
  • 购买积分:8 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:周维杰编著
  • 出 版 社:上海:上海交通大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2018
  • ISBN:9787313194350
  • 页数:144 页

Part One Instructional Design of Reading and Case Analysis 1

Case 1 Theme-based Instructional Design of Parental Love and Analysis 1

Ⅰ.Theme-based Instructional Design of Parental Love 1

Step 1:Lead-in with a questionnaire about parental love 1

Step 2:Reading with a focus on how to show parental love through what they said 2

Step 3:Reading with a focus on how to show parental love through what they did 2

Step 4:Reading with a focus on how to show parental love through what they thought 4

Step 5:Reading with a focus on the most-used way and the least-used way to show parental love in the four texts 5

Step 6:Summarization of parental love in the four texts 5

Step 7:Gratitude for parental love by singing the song East or west,Mama is the best 5

Step 8:Assignment:Reading Mother with feelings 6

Ⅱ.Analysis 8

Ⅲ.Full Texts 9

Case 2 Instructional Design of Storytellers from the Perspective of Education and Analysis 19

Ⅰ.Instructional Design of Storytellers from the Perspective of Education 19

Step 1:Lead-in with a discussion on the questions about a better education 19

Step 2:Close reading with a focus on Mo Yan’s moral education 19

Step 3:Close reading with a focus on Mo Yan’s intellectual education 22

Step 4:Close reading with a focus on Mo Yan’s physical education 24

Step 5:Extended reading with a focus on tranquility education 24

Ⅱ.Analysis 26

Ⅲ.Full Text 27

Case 3 Instructional Design of The Bible Stories Based on 3R and Analysis 36

Ⅰ.Instructional Design of The Bible Stories Based on 3R 36

Step 1:Lead-in with a brief introduction to the Bible 36

Step 2:Reading the lines with a focus on factual questions 36

Step 3:Reading between the lines with a focus on inference questions 37

Step 4:Reading beyond the lines with a focus on association questions 42

Step 5:Assignment:Reading more Bible stories after class 43

Ⅱ.Analysis 43

Ⅲ.Full Texts 44

Case 4 Instructional Design of Getting the Best Value for Time under Question-based Approach and Analysis 51

Ⅰ.Instructional Design of Getting the Best Value for Time under Question-based Approach 51

Step 1:Brief introduction to this course and course requirements 51

Step 2:Lead-in with the question about the differences between learning at high school and learning at college or university 52

Step 3:Skimming with a focus on the questions about the organization of the text 52

Step 4:Close reading with a focus on the question about the writing quality of each part 53

Step 5:Close reading with a focus on the question about reorganization and recombination of the text 53

Step 6:Discussion of the questions about the title 54

Step 7:Discussion of the questions about the text substantiation 54

Ⅱ.Analysis 54

Ⅲ.Full Text 55

Case 5 Instructional Design of Steve Jobs’Speech at Stanford Commencement Based on Annotative Response Writing and Analysis 56

Ⅰ.Instructional Design of Steve Jobs’Speech at Stanford Commencement Based on Annotative Response Writing 56

Step 1:Lead-in with a brief introduction to annotative response writing 56

Step 2:Annotative response writing with a focus on association 57

Step 3:Annotative response writing with a focus on comments 57

Step 4:Annotative response writing with a focus on understanding 58

Step 5:Annotative response writing with a focus on interpretation 58

Step 6:Assignment with a focus on choice and voice of favorite sentences 58

Ⅱ.Analysis 58

Ⅲ.Full Text with Annotative Response Writing 59

Case 6 Interaction-based Instructional Design of Horoscopes and Analysis 69

Ⅰ.Interaction-based Instructional Design of Horoscopes 69

Step 1:Lead-in with a video about the Chinese Zodiac 69

Step 2:Reading with a focus on the interaction between students and the text about horoscopes 70

Step 3:Reading with a focus on the interaction between students and students about horoscopes 71

Step 4:Reading with a focus on the interaction between students and teacher about horoscopes 72

Step 5:Assignment with a focus on your opinions about horoscopes 72

Ⅱ.Analysis 73

Ⅲ.Full Text 73

Case 7 Instructional Design of l(a Based on"From-Within-the-Text-to-Beyond-the-Text Reading"and Analysis 76

Ⅰ.Instructional Design of l(a Based on"From-Within-the-Text-to-Beyond-the-Text Reading" 76

Step 1:Lead-in with a brief introduction to e. e. cummings 76

Step 2:Within-the-text reading with a focus on the image 77

Step 3:Within-the-text reading with a focus on the theme 78

Step 4:Beyond-the-text reading with a focus on the image 79

Step 5:Beyond-the-text reading with a focus on the theme 81

Ⅱ.Analysis 82

Case 8 Instructional Design of Genealogy of Deities in Greek Mythology Based on Mind Map and Analysis 83

Ⅰ.Instructional Design of Genealogy of Deities in Greek Mythology Based on Mind Map 83

Step 1:Lead-in with a focus on the characteristics of Greek mythology 83

Step 2:Learning with a focus on Chaos:primeval state of existence 83

Step 3:Learning with a focus on Uranus-Gaea:the first-generation deities 84

Step 4:Learning with a focus on Cronus-Rhea:the second-generation deities 85

Step 5:Learning with a focus on Zeus-Hera:the third-generation deities 85

Step 6:Assignment:Exploring 10 idioms originating from Greek Mythology 87

Ⅱ.Analysis 87

Part Two Instructional Design of Lexicology and Case Analysis 88

Case 9 Instructional Design of A Mastery of 3,000 Words Within 100 Days Based on 3S and Analysis 88

Ⅰ.Instructional Design of A Mastery of 3,000 Words Within 100 Days Based on 3S 88

Step 1:Lead-in with three personal memorization experiences 88

Step 2:A mastery of 3,000 words within 100 days based on sound 89

Step 3:A mastery of 3,000 words within 100 days based on shape 90

Step 4:A mastery of 3,000 words within 100 days based on sense 91

Step 5:Assignment:Reading Words and Their Stories about money 94

Ⅱ.Analysis 96

Case 10 Instructional Design of Characteristics of Affixes Based on One-with-many Pattern and Analysis 96

Ⅰ.Instructional Design of Characteristics of Affixes Based on One-with-many Pattern 96

Step 1:Lead-in with many affixes with one meaning 96

Step 2:Characteristics of affixes with a focus on one affix with many meanings 96

Step 3:Characteristics of affixes with a focus on one affix with many parts of speech 97

Step 4:Characteristics of affixes with a focus on one affix with many forms 98

Step 5:Characteristics of affixes with a focus on one affix with many sources 98

Step 6:Characteristics of affixes with a focus on one affix with many positions 98

Step 7:Characteristics of affixes with a focus on one affix with many categories 99

Ⅱ.Analysis 99

Case 11 Instructional Design of Semantic Field Based on 3C and Analysis 99

Ⅰ.Instructional Design of Semantic Field Based on 3C 99

Step 1:Lead-in with a brief introduction to the origin of field 99

Step 2:The teaching of Semantic Field with a focus on the first C:Concept 100

Step 3:The teaching of Semantic Field with a focus on the second C:Categorization 100

Step 4:The teaching of Semantic Field with a focus on the third C:Characteristics 103

Step 5:Assignment:Reading We Need More with a focus on antonymous semantic field 104

Ⅱ.Analysis 105

Part Three Instructional Design of Translation and Case Analysis 106

Case 12 Instructional Design of Inversion Based on System Theory and Analysis 106

Ⅰ.Instructional Design of Inversion Based on System Theory 106

Step 1:Lead-in with a brief introduction to translation techniques with inversion as a focus 106

Step 2:Inversion in the coordinate structure without any restraint from the original 107

Step 3:Inversion in terms of logical relationship 108

Step 4:Inversion in terms of adverbials 110

Step 5:Inversion in terms of attributes 111

Ⅱ.Analysis 112

Case 13 Instructional Design of Strategies for English-to-Chinese Transliteration from Phonological Perspective and Analysis 113

Ⅰ.Instructional Design of Strategies for English-to-Chinese Transliteration from Phonological Perspective 113

Step 1:Lead-in with three phonological rules 113

Step 2:Epenthesis strategies for English-to-Chinese transliteration 115

Step 3:Segmental adaptation strategies for English-to-Chinese transliteration 117

Step 4:Deletion strategies for English-to-Chinese transliteration 118

Step 5:Segmental split strategies for English-to-Chinese transliteration 119

Ⅱ.Analysis 120

Part Four Instructional Design of Research Methods and Case Analysis 121

Case 14 Inquiry-based Instructional Design of Definition of Research and Analysis 121

Ⅰ.Inquiry-based Instructional Design of Definition of Research 121

Step 1:Inquiry into Definition of Research in terms of“研” 121

Step 2:Inquiry into Definition of Research in terms of“究” 122

Step 3:Inquiry into Definition of Research in terms of"re-" 123

Step 4:Inquiry into Definition of Research in terms of"search" 123

Step 5:Inquiry into Definition of Research in terms of“研究” 126

Step 6:Inquiry into Definition of Research in terms of“research” 126

Step 7:Zhou’s definition of research upon the previous definitions 127

Ⅱ.Analysis 128

Case 15 Methodology-based Instructional design of Three Issues Concerning Research Methods in Applied Linguistics and Analysis 128

Ⅰ.Methodology-based Instructional design of Three Issues Concerning Research Methods in Applied Linguistics 128

Step 1:Lead-in with two short stories about different views about the same thing 128

Step 2:The first issue concerning research methods:research process 130

Step 3:The second issue concerning research methods:the same research question leading to different conclusions because of different methods 132

Step 4:The third issue concerning research methods:no perfect research method 136

Step 5:Assignment with a preview of Variables 136

Ⅱ.Analysis 136

Part Five Instructional Design of Linguistics and Case Analysis 137

Case 16 Instructional Design of Linguistics Based on Arousal of Students’ Interest and Analysis 137

Ⅰ.Instructional Design of Linguistics Based on Arousal of Students’Interest 137

Step 1:Lead-in with some interesting episodes in Linguistics 137

Step 2:Arousing students’interest in linguistics in terms of sound 138

Step 3:Arousing students’interest in linguistics in terms of form 139

Step 4:Arousing students’interest in linguistics in terms of meaning 140

Step 5:Arousing students’interest in linguistics in terms of sound,form and meaning 142

Step 6:Assignment:Reading a short passage about Crazy English 142

Ⅱ.Analysis 143

参考文献 144