Introduction 1
Chapter 1 The Source of Ted Hughes Poetic Expression 8
1.1 Ted Hughes,the Poet and His Poetic Career 8
1.2 Hughes'Yorkshire Origin 11
Chapter 2 Hughes'Promotion of Celtic Culture 23
Chapter 3 Hughes'Trepidation about Ecology 47
3.1 Hughes'Embracing Biocentrism against Anthropocentrism 48
3.2 Hughes'Celtic Ecological Vision 56
3.3 Hughes'Taoist Ecological Vision 61
Chapter 4 Hughes'Dedication to Children 71
Chapter 5 Hughes'Concern over Wars 98
Chapter 6 Hughes'Exploration of the Spiritual life of the English 124
Chapter 7 Ted Hughes'Developing Poetics 149
7.1 The New Criticism Leaning in Hughes' Early Period 149
7.2 The Surrealist Bent in Hughes' Early Middle Period 158
7.3 The Taoist Tendency in Hughes' Middle and Late Period 167
Conclusion 182
Works by Ted Hughes 185
Uncollected Contributions by Ted Hughes 187
Selected Bibliography 188
Appendix:伟大的人,伟大的诗:特德·休斯追悼会上的悼词 196