UNIT 1 Agreeing 表示赞成的切入句 2
That's the way I look at it,too 我也是这么想 4
That's just what I was thinking 我就是这么想 8
That's a good idea/好主意 12
I know what you mean 我了解你的意思 16
Review 19
UNIT 2 Disagreeing 表达反对看法的切入句 20
All the same/都一样嘛 22
That may be true,but 或许是吧,不过 26
I understand what you're saying,but/我知道你的意思,但是 30
The problem with that is/问题是 34
Review 37
UNIT 3 Responding neutrally 稍带评论性质的切入句 38
That's a thought/那也是个主意 40
Interesting/很有趣 44
I guess you could put it that way/说得蛮有道理的 48
Review 51
UNIT 4 Guessing 表推测的切入句 52
My guess is/我想 54
I'm not sure,but/我不确定,但是 58
Perhaps/或许 62
Review 65
UNIT 5 Conceding 表让步的切入句 66
Come to think of it 想想看 68
Now that you mention it 既然你提到了 72
On second thought 仔细想想 76
Review 79
UNIT 6 Making a suggestion 表提议的切入句 80
I have an idea/我有个好主意 82
Let's do this/这样吧 86
Maybe we should/也许我们该 90
I know what/我了解 94
Review 97
UNIT 7 Moving off the topic 表暂离话题的切入句 98
Before I forget/幸好我没忘 100
That reminds me/那倒提醒了我 104
Not to change the subject 不是要打断你们的谈话 108
I just thought of some thing 我想起了一件事 112
Review 115
UNIT 8 Returning to the topic 表回到原话题的切入句 116
G oing back to what you said earlier/回到你先前所说的 118
Not to get off the track/言归正传 122
To return to the subject/话说回来 126
Review 129
UNIT 9 Getting attention 中断会话的切入句 130
I hate to interrupt,but 我不想打岔,但 132
Hold it/等一下 136
Wait a minute/等一等 140
Review 143
UNIT 10 Stating an opinion 表达意见的切入句 144
If you ask me/就我来说 146
You know what I think 你知道我怎么想的吗 150
The thing is/事实上 154
Review 157
UNIT 11 Announcing a surprising fact 宣告惊人事实之切入句 158
Believe it or not/信不信由你 160
Strange as it may seem 事情就是这么奇怪 164
The funny thing is/有趣的是 168
You Won't believe this,but 你一定不信 172
Review 175
UNIT 12 Interpreting 用以解释的切入句 176
In other words/换句话说 178
If I understand you correctly 如果我没听错 182
What you're saying is/你是说 186
Review 189
UNIT 13 Adding information 表补充陈述之切入句 190
Not only that,but 不只是那样,而且 192
Not to mention/更不用说 196
And don't forget/不要忘记 200
Besides/此外 204
Review 207
UNIT 14 Emphasizing 表示强调的切入句 208
The point is/重要的是 210
Let's face it/面对事实吧 214
The main thing is/最重要的是 218
But the real question is 但真正的问题是 222
UNIT 15 Clarifying 问清内容的切入句 226
Review 227
Run that by me again 请再说一遍 228
Did I hear you right 我有没有听错 232
Do I unders tand you correctly 我有没有听错 236
Review 239
参考答案 240