《中华人民共和国对外经济法规汇编 1991年卷 汉英对照》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:13 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:中华人民共和国对外经济贸易部条法司编
  • 出 版 社:北京:中国对外经济贸易出版社
  • 出版年份:1992
  • ISBN:7800042820
  • 页数:396 页

1.中华人民共和国中外合资经营企业法 1

The Law of the People s Republic of China onChinese-Foreign Equity Joint Ventures 5

2.中华人民共和国外资企业法实施细则 10

Detailed Rules for the Implementation of theLaw of the People s Republic of China onWholly Foreign-Owned Enterprises 28

3.中华人民共和国外商投资企业和外国企业所得税法 48

Income Tax Law ofthe People s RepublicofChinafor Enterprises with Foreign Investmentand Foreign Enterprises 55

4.中华人民共和国外商投资企业和外国企业所得税法实施细则 64

DetailedRules for the Implementation oftheIncome Tax Law of the People s Republic ofChina for Enterprises with Foreign Investmentand Foreign Enterprises 91

5.国务院关于鼓励华侨和香港、澳门同胞投资的规定 121

Regulations of the State Council for Encour-aging Investment from Overseas Chinese andCompatriots from Hong Kong and Macao 125

6.中华人民共和国城镇国有土地使用权出让和转让暂行条例 130

Regulations of the People s Republic of Chinaon Granting and Transfer of Land Use Rightsfor Valuable Consideration in Cities and Towns 138

7.外商投资开发经营成片土地暂行管理办法 146

Provisional Regulations Governing Developmentand Operation of Tracts of Land with ForeignInvestment 150

8.中外合资经营企业合营期限暂行规定 155

Interim Provisions for the Duration of Chincse-Foreign Equity Joint Ventures 157

9.关于承包经营中外合资经营企业的规定 159

Regulations for Contracted Operation ofChinese-Foreign Equity Joint Ventures 164

10.关于外商投资企业在境内以外币计价结算的管理规定 170

Provisions Governing the Use of Foreign Cur-rency by Foreign-Invested Enterprises in Com-puting Prices and Settling Accounts withinChina 172

11.关于外商投资企业在境外开立帐户的管理规定 175

Provisions on the Control of Bank AccountsOpened Abroad by Enterprises with ForeignInvestment 178

12.关于中外合资、合作经营企业中方投资者的外汇管理规定 181

Provisions Governing the Foreign Exchange ofChinese Investors in Chinese-Foreign EquityJoint Ventures and Contractual Joint Ventures 183

13.关于对外商投资企业违反登记管理法规的行为进行处罚的权限和程序的规定 185

Regulations Concerning Jurisdiction and Pro-cedures to Deal Out Punishment for Violationsof Registration Administrative Decrees byForeign Investment Enterprises 188

14.中华人民共和国著作权法 192

Copyright Law of the People s Republic ofChina 205

15.中华人民共和国著作权法实施条例 219

Regulations for the Implementation of theCopyright Law of the People s Republic ofChina 230

16.计算机软件保护条例 241

Regulations for the Protection of ComputerSoftware 250

17.中华人民共和国进出口商品检验法 259

The Law of the People s Republic of China onImport and Export Commodity Inspection 265

18.进出口商品报验的规定 272

Provisions on the Application for Inspectionof Import and Export Commodities 277

19.进出口商品免验办法(试行) 283

Provisions for the Exemption of Import andExport Commodities from Inspection(forTrial Implementation) 286

20.进出口商品复验办法(试行) 290

Provisions for the Reinspection of Import andExport Commodities(for Trial Implementa-tion) 292

21.中华人民共和国普遍优惠制原产地证明书签证管理办法 294

Provisions for Issuing GSP Certificates ofOrigin Form A of the People s Republic ofChina 300

22.对于违反进出口许可证管理制度的处罚规定 307

Provsisions for the Punishment of OffensesAgainst the Import and Export Licence ControlSystem 310

23.中华人民共和国海关对沿海开放地区进出境货物的管理规定 314

Provisions of the Customs of the People s Re-public of China for the Control of GoodsEntering and Leaving the Coastal OpeningCities and Areas 317

24.中华人民共和国海关审定进出口货物完税价格办法 321

Provisions of the Customs of the People sRepublic of China for Assessment of Dutyon Import and Export Goods 327

25.国家税务局关于出口产品退税几个具体问题的补充规定 333

Additional Provisions of the State Tax BureauConcerning Certain Issues Occurring in TaxReimbursement for Export Products 336

26.外汇(转)贷款登记管理办法 340

Measures for Governing Registration of For-eign Exchange(Transferred)Loans 343

27.外债登记实施细则 346

Rules for the Implementation of RegistrationofExternal Debts 351

28.外国商会管理暂行规定 357

Provisional Regulations for the Administrationof Foreign Chambers of Commerce in China 360

29.中华人民共和国政府和马来西亚政府关于相互鼓励和保护投资协定 364

Agreement Between the Government of thePeople s Republic of China and the Govern-ment of Malaysia Concerning the ReciprocalEncouragement and Protection of Investments 374

30.中华人民共和国政府和巴基斯坦伊斯兰共和国政府关于相互鼓励和保护投资协定 385

Agreement Between the Government of thePeople s Republic of China and the Govern-ment of the Islamic Republicof Pakistan onthe Reciprocal Encouragement and Protectionof Investments 391