引言 1
一、西藏宫殿寺庙建筑的三个发展期 2
1.单一化的“拉康建筑期” 3
2.风格多样的“建筑的复兴和繁盛期” 5
3.富丽堂皇的“宫殿寺庙建筑完备期” 7
二、西藏宫殿寺庙建筑的基本类型 9
1.城堡宫殿式建筑 9
2.平川式建筑 11
3.依山式建筑 12
4.园林式建筑 13
5.帐篷式建筑 14
6.寺塔合一式建筑 15
三、西藏宫殿寺庙的杰出代表 16
1.城堡宫殿之经典:布达拉宫 16
2.西藏第一座王宫:雍布拉康 23
3.西藏第一座正规的寺院:桑耶寺 26
4.中国的“第二敦煌”:萨迦寺 29
5.藏民族最神圣的朝拜地:大昭寺 35
6.汉藏联姻示好的见证:小昭寺 42
7.格鲁派祖寺:甘丹寺 44
8.历代班禅大师的驻锡地:扎什伦布寺 48
9.转型为综合性祖寺之一的古宁玛派寺庙:昌珠寺 53
10.琼结县宁玛派主寺:白日寺 57
11.噶玛噶举派著名祖寺:楚布寺 59
12.止贡噶举派祖寺:止贡梯寺 60
13.萨迦派鄂尔支系祖寺:鄂尔寺 62
14.富有神话色彩的萨迦寺院:科迦寺 63
15.改宗格鲁派的噶当派祖寺:热振寺 64
16.藏传佛教扎巴派祖寺:扎塘寺 66
结束语 68
Introduction 71
Ⅰ.Three Stages of Development of Tibetan Palaces and Temples 72
1.The Stage When the Single Architecture of Lhakang Prevailed 73
2.The Stage When Multiple Architectural Styles Rose and Throve 78
3.The Stage When Magnificent Palaces and Temples Reached Maturity 80
Ⅱ.Basic Styles of Tibetan Palaces and Temples 82
1.Architecture of Castle-Palaces Style 83
2.Architecture Constructed on the Plains 86
3.Architecture Constructed against the Mountains 87
4.Architecute of Garden Style 88
5.Architecture of Tent Style 89
6.Architecture of Pagoda-Temple Style 91
Ⅲ.Outstanding Representatives of Tibaten Palaces and Temples 92
1.Paragon of Tibetan Castle Palaces:Potala Palace 92
2.First Royal Palace in Tibet:Yumbulagang 100
3.First Tibetan Temple in the True Sense:Samye Monastery 104
4.Second Dunhuang in China:SakyaMonastery 109
5.Most Sacred Worship Center in Tibet:Jokhang Temple 117
6.Witness of the Marital Bond between the Han and Tibetan People:Ramoche Temple 123
7.Patriarchal Monastery of Gelug Sect:Ganden Monastery 126
8.Residence of Panchens:Tashilhunpo Monastery 132
9.Comprehensive Monastery Converted from the Ancient Nyingma Sect Monastery:Trandruk Monastery 138
10.Patriarchal Monastery of Nyingma Sect at Qiongjie Count:Ralri Monastery 143
11.Renowned Patriarchal Monastery of Karma Kagyu Sect:Trophu Monastery 145
12.Patriarchal Monastery of Drigung Kagyu Sect:Drigung Til Monastery 148
13.Patriarchal Monastery of Ngor Sub-order of Sakya Sect:Ngor Monastery 151
14.Sakya Sect Monastery with a Mystic Veil:Kokya Monastery 153
15.Monastery Converted into Gelug Sect from Kadam Sect:Reting Monastery 155
16.Patriarchal Monastery of Drakpa Sect:Drathang Monastery 159
Closing 162
附录 Appendix 163