
  • 购买积分:12 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:李学伟,李培煊编著
  • 出 版 社:北京:中国铁道出版社
  • 出版年份:1998
  • ISBN:7113031587
  • 页数:316 页

目录 1

UNIT ONE Management Science and Engineering 管理科学与工程 1

§1 Professional Words and Phrases(专业词汇与词组) 1

§2 Text Problem-Solving Models in Management Science(管理科学解题模型) 2

5.The Information Society-the EU Framework(信息社会—欧盟体制) 21 4

§4 Reference Answers to Interpretation Exercises(口译练习参考答案) 5

§3 Interpretation Exercises(口译练习) 5

§5 Topics for Writing and Discussions(讨论与写作练习) 6

§6 Supplementary Reading Materials or Cases(补充阅读案例或材料) 7

1.Linear Programming Model(with a Case Incident)(线性规划模型及案例) 7

2.What is Organizational Behavior(with a Case Incident)(什么是组织行为学) 14

3.Open Access to Infrastracture Capacity:the Gateway to Competitive Markets(A Case from Swedish Railway)(开放基础设施通往竞争市场的大门) 20

4.Turning Technical Groups into High—Performance Teams(an Organizational Case)(实现从技术组织向高执行小组的转变) 25

5.Continuous Improvement Planning(a Case Study)(持续改进规划) 29

UNIT TWO Economic Development 经济发展 35

§1 Professional Words and Phrases(专业词汇与词组) 35

§2 Text Joint Ventures and Management(合资企业管理) 36

§3 Interpretation Exercises(口译练习) 38

§4 Reference Answers to Interpretation Exercise(口译练习参考答案) 39

§5 Topics for Writing and Discussions(讨论与写作论题) 41

§6 Supplementary Reading Materials or Cases(补充阅读案例或材料) 42

1.Trade Reform and Uniform Import Tariffs(a Case of the Cilean Experience)(贸易改革和统一进口关税经验案例) 42

2.Systems and Administrative Matters of Joint Ventures(合资企业体制与事物管理) 47

3.The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade(GATT)(关贸总协定) 55

4.National Income(国民收入) 62

5.Macroeconomics:Relations with Microeconomics(宏观经济:与微观经济的关系) 67

UNITTHREE Human Resources and Management 人力资源开发与管理 74

§1 Professional Words and Phrases(专业词汇与词组) 74

§2 Text Rewarding Systems(奖励机制) 75

§3 Interpretation Exercises(口译练习) 78

§4 Referenca Answers to Interpretation Exercises(口译练习参考答案) 79

§5 Topics for Writing and Discussions(讨论与写作论题) 81

1.Leadership Arts(领导艺术) 82

§6 Supplementary Reading Materials or Cases(补充阅读案例或材料) 82

2.How to Motivate People(如何激励人们工作) 87

3.Performance Evaluation(表现评估) 93

4.Determining the Labor Supply(确定劳力供应) 102

5.Manpower Demand Forecasting(人力需求预测) 108

6.Tràining and Development Programs(培训与发展规划) 112

UN IT FOUR Strategic Management of Enterpris 企业战略管理 117

§1 Professional Words and Phrases(专业词汇与词组) 117

§2 Text Strategic Management Styles(战略管理的风格) 118

§3 InterPretation Exercises(口译练习) 120

§4 Reference Answers to Interpretation Exercises(口译练习参考答案) 121

§5 Topics for Writing and Discussions(讨论与写作论题) 123

§6 Supplementary Reading Materials or Cases(补充阅读案例或材料) 123

1.Top Management(高层管理) 123

2.Is the Asian Crisis Over?(亚洲经济危机过去了吗?) 129

3.Mergers and Acquisitions In State Enterprises:Expectancies and Deviations(国有企业的兼并重组:期望与偏差) 133

4.Strategic Management and Strategic Planning(战略管理和战略规划) 138

5.The Big Power of Little Ideas(小主意办大事) 142

UNIT FIVE Introduction to Marketing 市场营销 149

§1 Professional Words and Phrases(专业词汇与词组) 149

§2 Text Basic Concept of Marketing(营销基本概念) 150

§3 InterPretation Exercises(口译练习) 152

§4 Reference Answers to Interpretation Exercises(口译练习参考答案) 153

§5 Topics for Writing and Discussions(讨论与写作论题) 154

§6 Supplementary Reading Materials or Cases(补充阅读案例或材料) 155

1.Buyer Behavior and Market Segmentation(消费者习惯与市场细分) 155

2.Urban Public Transport:from Regulation and Monopoly to Deregulation and Competition(城市公共交通:从管制和垄断走向放松管制与竞争) 164

3.Achieving the Sale and Keeping the Customers(获取销售量与争取顾客) 170

4.Evaluating Markets and Forecasting Sales(市场评估与销售预测) 176

5.Placing(分销) 182

§1 Professional Words and Phrases(专业词汇与词组) 189

UNIT SIX Management Information Systems 管理信息系统 189

§2 Text Basic Concept of MIS(管理信息系统的基本概念) 190

§3 Interpretation Exercises(口译练习) 192

§4 Reference Answers to Interpretation Exercises(口译练习参考答案) 193

§5 Topics for Writing and Discussions(讨论与写作论题) 195

§6 Supplementary Reading Materials or Cases(补充阅读案例或材料) 195

1.DSS,ES and Evaluation(DSS,ES和评价) 195

2.The System Development Process(系统的开发过程) 201

3.Knowledge Requirements for an Intelligent Decision System(IDS)(智能决策系统的知识需求) 204

4.Managing Information Systems:Three key Principles for General Managers(管理信息系统:总经理的三项关键原则) 207

UNIT SEVEN Introduction to Financial Concept 金融概念 219

§1 Professional Words and Phrases(专业词汇与词组) 219

§2 Text Collecting Cash(现金收集) 220

§3 Interpretation Exercises(口译练习) 222

§4 Reference Answers to Interpretation Exercises(口译练习参考答案) 223

§5 Topics for Writing and Discussions(讨论与写作论题) 224

§6 Supplementary Reading Materials or Cases(补充阅读案例或材料) 224

1.Fast—Rising Stockmarkets(快速增长的股市) 224

2.Money Market(货币市场) 227

3.Capital Market(资本市场) 230

4.Foreign Exchange Risk(外汇风险) 233

5.Leasing(租赁) 237

UNIT EIGHT International Trade and Strategies 国际贸易与战略 243

§1 Professional Words and Phrases(专业词汇与词组) 243

§2 Text Trade Barriers(贸易障碍) 244

§3 Interpretation Exercises(口译练习) 246

§4 Reference Answers to Interpretation Exercises(口译练习参考答案) 246

§5 Topics for Writing and Discussions(讨论与写作论题) 247

1.Basic Trade Terms(基本贸易术语) 248

§6 Supplementary Reading Materials or Cases(补充阅读案例或材料) 248

2.The Finance of International Trade(国际贸易金融) 251

3.Improving Trading Process with EDI(用EDI改进交易过程) 255

4.How US Businessmen Make Foreign Investment Decisions(美国商人是如何进行国外投资决策的) 257

5.Setting of Trade Disputes(解决贸易争端) 260

UNIT NI NE Basic Concept of Accounting 会计基本概念 264

§1 Professional Words and Phrases(专业词汇与词组) 264

§2 Text Contents of Balance Sheet(资产负债表) 265

§3 Interpretation Exercises(口译练习) 267

§4 Reference Answers to Interpretation Exercises(口译练习参考答案) 268

§5 Topics for Writing and Discussions(讨论与写作论题) 269

§6 Supplementary Reading Materials or Cases(补充阅读案例或材料) 270

1.Accounting and Changing Prices(会计与价格变化) 270

2.The Conventions of Contemporary Accounting(现代会计惯例) 274

3.Intangible Assets(无形资产) 278

4.Cost Accounting(成本会计) 281

5.Liabilities(负债) 283

UNIT TEN Systems and System Engineering 系统与系统工程 286

§1 Professional Words and Phrases(专业词汇与词组) 286

§2 Text Intelligent Transportation Systems(智能交通系统简介) 287

§3 Interpretation Exercises(口译练习) 290

§4 Reference Answers to Interpretation Exercises(口译练习参考答案) 290

§5 Topics for Writing and Discussions(讨论与写作论题) 292

§6 Supplementary Reading Materials or Cases(补充阅读案例或材料) 293

1.Systems Engineering Methodology(系统工程方法论) 293

2.Successful Business Systems Engineering(成功的商业系统工程) 297

3.Sustainable Transport and Economic Development(可持续交通与经济发展) 302

4.The Development of Transportation Systems(交通系统的发展) 306

5.Learning Engineering Economy(工程经济学习) 311

参考文献 316