《英语写作 遣词·造句·组段》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:10 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:李晓宝主编
  • 出 版 社:西安:西北工业大学出版社
  • 出版年份:1998
  • ISBN:756121037X
  • 页数:219 页

Part One The Sentence 1

Chapter One Sentence Sense 1

Elements of a Sentence 1

Kinds of Sentences 2

General Idea About Coordination and Subordination 5

Chapter Two Effective Sentences 11

Unity 11

Coherence 13

Shifts 14

Reference of Pronouns 19

Emphasis 21

Variety 24

Chapter Three Sentence Skills 35

Sentence Fragments 35

Fused Sentences and Comma Splices 40

Subject-Verb Agreement 45

Misplaced Modifiers and Dangling Modifiers 49

Faulty Parallelism 52

Part Two Diction 75

Chapter Four Appropriateness 75

Levels of Words 75

Styles 76

Consistency 83

Chapter Five Exactness 88

Denotation and Connotation 88

General and Specific,Abstract and Concrete Words 90

Effective Word Choice 93

Idioms 98

Chapter Six Dictionaries 104

Dictionary Use 104

Some Good Dictionaries 113

Part Three The Paragraph 115

Chapter Seven Introduction to the Paragraph 115

What Is a Paragraph 115

The Form of a Paragraph 116

Guidelines for Writing Basic Paragraphs 116

The Importance to Learn to Write Paragraphs 117

Chapter Eight Unity 119

What Is Unity 119

How to Make a Paragraph Unified 121

Basic Principles of Paragraph Unity:a Summary 124

Chapter Nine Coherence 131

What Is Coherence 131

How to Make a Paragraph Coherent 133

How to Make a Paragraph Complete 149

What Does Completeness Mean 149

Chapter Ten Completeness 149

Chapter Eleven Patterns of Development 155

Classification 156

Comparison and Contrast 156

Process 157

Cause and Effect 158

Definition 159

Manuscript Form 163

Chapter Twelve Mechanics 163

Part Four Mechanics and Punctuation 163

Italics 164

Syllabification 166

Capitalization 167

Abbreviations 171

Numbers 172

Chapter Thirteen Punctuation 178

The Period(.) 178

The Comma(,) 179

The Semicolon(;) 184

The Colon(:) 185

The Question Mark(?) 186

The Exclamation Point(!) 187

Quotation Marks(“”) 187

The Apostrophe(') 189

Key to the Exercises 195

Glossary 214

Bibliography 218