《计算机专业英语 下 第2版》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:9 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:王道生等编
  • 出 版 社:北京:电子工业出版社
  • 出版年份:1998
  • ISBN:750534076X
  • 页数:154 页

Unit One 1

Lesson One 1

Text Introduction to the Computer s Peripherals——Input and Output(Ⅰ) 1

Grammar 句子成份 3

Lesson Two 6

Text Introduction to the Computer s Peripherals——Input and Output(Ⅱ) 6

Grammar 并列句和复合句(Ⅰ) 9

Lesson Three 11

Text Introduction to the Computer s Peripherals——Input and Output (Ⅲ) 11

Grammar 并列句和复合句(Ⅱ) 14

Lesson Four 17

Text Programming Concepts 17

Grammar 句子成份的倒装和强调 20

Lesson Five 22

Text Flowcharts 22

Lesson Six 25

Review(1~5) 25

科技英语翻译方法(Ⅳ) 25

Unit Two 29

Lesson Seven 29

Text What is Meant by High-level Language ? 29

Lesson Eight 32

Text Why Use a High-level Language? 32

Lesson Nine 35

Text Introduction to BASIC 35

Lesson Ten 38


Lesson Eleven 41

Text Pascal 41

Lesson Twelve 44

Text C 44

Lesson Thirteen 48

Review(7~12) 48

科技英语的特点(1),构词法及同义词辨析(V) 48

Unit Three 53

Lesson Fourteen 53

Text Software(Ⅰ) 53

Lesson Fifteen 58

Text Software(Ⅱ) 58

Lesson Sixteen 62

Text The Operating System 62

Lesson Seventeen 68

Text The Disk Operating System 68

Lesson Eighteen 72

Text The Introduction of Microsoft Windows 72

Lesson Nineteen 76

Review(14~18) 76

科技英语的特点(Ⅱ),构词法及同义词辨析(Ⅵ) 76

Unit Four 81

Lesson Twenty 81

Text Computer Networks 81

Lesson Twenty-one 86

Text Internet 86

Lesson Twenty-two 91

Text Computer Virus 91

Lesson Twenty-three 95

Text Multimedia Computers Technology 95

Lesson Tewnty-four 101

Review(20~23) 101

科技英语的特点(Ⅲ),构词法(Ⅶ) 101

Unit Five 105

Lesson Twenty-five 105

Text Guide to Purchasing a Computer System(Ⅰ)——Introduction 105

Lesson Twenty-six 111

Text Guide to Purchasing a Computer System(Ⅱ)——Hardware&Software Checklist 111

Lesson Twenty-seven 117

Text Guide to Purchasing a Computer System(Ⅲ)——Support&General Checklist 117

Lesson Tewenty-eight 121

Review(25~27) 121

科技英语的翻译准则,构词法(Ⅷ) 121

附录一 译文和练习答案 127

附录二 英语科技文献中常用的非英语单词、短语和略语 154

参考文献 154