《世纪英语·听说教程 1 学生用书 第3版》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:8 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:崔美曼,曲玲主编
  • 出 版 社:大连:大连理工大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2004
  • ISBN:9787561125786
  • 页数:148 页

Unit 1 Meeting People 1

May I Have Your NameMy name is...May I have your name?Hi!I'm...Just call me...How do you spell your name?What are you studying here?Nice/Pleased/Glad/Happy to meet you.Unit 2 School Activities 15

Which Club Shall I JoinI'd like to join the English Club?Are you thinking of joining the Movie Club?I prefer the Speech Club.Unit 3 Food 29

Are You HungryHelp yourself to some chicken.I'd like to have a hamburger and a pack of milk.How about a hot dog?Unit 4 Showing Direction 43

Where Are WeExcuse me,how can I get to the nearest bookestore?Can you tell me the way to the sub-way?Is this the right way to the post of-fice?I'm a stranger here.Unit 5 Post Service 57

You'd Better Use EMSI'd like to send this parcel to Bei-jing by air mail.You can use EMS if it is something urgent.Your parcel is overweight.Unit 6 Banking Service 71

I Need to Open an AccountWhat kind of account do you have in mind?I need a checking account so that I can pay my bills.Is there any minimum for the first deposit?Please fill out these forms and then we'll issue you a passbook.Unit 7 In the Library 85

Are You Heading for the LibraryHow many books can I borrow at a time?How long can I keep it?I'd like to return this novel.Unit 8 Sports 99

Who Won the GameI like to go skiing/ice skating/swimming/hiking.It's exciting/easy/fun/fast.The Bulls/Bets are winning/losing three to two.They won 112 to 98.(They lost 112 to 98.)Unit 9 At the Clothing Store 113

I Love the StyleMay/How can I help you?I'm looking for...I love that style.Can I try it on?This dress is too big/small/long/short...for me.I'ma / an small / medium / large/extra large size.Unit 10 Daily Personal Hygiene 127

Take a BathThomas is taking a bath.I brush my teeth before I go to bed.It's my turn to use the bathroom.Glossary 141

Boy's Names 147

Girl's Names 148