《甲午战前钓鱼列屿归属考 兼质日本奥原敏雄诸教授》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:8 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:吴天颖著
  • 出 版 社:北京:社会科学文献出版社
  • 出版年份:1994
  • ISBN:7800505561
  • 页数:135 页

by Wu Tianying 1

自序 1

Foreword 1

一、从《马关条约》谈判的一桩往事说起 4

Chapter 1 Introduction 4

第一章 绪言 4

Ⅰ.Let s Start from a Past Event in Negotiating over the Treaty of Shimonoseki 4

Ⅱ.The Discovery of a second“Persian Gulf”in Taiwan Sea Basin in the Mid - 1960S 5

二、六十年代中叶台海盆地“波斯湾”的发现 5

图1 钓鱼列屿位置示意图 6

图2 台海盆地石油矿藏示意图 7

三、超级石油矿苗吊起“饥渴的野兽”之胃口 8

Ⅲ.“Hungry and Thirsty Beasts”Were Tantalized by the Super-Outcroppings of Petroleum 8

图3 日方所派勘测队航程图 9

图4 1969年日本唆使琉球政府所立标桩 10

Ⅳ.Why the People Concerned Are Particularly Interested in Professor Toshio Okuhara 11

四、有关人士何以对奥原敏雄氏情有独钟 11

Ⅴ.The Unforgettable Years 1894 - 1895 15

五、不可忘却的公元1894~1895年 15

第二章 中国人民原始发现并命名了钓鱼列屿 21

一、钓鱼列屿的地理状况 21

Ⅰ.The Geographical Locations of Diaoyu Islands and Its Adjacent Isles 21

Chapter 2 The Chinese were the original Discoverers of the Diayu Island and Its Adjacent Isles and N 21

图5 钓鱼岛 22

图6 黄尾屿 23

图7 赤尾屿 24

二、十四世纪中国人民首先发现钓鱼列屿 24

Ⅱ.It Was the Chinese Who Discovered Diaoyu Islands First in the 14th Century 24

图8 《顺风相送》明抄本封面、封底复印件 25

图10 时计及指南针盘 26

图9 《顺风相送》之二 26

三、钓鱼列屿系由中国方面命名 29

Ⅲ.Diaoyudao and Its Adjacent Isles were First Nominated by the Chinese Authorities 29

图11 琉球政府内部报告 31

四、中国人首先发现并命名钓鱼列屿的原因 32

Ⅳ.Reasons Why Diaoyudao Its Adjacent Isles were First Discovered and Named by the Chinese 32

Chapter 3 The Ryukyu Trench Lying Between Chiweiyu and Gumishan Is the Watershed Separating China fr 40

Ⅰ.The Nature of Ce feng liu qiu shi lu (Memoir of Commissioner of Ryukyu Islands appointed by the M 40

第三章 位于赤尾屿、古米山间的琉球海沟系“中外之界” 40

一、册封琉球使录的性质及其意义 40

Ⅱ.Gumishan Is the SW Border Area of Ryukyu 43

二、古米山系“琉球西南方界上镇山” 43

a. Chen Kan explicitly wrote in 1534 about the islets he had passed when sailing from Fuzhou to Gumi 44

(1)1534年,陈侃明确记载福州至古米山之间所经岛屿,强调“古米山,乃属琉球者” 44

图12 福州—那霸间往返航程图 44

(2)绿间?教授对“属”字提出了“创见” 45

b. It was a“creative viewpoint”on the Chinese character shu (meaning ownership or possession) put 45

(3)1719年,册封副使徐葆光所著《中山传信录》,明言古米山为“琉球西南方界上镇山” 46

c. In his book zhongshan chuanxin lu (Notes by an imperial messenger to Zhongshan) in 1719,Deputy Ce 46

图13 《中山传信录》所引《指南广义》 47

图14 《中山传信录》所记“琉球极西南属界” 49

(1)且看奥原敏雄们如何在“界”字上大做文章 51

三、“赤屿者,界琉球地方山也” 51

a. Let s see what a big issue Professor Toshio Okuhara and others made on the Chinese character jie( 51

Ⅲ.Chi Yu——the Mountain Bordering on Ryukyu 51

b. Let s make an analysis of the absurdity of the so - called terra Nulius put forward by Professor 52

(2)析奥原氏所谓两不管“无主地”之荒诞无稽 52

图15 1880年日本驻华公使所拟“两分琉球”草案 54

四、“沟”、“郊”——“中外之界也” 55

Ⅳ.The Chinese Characters gou(沟)and jiao(郊)Indicate Boundaries Between China and Other Lands 55

(1)册封使录不绝于书的“沟”及其涵义 56

图16 琉球“海面西距黑水沟与闽海界” 56

a. The character gou(沟)and its implications could be found almost everywhere in the Commissioner 56

图17 关于“郊”、“沟”为“中外之界”的记载 57

(2)古代琉球、日本方面同样确认这一天然疆界 60

b. This natural boundary was likewise recognized by the authorities in Ryukyu and Japan in ancient t 60

图18 《中山传信录·琉球三十六岛国》 62

第四章 钓鱼列屿与明清两朝巩固海防休戚相关 67

Chapter 4 Diaoyudao and Its Adjacent Isles Were Closely Linked up with China s Coast Defence in the 67

一、洪武帝的“备倭”战略及坚壁清野的实施 68

Ⅰ.Emperor Hongwu s Strategy of bei wo(备倭)(preparedness against Japanese) and the Measures Taken i 68

二、明初,靖海侯吴祯曾率剿倭舰队,将倭寇由福州经钓鱼列屿海域,驱赶至“琉球大洋” 69

Ⅱ.In the Early Ming Dynasty Lord Wu Zheng,Responsible for Coast Defence,Once Led His Fleet to Drive 69

Ⅲ.Emperor Jiajing s Policy Decision to Have“Direct Communication with Japan”and Two Batches of Me 71

三、嘉靖帝“移谕日本”的决策并招募两批赴日使者 71

Ⅳ.Something about the State Guest Zheng Shungong with a Supplement to His Book What I Know about 73

四、有关“国客”郑舜功其人及《日本一鉴》其书的补正 73

Ⅴ.In the Book“What I Know about Japan,A The - Thousand - li Long Song”It was Affirmed that Diaoyu 77

图19 郑舜功所绘台湾、琉球间诸岛屿图 77

五、《日本一鉴·万里长歌》确言钓鱼屿为台湾所属 77

图20 《日本一鉴·桴海图经·万里长歌》局部 78

六、十六世纪中叶,明代抗倭最高军政长官胡宗宪将钓鱼列屿正式划入海防区域 81

Ⅵ.In the Mid - Sixteenth Century the Supreme Commander - in - charge - of - Resisting - the - Japan 81

图21 《筹海图编》卷一《沿海山沙图》(明嘉靖四十一年初刊本) 83

图22 《郑开阳杂著》卷一《万里海防图》 84

图23 《郑开阳杂著》卷八《海防一览图》 85

七、明末至十九世纪中叶,钓鱼列屿与捍卫“边海”密切攸关,兼驳有关台湾主权谬论种种 87

Ⅶ.Diaoyudao Its Adjacent Isles Were Closely Linked up with China s Coastal Defence from the End o 87

图24 茅元仪《武备志·海防二·福建沿海山沙图》 88

图25 施永图《武备秘书·福建防海图》 90

图26 黄叔?《台海使槎录·武备》 92

图27 《皇朝中外壹统舆图》扉页 94

图28 《皇朝中外壹统舆图》总图 95

一、评1879年“日本对尖阁列岛开始抱有领土意识”论 97

Ⅰ.A Refutation to the Version that It Was in the Year 1879 that Japan Began to Harbour the Idea of 97

Chapter 5 How Japan Coveted,Invaded ,and Occupied Chian s Diaoyudao and Its Adjacent Isles from 1885 97

第五章 1885~1895年日本觊觎、侵占我钓鱼列屿始末 97

Ⅱ.The“Alarming Despatch from Taiwan”(as Reported in Shen Bao Published in Shanghai Dated Sept.6,1 99

二、1885年9月6日《申报·台岛警信》宣告了“无主地”论的彻底破产 99

图29 光绪十一年七月二十八日(1885.9.6.)《申报·台岛警信》 101

Ⅲ.Kaoru Inoue,Minister of Foreign Affairs,Then Quoted as Saying that“Diaoyudao Was in the Neighbou 102

三、日本外务卿井上馨转述钓鱼岛为“台湾附近清国所属岛屿” 102

图30 冲绳县令对内务省所发秘密指令的回禀 103

图31 外务卿井上馨复内务卿山县有朋函 105

图32 日本外务省档案M.T.5,1,1,9卷 107

Ⅳ.Measures Taken by the Manchu Government to Strengthen Coastal Defence and to Promote Taiwan into 107

四、清政府加强海防及升台湾为省的措施,粉碎了日本首次图占钓鱼列屿的阴谋 107

图33 日本驻华公使馆密呈外务卿有关中国新建总理海军事务衙门谕旨 108

图34 日本驻华公使馆所录台湾改省谕旨 109

Ⅴ.Our Doubt about Cixi, the Empress Dowager s Edict of 1893,Has Nothing to do with the Fact that Di 110

五、对慈禧诏谕的存疑,丝毫无损于钓鱼列屿之属中国领土的事实 110

图35 传世的慈禧太后谕旨 111

Ⅶ.Conclusion 113

Ⅵ.Diaoyudao Its Adjacent Isles were Invaded and Occupied by Japan during the Sino - Japanese War 113

六、日本在甲午战争中侵占了钓鱼列屿,并企图通过割让台湾使之合法化 113

图36 《台湾匪贼征讨》(《海军台湾征讨》) 116

图37 “征台(后改‘常备’)舰队”之组成 117

图38 桦山资纪改定“台湾淡水港附近之集合地” 118

图39 有地海军中将明言集合地位于“台湾淡水港北方约九十海里” 118

图40 桦山资纪所示“尖阁岛”之经纬度 119

图41 1895年5月29日上午9时,桦山率“征台舰队”侵占“尖阁岛” 119

图42 桦山对“台湾淡水港附近之集合地”——“尖阁岛”经纬度所作更正 120

七、结语 120

Appendix: Record of Events Relevant to Diaoyu Islands(1372 - 1895) 122

附录 钓鱼列屿有关史实大事记(1372~1895年) 122