《主导英语 2》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:8 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:L.G.亚历山大
  • 出 版 社:上海:复旦大学出版社
  • 出版年份:1983
  • ISBN:9253·004
  • 页数:141 页

ContentsPart 1:Understanding and Speaking SectionUnit 1 About you 1

The identification of self personal history 1

educational history 2

interests 3

work   4

health 5

intelligence 5

beliefs 6

attitudes to current and past events 6

experiences 7

Unit 2 Yourself and others 8

The identification of other people reported facts 8

reported information(uncertain) 10

speculative information:external appearance:the present 12

speculative information:external appearance:the past 14

speculative information:general:past and present 15

opinion,agreement,disagreement 16

Unit 3 Please... 17

Requests,Offers,Intentions,Suggestions,Plans to do things requests,offers and intentions 17

suggestions 19

making plans:sequences 20

Unit 4 Getting about 21

Directions and modes of transport modes oftransport 1:on foot 21

modes of transport 2:by train 21

modes of transport 3:by bus 22

modes of transport 4:by air 23

modes of transport 5:by sea/across water 25

modes of transport 6:by car 26

general travel 27

advice 29

Unit 5 Yon should... 29

Warninwg,Advice,Instructions,Invitations to do things warning 29

instructions 31

invitations 32

Unit 6 Where...? 33

Location general information about places:at-locations 33

general information about places(precise needs):at-locations 34

specific information about places:at-locations+suggestions/recommendations 34

reporting and interpreting requests for information 37

specific information about places:in-locations 38

specific information about places:precise locations 39

specific information about places:various locations 39

Unit 7 When? 4lTimetime references in itineraries,diaries of events,etc. 41

time references in biography,history,etc. 42

periods of time 45

when=during the time when/that  46

when=on the occasion when/that  48

when=at the time when/that 49

Unit 8 Describe it! 50

Information about things,substances and conditionsspecific objects:appearance and reality:comparisons 50

specific aspects of life 51

specific places 54

specific events 55

general aspects of life 56

Unit 9 I like... 58

Likes,Dislikes and Preferences people and their qualities 58

things and their qualities 60

specific experiences in the past(people) 63

specific experiences in the past(events,etc.) 64

Unit 10 I want... 66

Wants and Needs:People,Things and Substances fulfillingneeds:people and things 66

wants and needs:people and things:general specifications 67

wants and needs:things:detailed specifications 69

detailed specifications:hotel and private accommodation 70

detailed specifications:clothing 71

detailed specifications:miscellaneous itemns 73

Unit 11 Doing things 75

Actionsdescribing what was going on in the past 75

narrating past(completed)actions:sequences 76

reporting what was happening 79

reporting what happened/had happened 80

prediction and intention:future actions:sequences 81

reporting what will/can/may/must happen 82

predictions and intentions based on conditions 82

Unit 12 Getting things done 83

Requesting/persuading others to act circumstances requiring immediate attention 83

emergencies 84

the causative:present,past and future 85

Part 2:Grammar and Writing Section 86

Part 3:Reader:Help!(A Farce) 118

Active appendix 134

Peference appendix 138

Song appendix 139

Reference appendix on intonation 141