPA TANGJIANG (Cough Syrup of Loquat Leaf) 322

天津止咳糖浆 323

止咳枇杷糖浆 323

BANXIA LU (Pinellia Syrup) 324

半夏露 325

NINGSOU LU (Cough Syrup) 326

WUJIASHEN JING (Syrup of Acanthopanax Root) 326

宁嗽露 327

五加参精 327

CHUANBEI QINGFEI TANGJIANG (Lung-heat-Clearing Syrup of Sichuan Fritillary Bulb) 328

YANGYIN QINGFEI TANGJIANG (Syrup for Nourishing rin and Clearing Lung-heat) 328

养阴清肺糖浆 329

川贝清肺糖浆 329

SHAJI LU (Syrup of Seabuckthorn Fruit) 330

沙棘露 331

Section Nine Gelatins 第九节 胶剂 332

FUZI EJIAO (Fuzi Donkey-hide Gelatin) 332

福字阿胶 333

SHEN RONG EJIAO (Donkey-hide Gelatin with Ginseng and Pilose Antler) 334

参茸阿胶 335

LUJAO JIAO (Antler Gelatin) 336

鹿角胶 337

Section Ten Medicated Wines 第十节 酒剂 338

SAN BIAN BUJIU (Tonic Tincture of Three Animal Penes) 338

GUOGONG JIU (Medicated Wine of Guogong) 338

三鞭补酒 339

国公酒 339

SHEN RONG JIU (Medicated Wine of Ginseng and Pilose Antler) 340

参茸酒 341

FENGLIAOXING YAOJIU (Fengliaoxing Medicated Wine) 342

冯了性药酒 343

HUGU YAOJIU (Medicated Wine with Tiger Bone) 344

虎骨药酒 346

BAOGU JIU (Medicated Wine with Leopard Bone) 346

豹骨酒 347

Section Eleven Suppositories 第十一节 栓剂 350

YEJUHUA SHUAN (Suppository of Wild Chrysanthemum Flower) 350

XIAOER JIERE SHUAN (Fever-Reducing Suppository for Children) 350

野菊花栓 351

小儿解热栓 351

XIAOZHI SHUAN (Hemorrhoid-Eliminating Suppository) 352

消痔栓 353

FU YAN SHUAN (Anti-inflammatory Suppository for Gynecopathy) 354

妇炎栓 355

XIAOER XIAOYAN SHUAN (Anti-inflammatory Suppository for Children) 356

FUNING SHUAN (Suppository for Relieving Woman Diseases) 356

小儿消炎栓 357

妇宁栓 357

Section Twelve Injections 第十二节 注射剂 360

FUFANG DANSHEN ZHUSHEYE (Compound Injection of Red Sage Root) 360

YIN ZHI HUANG ZHUSHEYE (Anti-hepatitis-jaundice Injection) 360

复方丹参注射液 361

茵栀黄注射液 361

Section Thirteen Adhesive Plasters 第十三节 橡皮硬膏剂 364

WEIAN GAO (Adhesive Plaster for Treating Gastric Trouble) 364

胃安膏 365

SHANGSHIZHITONG GAO (Adhesive Plaster for Relieving Sprain, Rheumatalgia and Myalgia) 366

伤湿止痛膏 367

SHEXIANG ZHENTONG GAO (Pain-Alleviating Adhesive Plaster of Musk) 368

麝香镇痛膏 369

PIYANLING YINGGAO (Dermatitis Adhesive Plater) 370

皮炎灵硬膏 371

Section Fourteen Platers 第十四节 膏药 372

ZHENJIANG GAOYAO (Zhenjiang Plater) 372

镇江膏药 373

ZHUIFENG GAO (Rheumatalgia-Relieving Plater) 374

追风膏 375

GOUPI GAO (Dog-skin Plaster) 376

狗皮膏 377

TAIYI GAO (Taiyi Plaster) 378

WANYING GAO (Panchrest Plater) 378

太乙膏 379

万应膏 379

Section Fifteen Others 第十五节 其它 382

FUMANLING RUANGAO (Acaricide Unguent) 382

肤螨灵软膏 383

ANMO RU (Massage Lotion) 384

RENSHEN RUBAI YUGANYOU (Milky White Cod-liver Oil of Ginseng) 384

按摩乳 385

人参乳白鱼肝油 385

CHANSU DING (Troche of Toad Venom) 386

蟾酥锭 387

Applied Index 390

应用索引 390

Alphabetical Index 420

字母索引 420

Chinese Stroke Index 444

笔划索引 444