一、北京图书馆藏敦煌遗书简目 1
The Sub-groups(Types)of the Peiligang Culture and Its Relations with the Yangshao Culture By Zheng N 1
序言 王仲殊 安志敏 1
总目部分 1
Preface By Wang Zhongshu and An Zhimin 1
略谈裴李岗文化的类型及其与仰韶文化的关系 郑乃武 1
夏鼐先生传略 王仲殊 3
附:夏鼐先生论著目录 3
Brief Biography of Prof.Xia Nai with an Appendix of a List of His Works By Wang Zhongshu 3
北辛遗址与北辛文化 吴汝祚 10
The Beixin Site and the Beixin Culture By Wu Ruzuo 10
On the Majiayao Culture By Xie Duanju 19
马家窑文化渊源试探 谢端琚 19
On the Daxi Culture By Ren Shinan 33
略论大溪文化 任式楠 33
中原地区龙山文化的类型和年代 张彦煌 张岱海 46
The Sub-groups(Types)and Ages of the Longshan Culture in the Central Plains By Zhang Yanhuang and Zh 46
中国史前时代的龟灵与犬牲 高广仁 邵望平 57
The Tortoise and the Dog Sacrifice in Prehistoric China By Gao Guangren and Shao Wangping 57
试论兴隆洼文化及相关问题 杨虎 71
On the Xinglongwa Culture and Some Problems Related to It By Yang Hu 71
赤峰英金河、阴河流域石城遗址 徐光冀 82
The Ruins of Stone-walled Cities in the Valleys of the Yingjinhe and Yihe Rivers in the Chifeng Dist 82
试析夏家店下层文化的陶鬲 刘观民 94
An Analytical Study of the Pottery Li of the Lower Xiajiadian Culture By Liu Guanmin 94
An Analytical Study of the B Group Pottery from Graves in the Dadianzi Cemetery By Liu Jinxiang 101
大甸子墓地乙群陶器分析 刘晋祥 101
“唐汪式”陶器的剖析 安志敏 105
On the Pottery of the Tangwang Type By An Zhimin 105
二、斯坦因劫经录 109
论殷墟文化分期及其相关问题 郑振香 116
On the Periodization of the Yin Xu Culture By Zheng zhenxiang 116
The Bronze Yue-Axe of the Shang Dynasty By Yang Xizhang and Yang Baocheng 128
商代的青铜钺 杨锡璋 杨宝成 128
殷周车制略说 张长寿 张孝光 139
Notes on the Chariots of the Yin and Zhou Dynasties By Zhang Changshou and Zhang Xiaoguang 139
Some Problems in the Periodization of the Inscriptions of Oracle-bones of the Shang Dynasty By Wen M 163
试论卜辞分期中的几个问题 温明荣 郭振禄 刘一曼 163
The Bronzes of the States of Teng and Zhu and Their Related Problems By Chen Gongrou 176
滕国、邾国青铜器及其相关问题 陈公柔 176
Bronze Vessels with the Inscription“Ya Yi”and Their Related Problems By Cao Shuqin and Yin Weizhan 191
亚?铜器及其相关问题 曹淑琴 殷玮璋 191
The Authors,Editions and Academic Values of the Four“Jian”(Bronze Catalogues)of Emperor Qian Long 200
乾隆四鉴的作者、版本及其学术价值 刘雨 200
Technological Studies on Jades Unearthed from the Ruins of the Yin Dynasty By Chen Zhida 210
殷墟玉器的工艺考察 陈志达 210
西汉齐王墓器物坑出土器铭考释 黄展岳 220
Decipherments and Interpretations of the Inscriptions on the Vessels Unearthed from the Sacrificial 220
居延汉简中所见的骑士 徐元邦 曹延尊 235
The Cavaliers in the Wooden Slips of the Han Dynasty By Xu Yuanbang and Cao Yanzun 235
汉魏洛阳城的几个问题 段鹏琦 244
Some Problems Concerning the City of Luoyang of the Han and Wei Dynasties By Duan Pengqi 244
三、伯希和劫经录 253
论吴晋时期的佛像夔凤镜 王仲殊 254
On the Mirror with Figures of Buddhas and Phoenixes of the Period of The Wu and Jin Dynasties By Wan 254
The Origin,Development and Influence of the Pottery Figurines of the Northern Dynasties By Yang Hong 268
北朝陶俑的源流、演变及其影响 杨泓 268
The Grand Scale of the Building of the Qinglong Temple of Chang an during the Tang Dynasty and Its I 277
唐长安青龙寺建筑规模及对外影响 马得志 277
On the Silver Plate Inlaid with Gold Decorations of the Tang Dynasty By Lu Zhaoyin 286
试论唐代的金花银盘 卢兆荫 286
东北地区金代城市的类型 林秀贞 301
The Types of the Cities in the Northeastern Area during the Jin Dynasty By Lin Xiuzhen 301
A Study on the Ye Li Ke Wen(Christian)Churches in Dadu(Great Capital)of the Yuan Dynasty By Xu Pingf 309
元大都也里可温十字寺考 徐苹芳 309
1.前中央图书馆藏卷目 314
四、敦煌遗书散录 314
2.旅顺博物馆所存敦煌之佛教经典 315
明定陵出土丝织品研究 王岩 317
Studies on the Silk Textiles Unearthed from the Ding Ling(Mausoleum of Emperor Wanli)of the Ming Dyn 317
3.李氏鉴藏?煌写本目录 318
4.德化李氏出售敦煌写本目录 323
5.李木齐旧藏敦煌名跡目录(第一部分) 324
6.李木齐旧藏敦煌名跡目录(第二部分) 325
7.刘幻云藏?煌卷子目录 326
8.罗振玉藏敦煌卷子目录 327
On the Structure of the Kiln of the Longquan Ware of the Song,Yuan and Ming Dynasties in Longquan of 328
浅谈龙泉窑的窑炉结构 李德金 328
9.傅增湘藏敦煌卷子目录 328
10.日本大谷大学图书馆所藏?煌遗书目录 329
11.日本龙谷大学图书馆所藏?煌遗籍目录 329
12.日本人中村不折所藏?煌遗书目录 330
13.日本诸私家所藏?煌写经目录 334
14.日本未群所藏者?煌写经目录 337
Some Problems in the Researches on Ancient Chinese Glass By An Jiayao 337
我国古代玻璃研究中的几个问题 安家瑶 337
15.敦皇石室经卷中未入藏经论著述目录 338
16.敦煌所出古逸经疑似经目录 344
Anthropological Characteristics of the Human Bones Unearthed from the Ancient Tombs at Gumugou near 346
新疆孔雀河古墓沟墓葬人骨的人类学特征 韩康信 346
17.敦煌变文残卷目录 348
18.敦煌曲子词残卷目录 351
19.敦煌四部遗书目录 353
C-14 Determinations of Fuels Used in the Iron Smelting in Ancient China By Qiu Shihua and Cai Lianzh 359
我国古代冶铁燃料的碳十四鉴定 仇士华 蔡莲珍 359