
  • 购买积分:12 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:(希腊)Homre著;Walter Shewing译
  • 出 版 社:外语教学与研究出版社;牛津大学出版社
  • 出版年份:1995
  • ISBN:7560009816
  • 页数:349 页


Ⅰ Gods in council-Telemachus and Athene 1

Ⅱ Telemachus defies the suitors 12

Ⅲ Telemachus,Athene,Nestor 23

Ⅳ Telemachus,Menelaus,Helen 35

Ⅴ Hermes and Calypso-Odysseus released and wrecked 55

Ⅵ Nausica 67

Ⅶ Odysseus as guest of Alcinous 76

Ⅷ Phaeacian games,dancing,poems 85

Ⅸ Odysseus begins his tale-The Cyclops 99

Ⅹ Circe 113

Ⅺ Odysseus among the ghosts 128

Ⅻ Scylla and Charybdis-The cattle of the sun 143

ⅩⅢ Odysseus returns to Ithaca 154

ⅩⅣ Odysseus with the swineherd 165

ⅩⅤ Telemachus returns to Ithaca 178

ⅩⅥ Odysseus reveals himself to Telemachus 191

ⅩⅦ The king as beggar 202

ⅩⅧ The beggar praised and mocked 217

ⅩⅨ The Queen and the beggar-The nurse knows her master 228

ⅩⅩ Odysseus insulted and protected 243

ⅩⅪ The contest of the how 254

ⅩⅫ Vengeance on the suitors 265

ⅩⅩⅢ Penelope doubts and believes 277

ⅩⅩⅣ The suitors join the ghosts-Odysseus and Laertes-The battle renewed and ended 286

Epilogue on translation 299

Glossary and index of names 331

Maps of real places 347