论文 1
Industrial Organization and the Economics of Business Strategy&Raymond DE BONDT and Jan VANDEKERCKHOVE 1
The Consensus Value for Games in Partition Function Form&Yuan Ju 25
Coordinating R&D Race througn Patent Licensing&Ping Lin 57
Banking Industry Liberalization,Franchise Values and Deposits Mobilization:Evidence from International Panel Data&James Laurenceson 71
International Infrastructure:Neglected at Our Peril&Sanford Berg 84
A Multiple Account Framework for Cost-Benefit Analysis&Harry F.Campbell & Richard P.C.Brown 102
产品生命周期与价格战行为&史宇鹏 121
产业组织理论演变与实验经济学的影响&卜国琴 张耀辉 卢云峰 133
产业结构演进理论适用性分析——以南宁市为例&方草 143
产业集群与产业竞争力&陈柳钦 157
综述 170
“产业经济与规制理论及政策国际学术研讨会”综述&臧旭恒 杜传忠 170
“消费需求、消费政策与产业发展”学术研讨会纪要&王立平 180