
  • 购买积分:12 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:裴长洪,(阿塞)纳吉姆·伊曼诺夫主编
  • 出 版 社:北京:中国社会科学出版社
  • 出版年份:2018
  • ISBN:9787520331623
  • 页数:348 页

上篇 3

中国社会科学院王伟光院长的致辞 3

阿塞拜疆国家科学院阿基夫·阿利扎德院长的致辞 6

中国驻阿塞拜疆大使馆魏敬华大使的致辞 12

“钢铁丝路”与“一带一路”倡议中的科学因素&伊萨·哈宾贝利 14

阿塞拜疆和中国经济:自由经济与经济调控研究的借鉴&纳吉姆·伊曼诺夫 19

经济模式的自由化潜力:中国与阿塞拜疆的比较分析&马伊斯·古拉利耶夫 24

中国经济可持续高质量发展:现代经济体系的构建&兹亚德·萨梅德扎德 53

政府调控养老金体系的跨国比较研究&拉斯米娅·阿卜杜拉耶夫亚 65

“一带一路”建设与中国—阿塞拜疆经贸合作&裴长洪 87

“十三五”期间中国经济发展的主要趋势分析&常欣 106

中国居民收入分配与社会保障制度&王震 139

中国的医疗保险制度及其与劳动力市场的关系&姚宇 165

下篇 193

President of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,Wang Weiguang’s Speech 193

President of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences,Academician Akif Alizadeh’s Speech 195

Chinese Ambassador to the Republic of Azerbaijan,Wei Jinghua’s Speech 200

The Factor of Science in the Light of the Strategy of “One Iron Silk Road” and the“ Belt and Road” Initiative&Isa Habibbeyl 202

Azerbaijani and Chinese Economies in the Mirror of the Research on the Liberalism -Dirigisme of the Economy&Nazim Muzaffarli 207

Liberalism Potencial of Economic Models:Comparative Analysis of China and Azerbaijan&Mayis Gulaliyev 211

On the Sustainable and Qualitative Development of Chinese Economy,Creation of a Modernized Economic System&Ziyad Samadzada 231

Government Regulation of the Pension System:Cross-country Comparative Analysis&Rasmiya Abdullayeva 242

The “Belt and Road” Initiative and Sino-Azerbaijani Economic Cooperation&Pei Changhong 259

Economic Outlook for China’s 13th Five-year Plan&Chang Xin 274

Chinese Resident Income Distribution and Social Security System&Wang Zhen 301

China’s Health Insurance System and Its Relation to Labor Market&Yao Yu 321

参考文献 339