《实用英语句型500例 语法、惯用法》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:15 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:马秉义,张鸿鸣编著
  • 出 版 社:北京:电子工业出版社
  • 出版年份:1987
  • ISBN:9290·442
  • 页数:463 页

第一篇 动词句型 1

第一章 SVP 1

1.He was angry.(连系动词总论) 1

2.He became angry. 1

3.He remained angry. 1

4.Your father looks angry.(类似句辨异) 2

5.He is looking at you angrily. 2

6.It is convenient to you.(主语和表语的塔配) 3

7.He is alive.(形容词作表语) 4

8.He is asleep.(类似句辩异) 5

9.He is sleeping. 5

10.The story is very moving.(现在分词表性质) 6

11.He was deeply moved.(过去分词表状态) 6

12.The cup is broken.(类似句辨异) 7

13.The cup was broken by Tom. 7

14.He is come.(类似句辨异) 9

15.He has come. 9

16.I am all ears.(成语all ears等) 10

17.It's I.(类似句辨异) 11

18.It's me. 11

19.This is mine.(物主代词作表语) 12

20.Mr.Liu is something of a professor.(不定代词作表语) 13

21.Six plus seven is thirteen.(加法表示法) 14

22.Ten minus four is six.(减法表示法) 15

23.Three times four is twelve(乘法表示法) 16

24.Six divided by three is two.(除法表示法) 16

25.He is sixty.(年龄表示法) 17

26.Our aim is to realize Communism.(不定式作表语) 18

27.I am to blame.(不定式含被动意义) 19

28.We are to meet at the station.(be to的用法) 19

29.Seeing is believing.(动名词作表语) 21

30.The meeting is today.(副词作表词) 22

31.The matter is of importance.(of表示“具有”) 23

32.The road is under repa ir.(介词短语含进行意义) 24

33.He is at home.(be的用法小结) 25

第二章 SV 27

34.They havecome,(不及物动词总论) 27

35.It lasted three hours.(度量状语) 28

36.He went a small boy.(类似句辨异) 29

37.He went white. 29

38.Shall we sit down here for a moment?(类似句辨异) 31

39.Shall we sit here for a moment? 31

第三章 SVO 32

40.She smiled a smile.(同源宾语) 32

41.History never repeats itself.(反身宾语) 33

42.We'll battle it together.(it作宾语) 34

43.They had a rest.(动作名词作宾语) 35

44.I have some difficulty in doing it.(动词搭配) 36

45.He invited John and myself to visit him.(and myself的用法) 37

46.They want to watch TV.(不定式作宾语) 37

47.She enjoys playing tennis.(动名词作宾语) 39

48.He'll never forget telling her about it.(类似句辨异) 40

49.He forgot to tell her about it. 40

50.I like playing badminton.(类似句辨异) 41

51.I like to play badminton. 41

52.It began raining.(类似句辨异) 42

53.It began to rain. 42

54.He stopped reading.(类似句辨异) 43

55.He stopped to read. 43

56.My shoes want mending.(动名词含被动意义) 44

57.He would not listen to reason.(V+prep短语动词) 45

58.Turn on the light,please?(V+adv短语动词) 46

59.We must do away with prejudices.(V+adv.+prep.短语动词) 47

60.We must put an end to these abuses.(V+n.+prep短语动词) 48

61.He asked the way to station.(类似句辨异) 49

62.He asked about her health. 49

63.The atmosphere comprises a number of gases(双面动词) 53

64.A number of gases comprise the atmosphere 53

65.They acc used him of taking bribes.(动词的搭配) 54

66.The bullet wounded him in the leg.(动词的搭配) 55

第四章 SVOO 56

67.He gave me a book.(双宾语总论) 56

68.He wrote(to)me a letter,(间接宾语的特点) 58

69.We asked him a question.(两个直接宾语) 59

70.I asked him to answer.(不定式作直接宾语) 59

71.He left her a watch.(歧义句) 61

72.I'd never give the mule you.(宾语倒装) 61

73.It will do you a lot of good(It指活动) 63

第五章 SVOC 36

74 He likes the children to be quiet.(不定式作宾补) 36

75.Will you help me get these letters addressed?(类似句辨异) 65

76.Will you help me to get these letters addressed 65

77.We saw him playing basket-ball.(现在分词作宾补) 66

78.He wants some letters to be posted(过去分词作宾补) 67

79.He wants some letters posted. 67

80.John had a book stolen from the library.(have作复合及物动词) 69

81.I don t like him stealing money.(动名词作宾补) 71

82.I don t like his stealing money. 71

83.We elected him chairman.(名词作宾补) 72

84.Machines make work easier.(形容词作宾补) 74

85.We consider air as an insulator.(介词短语作宾语) 76

86.Let me in.(副词作宾补) 77

87.Don't speak with your month full.(介词后的复合宾语) 78

88.I think it wrong to waste time.(形式宾语+宾补) 79

第六章 从句做句子成分 80

89、Which plan is better is not clear now.(主语从句) 80

90.It is clear that light travels in straight lines(五种后置主语从句) 82

91.We know that he is a good comrade.(宾语从句) 83

92.I don't know what he wants.(类似句辨异) 85

93.I can't get what he wants. 85

94.I walked to where she sat.(介词的宾语从句) 88

95.Lao Yang said,"I'm not free now."(直接引语变间接引语) 91

96.Lao Yang said he wa sn't free then. 91

97.Your parents have made you what you are.(宾补从句) 93

98.He is not what he was before.(表语从句) 93

第七章 主谓一致性 95

99.He studies English.(语法一致) 95

100.The writer and the teacher are coming.(主语含and) 96

101.The writer and teacher is coming. 96

102.Either your brakes or your eyesight is at fault.(贴近一致) 97

103.Either your eyesight or your brakes are at fault. 97

104.You as well as she are a progressive(主语含as well as) 99

105.A teacher with three students is in the classroom.(主语含with) 100

106.Everybody is here.(主语是everybody) 101

107.None know s him.(主语是none) 101

108.The commit tee was made up of ten members(观念一致) 102

109.The committee were unanimous in their opinions 102

110.Three weeks have passed now.(主语是时间词等) 103

111.Three weeks is a short time. 103

112.This is one of the rooms that were dama-ged in the fire.(one of+名词复数+从句) 103

第八章 常用时态 104

113.We get up at six every day.(现在一般时) 104

114.I'll be glad if it rains. 104

115.He is reading an English book.(现在进行时) 106

116.The sun is rising in the east. 106

117.We have seen the film.(现在完成时) 110

118.He has been a worker for 10 years. 110

119.He has been working hard recently.(现在完成进行时) 112

120.My brother went to Beijing yesterday.(过去一般时) 114

121.I said you looked well. 114

122.I was preparing my lessons at nine last night.(过去进行时) 115

123.By six o'clock they had worked for 12 hours.(过去完成时) 117

124.I didn't know you had been working so hard.(过去完成进行时) 119

125.We shall be back before dark.(将来一般时) 120

126.You shall be punished for this. 120

127.I will be writing a letter at eight this evening.(将来进行时) 122

128.By this time tomorrow I will have left for Beijing.(将来完成时) 124

129.He said he would be there tomorrow.(过去将来时) 125

130.We are glad to be working with you.(不定式的时态) 126

131.Having finished the work,he went to help others.(分词的时态) 127

第九章 被动语态 129

132.Machines are made by workers.(被动语态总论) 129

133.We were caught in the rain yesterday.(by以外的介词) 131

134.He got killed in the war.(get被动句) 133

135.The machine is contactor controlled by operating a rod.(合成动词被动句) 134

136 In each phenominon there is involved some change in energy.(There be被动句) 134

137.It was considered a shame to cheat in exam.(虚主句被动句) 135

138.The date is expected to be announced soon(双重被动句) 136

139.I have a book.(无被动式的句子) 137

140.When heated,water changes into va pour.(类似句辨异) 138

141.When heated,water can be changed into vapour. 138

142.He wasunlucky to be hurt.(不定式的被动式) 140

第十章 虚拟语气 140

143.If there wereno car on the earth,we could not live.(if非真实条件句) 140

144.If it had not rai ned yesterday,I should have gone to see you. 140

145.If I should fail,I would not try again. 140

146.Were there no air on the earth,we could not live.(if以外的非真实条件) 143

147.Without air on the earth,we could not live. 143

148.If only I had taken mother's advice.(if only表愿望) 145

149.It is important that he(should)finish the work soon.(表语从句中的虚拟语气) 146

150.Our demand is that another experiment should be made.(表语从句中的虚拟语气) 146

151.I suggest that you should not smoke.(宾语从句中的虚拟语气) 147

152.I wish that he were here.(wish的用法) 147

153.That I coulb go with him to Beijing.(That引导的虚拟句) 148

154.I'd rather you did it now.(I'd rather的用法) 149

155.It is(high)time we went to bed.(lt's time的用法) 149

156.A happy newyear to you.(祝愿表示法) 151

157.May you return soon. 151

158.Long live the Communist Party of China. 151

第十一章 情态动词 152

159.He may come in.(may的用法) 152

160.You may well say so.(may well的用法) 155

161.You may as well call a cat a little tiger as call a tiger a big cat.(may as well的用法) 155

162.He can lift the desk.(can的用法) 157

163.We had a holiday yesterday and could visit the exhibition.(类似句辨异) 158

164.We had a holiday yester day and were able to visit the exhibition. 158

165.We cannot praise him too much.(cannot…too的用法) 159

166.I cannot help thinking so.(cannot help doing和cannot help but) 160

167.I cannot help but think so. 160

168.Soldiers must obey orders.(must的用法) 162

169.We must work hard.(类似句辨异) 163

170.We have to work hard. 163

171.They can't have finished their work.(情态动词表推测) 163

172.You should have kept these cells in some dry place.(should的用法) 165

173.Water will boil at 100 degrees Centigrade(will的用法) 166

174.You had better do it now.(had better的用法) 167

175.You didn'tneed to hurry(need的用法) 168

176.You needn't have hurried. 168

177.He dare not challenge us.(dare的用法) 169

178.He does not dare to challenge us. 169

第二篇 名词句型 170

第一章 名词的基本性质 170

179.We are workers.(规则名词的数) 170

180.They arewomen and children.(不规则名词的数) 172

181.This is a good tea.(物质名词变可数名词) 173

182.Work is a pleasure to him.(抽象名词变可数名词) 175

183.It is proof against fire,(自然现象名词的数) 177

184.The pan is over a fire. 177

185.They are heroes.(名词的性) 178

186.They are heroines. 178

187.It's Mr.Smith's picture.(名词的格) 180

188.His arrival was a sur prise.(动作名词和性质名词) 181

189.We can count on her helping.(动名词的复合结构) 182

190.Everything is ready for the recording.(动名词的名词化) 183

191.England is proud of her poets.(国家的代词) 184

192.I and he made the mistake,(代词的排列顺序) 185

193.Everybody did his best.(everybody的代词) 185

194.He gave it to John and me.(代词的格) 186

195.He was fool enough to marry her(名词的形容词用法) 188

第二章 名词的前置定语 189

196.He is a worker,(冠词总论) 189

197.He has a sister. 189

198.I am a Chinese.(不定冠词的有无意义不同) 192

199.I am Chinese 192

200.He is professor at Oxford University.(不用冠词的场合) 193

201 He is in hospital.(定冠词的有无意义不同) 194

202.He is in the hospital. 194

203.He is the worker from Shanghai.(类似句辨异) 196

204 He is a worker from Shanghai 196

205.I've read all the four books.(限定词的排列顺序) 197

206.It's a steam heater.(名词作定语) 198

207.He is a physics teacher.(类似句辨异) 199

208.It is a physical change. 199

209.It s a sleeping car. (类似句辨异) 201

210.It's a sleeping child. 201

第三章 名词的后置定语 202

211.Anyone intelligent can do it.(名词后置定语总论) 202

212.That task required increased work.(过去分词作定语有歧义) 204

213.He takes delight in playing chess.(名词和介词的搭配) 205

214.He is a person with no sense of humour.(类似句辨异) 207

215.He is a person without a sense of humour. 207

216.Beijing is the capital of China.(of用法总论) 207

217.He is a friend of my father's(双重所有格) 210

218.He is a hero of the heroes.(of表部分与整体的关系) 211

219.He is the murderer of Caesars.(of表动宾关系) 211

220.She is an angel of a woman.(of表同位关的引申用法) 212

221.He is not a man to trifle with.(不定式作定语) 213

222.I have a long way to walk.(类似句辨异) 215

223.I have something to do 215

第四章 名词+从句 216

224.We need a comrade who knows English.(定语从句总论) 216

225.A teacher is a person whose duty is to teach. 216

226.This is the room where we study. 216

227.He has a sister who is an artist.(限定性定语从句和非限性从句) 217

228.He has a sister,who is an artist. 217

229.A man is nothing who yields tohis purpose.(定语从句不含定语意义) 219

230.He laughs best who laughslast.(定语从句脱离先行词) 221

231.A teacher is a person whose duty it is to teach.(定语从句的强调式) 223

232.He can openate the machine,which I cannot.(特殊定语从句) 224

233.He is ahard-working student,which indeed he is. 224

234.We want such tools as they are using.(such…as的用法) 225

235.This is the same tool as I used yester-day.(same…as/that的用法) 226

236.This is the same tool that I used yesterdey. 226

237.There are as many books as are needed.(as…as的用法) 228

238 As everyone knows,all that glitters is not gold.(定语从句表状语意义) 229

239.Copper as it comes from ordinary works contains many impurities.(状语从句表定语意义) 230

240.I am looking forward to the day when I retire.(类似句辨异) 230

241.On the day that I retire I shall rece-ive a cheque for a thousand pound. 230

242.I have an idea that he will be late.(同位语从句) 232

第五章 并列句 234

243.You sweep the floor and I clean the window.(and用法总论) 234

244.He is a child,and must be treated as one.(and…as one的用法) 236

245.He speaks English,and that very well.(and that的用法) 237

246.They went away in des pair,and(it was)no wonder.(and后表评论) 237

247.Ask him again,and he'll tell you.(前句表假设) 238

248.Theory is something but practice is everything.(but等表转折关系) 239

249.We worked hard,so we overfulfilled our task.(so等表因果关系) 240

250.The fuel must be finished,for the en-gine stopped.(for表推断关系) 242

251.Wise men love truth,whereas fools shun it.(whereas表对比关系) 243

252.I must be going or I'll be late.(or等表选择) 244

253.I not noly heard it,but also I saw it.(not only…but also表层进) 246

254.Heat is energy,so is electricity.(so,nor表替代) 248

255.I don't speak French,nor does my brother. 248

256.First think,then speak.(先后顺序表达法) 250

257.I have two brothers,one is a worker,the other is a peasant.(列举事物表达法) 251

第三篇 形容词句型 253

第一章 形容词的基本性质 253

258.He is still alive.(形容词分类) 253

259.It is a live tiger. 253

260.He is a hard worker.(形容词作定语) 255

261.He is an ancient Chinese writer(形容词作定语的排列顺序) 256

262.He is the last man to accept a bribe.(last的用法) 256

263.Ripe,these apples are sweet.(形容词作状语) 257

264.Good,better,best(形容词级的变化) 258

265.I like him(all)the better for his faults.(the+比较级+原因状语) 260

266.These roses smell sweetest of all(形容词最高级作表语不用定冠词) 261

267.You are a silly.(形容词的名词化) 262

第二章 形容词前的状语 263

268.That is very good(very和much辨异) 263

269.I am feeling much better. 263

270.Iron is most useful.(most=very) 264

271.This cloth is nice and soft(nice and=very) 265

272.You are more than generous.(more than=very) 266

第三章 形容词后的补足语 269

273.He is like his brother(形容词+名词) 269

274.The place is worth a visit.(worth的用法) 270

275.He is sure of it.(形容词和介词的搭配) 271

276.He is absent from Beijing.(类似句辨异) 272

277.He is absent in Beijing. 272

278.China is rich in oil.(双面形容词) 273

279.Oil is rich in China. 273

280.He is anxious to see her.(形容词+不定式) 273

281.He is happy to see her. 274

282.He is hesitant to agree with her 274

283.He is foolish to see her again. 274

284.He is quick to react. 274

285.He is easy to teach. 274

286.She is old enough to get married.(enough to的用法) 277

287.Will you be so kind as to lend me your pen?(so…as to的用法) 277

288.He was too excited to saya word.(too…to的用法) 278

289.He was too eager to see her. 278

290.He is busy preparing his lessons.(介词的省略) 281

291.He is interested in studying American English.(类似句辨异) 281

292.He is interested to study American English. 281

第四章 形容词后的从句 282

293.He is sure that he can do it.(宾语从句) 282

294.I am glad that you have come.(原因从句) 283

295.The fact is quite other than what you think.(other than等) 283

第四篇 状语句型 285

第一章 简单句的状语 285

296.He works very hard.(状语分类) 285

297.He went toBeijingthreetimes this year.(状语的位置) 287

298.He lives here.(副词的种类) 289

299.Work comes first.(first的用法) 290

300.I sometimes write to him.(类似句辨别) 291

301.I'll write tohim sometime this evening 291

302.It'll takeme some time to finish the letter. 291

303.I have lived here for a long time.(类似句辨异) 292

304.I haven t lived here for long. 292

305.They worked long hours.(类似句辨异) 294

306.They worked for two hours. 294

307.The meeting began at four.(at与from的用法) 294

308.He worked from morning till night. 294

309.He left for good.(介词短语的种类) 295

310.I traveled from London to Paris via Dover last year.(起止表示法) 296

311.Korea lies on the east of China.(on,to,in辨异) 296

312.He studies at a middle school.(at,in辨异) 297

313.He studies in a middle school. 297

314.He will come in two hours.(in,after的用法) 299

315.He will come after two hours. 299

316.He hesitated to tell anyone.(不定式作状语) 300

317.We stopped to have a rest. 300

318.He lived to be ninety. 300

319.Go to get it.(类似句辨异) 302

320.Go and get it. 302

321.Go get it. 302

322.We started early so as to get there before noon.(so as to的用法) 302

323.The rocket rose hissing over the launching site.(分词作状语) 302

324.He rushed into the room,his face covered with sweat.(分词独立结构) 305

325.What with politics in command,what with their(what with…what)selfless labor,they have become outstanding workers.with的用法) 307

第二章 时间状语从句 308

326.When we arrived,the show was half through.(when的用法) 308

327.The resistance increasesas the wire gets larger.(类似句辨异) 310

328.While the teacher was s peaking,he came in. 310

329.When he came in,the teacher was speaking. 310

330.Look before you leap.(before的用法) 312

331.After I had my dinner,I went out for a walk.(after的用法) 314

332.I lived in Beijing till I was 15.(till的用法) 315

333.Every time he cones to see us,he brings us some good news.(every time等的用法) 216

334.I'll tell him the news as soon as I see him.(as soon as的用法) 317

335.No sooner had we reached this conclu-sion than they agreed to it.(no sooner than的用法) 318

336.You may stay here as long as you likc.(as long as的用法) 320

337.They have seen each other often since they met.(since的用法) 320

第三章 地点状语从句 322

338.I found my books where I left them.(where的用法) 322

339.Where there is matter,there is motion.(where…there的用法) 323

第四章 原因状语从句 324

340.He didn't come yesterday because he was ill.(because的用法) 324

341.Since you didn't come yesterday,we had to make the decisi on among ourselves.(since的用法) 325

342.As heat makes things move,itis a form of energy.(as的用法) 326

343.I am ready to accept your proposal,inasmuch as it is practical.(inasmuchas的用法) 327

334.Now that I am well again,I can go on with my work.(now that等的用法) 328

345.In that he is ill,he feels unable to do it. 328

346.Not that I don't want to go to the film,but that I have no time.(not that…but that等的用法) 329

347.Not because I was unwilling,but because I was unable to do it. 329

第五章 条件状语从句 330

348.If you ask him,he will help you.(if的用法) 330

349.I'll come if it will help. 330

350.If you will excuse me,I really must go to bed. 330

351.And now,if you please,I am to get nothing for all my work.(if you please的用法) 332

352.Suppose it rains,what shall we do?(suppose的用法) 332

353.I will come,provided I am well enough.(provided的用法) 334

354.We'll do it on c ondition that the leadership will back us up.(on condi-tion that的用法) 335

355.In case I forget,please remind me about it.(in case的用法) 335

356.I shan't go unless he asks me.(unless的用法) 336

357.All living things respire as long as they live.(as long as的用法) 337

358.Once you begin,you must continue.(once的用法) 338

359.So that it is done,I don't care who does it.(so that的用法) 338

第六章 目的状语从句 339

360.I stepped aside so that she could go in.(so that的用法) 339

361.He raised his handin order that the bus might stop.(in order that等) 339

362.Take an umb rella with you for fear that it may rain.(for fear that等) 340

363.Take care lest you should fall.(lest等) 341

第七章(结果状语从句 342

364.We went early,so that we fulfilled our task.(so that的用法) 342

365.He was so weak that he couldn't stand up.(so…th at的用法) 343

366.He wa s such a selfi sh man that nobody would help him.(such…that的用法) 344

367.They discussed the matter in detail,with the result that they came to an understanding.(with the result that的用法) 344

第八章 方式状语从句 345

368.We must do as the Party tells us.(as的用法) 345

369.The painter does not copy nature as it is.(as it is和as it were) 346

370.He is,as it were,a walking diction-ary. 346

371.Air is to man as water is to fish.(as=what) 347

372.Air is to man what water is to fish. 347

373.As water is to fish,so air is to man.(as…so和what…that) 347

374.What water is to fish,that air is to man. 348

375.He look s as if he is ill.(as if的用法) 349

376.He looks as if he were ill. 349

第九章 比较状语从句 350

377.She is as tall as he.(原级比较总论) 350

378.A is as much again as B.(as much again等) 351

379.A is three times larger than B.(倍数表示法) 352

380.He speak s Engli sh aswella s French.(as well as两解) 353

381.He works as hard as anybody.(as…as anybody表最高级) 353

382.He will work as hard as he can.(as…as one can表最高级) 354

383.She is as happy as ha ppy can be.(as+adj+as+adj.can be表最高级) 354

384.He reads as much as(what)is required.(what被省去) 355

385.He is taller than she(is).(比较级比较总论) 355

386.This table is more nearly round than that one.(无比较级的形容词) 356

387.He earns more money than he can spend.more than…can的用法) 357

388.The harder you work,the greater progress you will make.(the…the…的用法) 357

第十章 让步状语从句 358

389.Though it was late,she went on working.(though的用法) 358

390.Even if we fail,we will not stop trying.(even if的用法) 360

391.There is few,if any,mistakes.(if any的用法) 361

392.Whether you belicve it or not,it is truth.(whether的用法) 361

393.While I admit his good points,I can see his shortcomings.(while的用法) 362

394.Young as he is,he knows a lot of things.(as的用法) 363

395.Be the rain ever so heavy,I must come to see you.(be…ever so的用法) 365

396.Say what you will,I won't change my mind.(V+疑问词的用法) 365

397.Whatever you do,do it well.(疑问词的用法) 366

398.No matter what you may say,I'll do it.(no matter+疑问词的用法) 367

399.She was strong,for all that she was small.(for all that等) 368

第五篇 句子分类句型 369

第一章 否定句 369

400.We are not students.(一般否定) 369

401.We do not study English. 369

402.We told him not to go.(特指否定) 371

403.All books are not useful.(部分否定) 373

404.None of the books are useful.(全部否定) 374

405.He did not say anything. 374

406.All the students failed. 374

407.He is no teacher.(绝对否定) 276

408.He doesn't know it,let alone me.(进层否定) 377

409.I have told everybody but you.(排除否定) 378

410.His theory was not unobjectionable.(双重否定) 379

411.Little remains to be said.(半否定) 380

412.I am not in the least tired.(加强否定的词语) 382

413.God knows.(肯定句表否定) 384

414.They don't begin to compare.(don't begin to) 384

415.The machine is none the worse for its long service.(none the worse for) 385

416.The book is neither useful nor interesting.(neitler…nor) 386

417.He does not go to office on Saturdays or Sundays.(or,nor,and辨异) 388

418.He does not go to office on Saturdays,nor sundays 388

419.He does not go to office on Saturdays and Sundays. 388

第二章 疑问句 390

420.Is he a worker?(一般问句) 390

421.Does he smoke? 390

422.Have you seen the film yet?(yet,already辨异) 391

423.Have you seen the film alrea dy? 391

424.Can't you drive a car?(否定问句) 392

425.Won t you have a cup of tea?(否定问句使用场合) 394

426.Will you come in,please?(类似句辨异) 395

427.Won't you come in,please? 395

428.Would you like to watch the news today?(类似句辨异) 396

429.Do you like to watch the newsevery day? 396

430.May I see you home?(类似句辨异) 397

431.Can I see you home? 397

432.You'vegot the book?(陈述句问句) 397

433.Shall we go by bus or on train?(选择问句) 399

434.You are a worker,aren't you?(反意问句) 400

435.Who will our teacher be?(特指问句) 402

436.Which fruit do you like,oranges or apples?(which和what辨异) 403

437.What will you have,tea or coffee? 403

438.Who are you?(类似句辨异) 405

439.Whatare you? 405

440.What are cabbages today?(what的含义) 407

441.Who but he can repair the machine?(修辞问句) 409

442.What about you?(类似句辨异) 410

443.How about you? 410

444.How do you do?(类似句辨异) 410

445.How are you? 410

446.What if World War Ⅲ should happen?(what if的用法) 411

447.How come they left you alone here?(how come的用法) 412

448.When was it that the Long March started?(强调问句) 412

449.Can you tell me where he has gone?(双重问句) 413

450.What do you think I ought to see first? 413

451.What's Mr.Nixon's presidential number(英语缺少的问句) 414

第三章 祈使句 415

452.Come in,please!(一般祈使句) 415

453.Excuse me.(使用场合) 416

454.Everybody shut their eyes.(陈述句祈使句) 417

455.Let me do it!(Let祈使句) 418

456.Suppose we try another.(Suppose祈使句) 419

457.No Smoking!(招牌用语) 420

458.Down with the king副词祈使句 421

第四章 感叹句 422

459.How interesting this book is!(How感叹句) 422

460.What a nice voice you have!(What感叹句) 423

461.To think that you should fail!(不定式感叹句) 424

462.Fancy meeting so many old friends here!(Fancy感叹句) 424

第五章 省略句 425

463.Glad to see you.(简单句中的省略) 425

464.Thank you.(使用场合) 426

465.The film will begin about eight.(介词的省略) 428

466.We are brother and sister.(冠词的省略) 429

467.He came at four o'clock or half past.(数词的省略) 431

468.Light is a radiant energy,but sound is not.(并列句中的省略) 431

469.The truth is,I don't really know myself.(连词that的省略) 432

470.He works harder than she.(状语从句 中的省略) 433

471.There is a table stands inthe corner.(定语从句中的省略) 435

第六章 倒装句 435

472.Here comes the bus!(感叹副词开头) 435

473.Out rushed the man and his wife!(方向副词开头) 436

474.Never had he ha d any ex perience like that.(否定副词开头) 437

475.Often did we go for a walk.(频率副词开头) 438

476.Gone forever are the days of the old society.(过去分词开头) 438

477.Bright eyes they are!(SVP结构的倒装) 439

478.This I know.(SVO结构的倒装) 440

479.They cut short hi s remarks.(SVOC结构的倒装) 441

480.He would not let drop a word. 441

481.Mary was neither happy,nor was she sad.(并列句中的倒装) 442

482.Should the weather be wet,the meet- 443

ing will not be held.(主从句中的倒装) 443

第七章 强调句 444

483.It is I who bought a book yesterday.(It is…that详解) 444

484.It is an ill wind that blows nobody good.(谚语详解) 446

485.It is a wise father that knows his own child.(典故详解) 447

486.He is the very person I want to see.(用词汇强调) 449

487.I do think that you went too far.(改变句子结构强调) 451

第八章 虚主句 452

488.It i s nece ssary for you to do so.(类似句辨异) 452

489.It is kind of you to do so 452

490.It takes me an hour to do these exercises.(习惯用法) 453

491.It s no use crying ove r spilt milk.(It代动名词短语) 454

492.It is strange thi s Nor se View of Nature.(It 代名词) 456

493.It seems that the new method is succ-essful.(It代从句) 456

494.It is clear that lighttravels in strai-ght lines.(见第一篇第六章) 457

495.It is not that I dislike the work,but that I have no time.(惯用句型) 457

496.It is in life as in a journey.(It is in…in) 458

第九章 存在句 458

497.There is a book on the desk.(there be句型总论) 458

498.There are seven days in a week.(类似句辨异) 460

499.A week have seven days. 460

500.There must be oxygen for there to be burning.(there be的非谓语形式) 462

本书主要参考书目 462