Ⅰ Quarrel,oath,and promise 1
Ⅱ Assembly and muster of armies 18
Ⅲ Duelling for a haunted lady 43
Ⅳ A bowshot bringing war 57
Ⅴ A hero strives with gods 73
Ⅵ Interludes in field and city 98
Ⅶ A combat and a rampart 113
Ⅷ The battle swayed by Zeus 127
Ⅸ A visit of emissaries 143
Ⅹ Night in the camp:a foray 164
Ⅺ Prowess and wounds of Achaeans 180
Ⅻ The rampart breached 204
ⅩⅢ Assault on the ships 217
ⅩⅣ Beguilement on Mount Ida 240
ⅩⅤ The Lord of Storm 255
ⅩⅥ A ship fired,a tide turned 276
ⅩⅦ Contending for a soldier fallen 300
ⅩⅧ The immortal shield 321
ⅩⅨ The avenger fasts and arms 338
ⅩⅩ The ranging of powers 350
ⅩⅪ The clash of man and river 364
ⅩⅫ Desolation before Troy 381
ⅩⅩⅢ A friend consigned to death 396
ⅩⅩⅣ A grace given in sorrow 421
Glossary and index of names 445
Maps of real places 467