《21世纪英语教师教育 研究与发展》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:11 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:王蔷编著
  • 出 版 社:北京:北京师范大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2006
  • ISBN:7303068589
  • 页数:294 页

Part Ⅰ Issues in Teacher Education and Development(An Introduction) 1

1.Action Research as the Basis of a New Professionalism for Teachers in an Age of Globalisation&by John ELLIOT 4

2.Primary Teachers'Perceptions of Learnre-center Approach in English Language Teaching in China:A Preliminary Survey Study&by WANG Qiang 31

3.Theory and Practice in Teacher Education:Mind the Gap&by Marion WILLIAMS 65

4.Pre-service English Language Teacher Education in China—BA/TEFL Curriculum Studies&by WU Zunmin 74

5.Critical Thinking and Reflective Thinking:A Reflection on"3DR"Course-based LTE Program for Pre-service Teachers in Hainan&by HAN Gang 96

6.Teaching English in Inner Mongolia:A Study of INSET Needs and Strategies&by WANG Meiling 111

7.Being a Good Language Teacher in the New Era&by SUN Yinghui 129

8.Using Loop Input in Teacher Training&by CHEN Zehang 138

9.The Pedagogical Needs of Foreign Language Teachers&by DAI Zhongxin 144

10.China's English Curriculum Innovation and Its Impact on TEFL Teacher Education&by WEI Liming 152

11.Views on"Low Efficiency"in China's English Education&by HU Zhuanglin 166

Part Ⅱ Investigating on Teaching and Learning(An Introduction) 173

12.Teaching Young Learners:Things We Should All Bear in Mind&by Shelagh RIXON 176

13.Task-Based Language Teaching—An Overview&by CHENG Xiaotang 185

14.EFL Learners'Perceptual Learning Style Preferences and English Achievement&by CAO Shiqing&WANG Hongqiang 197

15.Structured Controversy in Cooperative EFL Learning Context&by YI Chingching 207

16.Cooperative Group Learning in Learner Autonomy&by WANG Duqin 225

17.Introversion-Extroversion&Neuroticism-Stability and EFL Proficiency of Chinese College Students-Research Findings of 175 non-English majors&by LIU Aijun 237

18.Inter-accelerations for Introverted Foreign-language Learners in Classroom Cooperative Language Learning&by WANG Qi 253

19.Training Metacognitive Strategies to Improve Listening Comprehension in EFL Teaching&by REN Qingmei 259

20.Teaching of Literature in EFL Classroom:Language Awareness and Literary Competence&by SUN Lin 268

21.The Pedagogical and Social Functions of Code-switching in the English Language Classroom&by ZHAO Linjing&TIAN Guisen 276

22.Cultural Influence in Chinese College English Classrooms&by QIAN Xiaofang 288