
  • 购买积分:12 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:陈嘉成著
  • 出 版 社:北京:中国书籍出版社
  • 出版年份:2018
  • ISBN:9787506866323
  • 页数:330 页

1 bus girl公共汽车女孩? 1

2 no dress裸体聚会? 2

3 in birthday suit穿着生日服装? 4

4 silk-stocking丝袜? 6

5 woman of the town镇上的女人? 8

6 at the eleventh hour在11点? 10

7 woman of the world世界女人? 11

8 shanghai上海? 13

9 old love旧情人? 15

10 a woman of family有家室的女人? 16

11 shotgun wedding枪口下的婚礼? 18

12 confidence man自信的男人? 20

13 the last最后的? 22

14 zero hour零点? 23

15 the change of life生活改变? 25

16 bird man鸟人? 26

17 high boy高个子男孩? 28

18 writing on the wall墙上写的字? 30

19 have no opinion of someone对某人没有看法? 32

20 have words with someone和某人说话? 33

21 bad sailor糟糕的水手? 35

22 sweetbread甜面包? 37

23 excuse my French原谅我的法语? 38

24 under a cloud在云彩底下? 40

25 busy-body大忙人? 42

26 bedclothes睡衣? 43

27 Spanish coin西班牙硬币? 45

28 fair game公平游戏? 46

29 dry干旱的? 48

30 snow job雪地工作? 49

31 cook someone’s goose煮某人的鹅? 51

32 in good repair正在好好维修中? 53

33 make an example of someone让某人做榜样? 54

34 white-haired boy白发男孩? 56

35 athlete’s foot运动员的脚? 58

36 How long is a piece of string?一根绳子有多长? 59

37 blue stocking蓝袜子? 61

38 eat someone for breakfast把某人当早餐吃? 62

39 shoot the bull射杀公牛? 64

40 swallow a watermelon seed吞一粒西瓜子? 66

41 sleep late晚睡? 67

42 cook the books煮书? 69

43 you can say that again你可以再说一遍? 71

44 shoot the cat射杀猫? 72

45 of a kind这一类? 74

46 gunship战舰? 76

47 shoot from the hip从屁股射击? 77

48 you can’t talk你不能说话? 79

49 play one’s cards well打牌打得好? 81

50 Spanish athlete西班牙运动员? 82

51 Irish bull爱尔兰公牛? 84

52 Greek gift希腊礼物? 85

53 trouble man麻烦的人? 87

54 Dutch uncle荷兰叔叔? 89

55 with child带着孩子? 90

56 be crying in the wilderness在野外哭泣? 92

57 want for想要? 94

58 French postcard法国明信片? 95

59 repair to修缮? 97

60 cow college奶牛学院? 99

61 castles in Spain西班牙城堡? 100

62 eat crow吃乌鸦? 102

63 lose one’s shirt丢了衬衫? 103

64 pull someone’s leg拉某人的腿? 105

65 a whole new ballgame一场全新的球赛? 106

66 wet one’s whistle把某人的哨子弄湿? 108

67 call somebody names叫某人的名字? 110

68 cat house猫屋? 112

69 talk shop谈论商店? 113

70 Hongkong dog香港狗? 115

71 throw out the baby with the bath water把孩子和洗澡水一起倒掉? 116

72 never look back从不回头看? 119

73 talk turkey谈论火鸡? 121

74 take a page out of someone’s book从某人书本里拿走一页? 122

75 in the pipeline在管道里? 124

76 pay attentions to关注? 125

77 green hat绿帽子? 127

78 show a leg秀美腿? 129

79 flower of the class班花真的是“花”? 131

80 set someone straight把某人弄直? 133

81 love child爱子? 135

82 see things看见东西? 136

83 have the conscience有良心? 138

84 say the word说这个词? 140

85 red tape红色磁带? 141

86 a place in the sun太阳底下的一个地方? 143

87 made of china中国制造? 144

88 eat my hat吃帽子? 146

89 swear word誓言? 148

90 a bed of roses玫瑰床? 149

91 in low water在浅水中? 151

92 homely woman家庭主妇? 152

93 late迟到的? 154

94 rabbit food宠物食品? 155

95 put someone in someone’s place把某人放在某人的位置? 157

96 have butterflies in the stomach肚子里有蝴蝶? 159

97 no spring chicken不是春天的鸡? 160

98 pick on somebody挑中某人? 162

99 after a fashion追逐时尚? 163

100 in the pink穿着粉红色的衣服? 165

101 to a man把……给一个男人 167

102 in the red穿着红色衣服? 168

103 pull up one’s socks把某人袜子拉起来? 170

104 to a fault有错? 171

105 pay one’s dues交某人的会费? 173

106 dressed to kill化妆去杀人? 175

107 pop the question提出问题? 177

108 dry bread干面包? 178

109 on the fire在着火? 180

110 chew the fat嚼肥肉? 181

111 on the rocks在岩石上? 183

112 have ants in one’s pants某人裤子里有蚂蚁? 184

113 keep one’s head above water把头保持在水面上? 186

114 keep open house让房门一直开着? 188

115 face the music面对音乐? 189

116 hang together挂在一起? 191

117 keep one’s shirt on别把某人的衬衫脱了? 193

118 hang one’s head把某人的头挂起来? 194

119 big mouth嘴巴大? 196

120 see eye to eye和某人对视? 198

121 skin the cat扒猫的皮? 199

122 a man of a certain age一定年纪的男子? 201

123 Hobson’s choice哈勃生的选择? 203

124 big gun大型枪支? 204

125 little green man小绿人? 206

126 polish the apple擦苹果? 208

127 blue film蓝色电影? 209

128 black tea黑茶? 211

129 out of the question没问题? 212

130 black sheep黑绵羊? 214

131 the birds and the bees小鸟和蜜蜂? 215

132 Dutch bargain荷兰协议? 217

133 do a Dutch act做出荷兰人的行为? 219

134 an arm and a leg一只胳膊一条腿? 220

135 I’m a Dutchman if…如果……,我就是荷兰人? 222

136 company公司? 224

137 bring home the bacon把腊肉带回家? 225

138 white elephant白象? 227

139 French letter法语信件? 229

140 invaluable毫无价值? 231

141 make a scene制作场景? 232

142 strong强壮的? 234

143 send someone to Coventry把某人送到考文垂? 236

144 odd奇怪的? 237

145 corn in Egypt埃及玉米? 239

146 open house开着门的房子? 240

147 from China to Peru从中国到秘鲁? 242

148 spring fever春天发烧? 243

149 before you can say Jack Robinson在你能说杰克&罗宾逊之前? 245

150 see red看见红色? 246

151 on the ropes在绳子上? 248

152 wet blanket湿毯子? 250

153 have a frog in one’s throat某人嗓子里有青蛙? 251

154 on the house在房子上面? 253

155 break a butterfly on a wheel用轮子轧死蝴蝶? 255

156 see pink elephants看见粉红色大象? 256

157 a flea in one’s ear某人耳朵里的跳蚤? 258

158 wear two hats戴两顶帽子? 259

159 catch a crab抓到一只螃蟹? 261

160 paint the town red把城镇漆成红色? 263

161 see the elephant看见大象? 264

162 give grey hair to给某人白头发? 266

163 get up on the wrong side of the bed起床的时候睡在床的另外一头? 267

164 make the air turn blue把空气变成蓝色? 269

165 white goods白色商品? 271

166 bite one’s tongue咬某人的舌头? 272

167 have an itching palm手痒? 274

168 white night白色夜晚? 276

169 have itching ears耳朵痒? 277

170 white Christmas白色圣诞节? 279

171 have a sweet tooth有甜牙? 280

172 roll out the red carpet拉开红地毯? 282

173 cat’s meat猫肉? 284

174 jam tomorrow明天的果酱? 285

175 cut the mustard切芥菜? 287

176 save one’s bacon挽救某人的腊肉? 288

177 cat’s nest猫窝? 290

178 skeleton in the closet衣柜里的骷髅? 291

179 dog hole狗洞? 293

180 peeping Tom偷窥的汤姆? 295

181 mad doctor疯医生? 296

182 hair of the dog狗毛? 298

183 fish story和鱼有关的故事? 299

184 difficult friend困难的朋友? 301

185 paint the lily把百合花涂上颜色? 303

186 pull strings拉绳子? 304

187 smell a rat闻到老鼠味? 306

188 for a song为了一首歌? 308

189 for the birds为了小鸟? 309

190 bite the bullet吃子弹? 311

191 straight from the horse’s mouth直接从马嘴里? 312

192 in the hole在洞里? 314

193 cat got your tongue猫叼了你的舌头? 316

194 out of the woods在树林外? 318

195 pay through the nose通过鼻子付款? 319

196 knock someone’s socks off脱某人的袜子? 321

197 play it by ear用耳朵演奏? 323

198 kick the bucket踢水桶? 324

199 bite the dust吃灰尘? 326

200 spill the beans把豆子弄撒? 328