《石油精炼工艺手册 石油化工基础理论》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:8 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:Robert A.Meyers主编
  • 出 版 社:哈尔滨:哈尔滨工业大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2017
  • ISBN:9787560363479
  • 页数:124 页

第1册(本册)石油化工基础理论 3

Part 1 Alkylation and Polymerization 3

Chapter 1.1.UOP AIkyPlusTM Alkylation Process&Kurt A.Detrick, Jeffrey M.Knight, and Ronald K.Subris 3

Chapter 1.2.CB&I′s CDAlky? Process for the Production of High-Octane Alkylate: Breaking the Cold-Temperature Barrier&Jackeline Medina-Bolivar andMichael A.Haworth 13

Chapter 1.3.BenzOUTTM Technology for Benzene Reduction in Gasoline&Erik Moy and Sean C.Smyth 19

Chapter 1.4.UOP CatoleneTM Process&Zhihao Fei and Hosoo Lim 27

Part 8 Isomerization 37

Chapter 8.1.UOP BenSatTM Process&Mark P.Lapinski and Dana K.Sullivan 37

Chapter 8.2.UOP Par-IsomTM Process&Dima Hart, Mark P.Lapinski,and Nelson A.Cusher 43

Chapter 8.3.UOP ButamerTM Process&Sean G.Mueller, Laura E.Leonard,and Martha S.Buchan 49

Chapter 8.4.UOP PenexTM Process&Sean G.Mueller, Laura E.Leonard,and Martha S.Buchan 55

Part 12 Catalytic Reforming 65

Chapter 12.1.UOP CCR Platforming&Mark P.Lapinski, M.J.Wier,Laura E.Leonard,and Ka Lok 65

Glossary 89

Abbreviations and Acronyms 91

Index 93

第2册 裂化与焦化 3

Part 3 Catalytic Cracking 3

Chapter 3.1.Deep Catalytic Cracking: A Commercially Well-Proven Process for Light Olefins&Dilip Dharia 3

Chapter 3.2.UOP Fluid Catalytic Cracking Process&Charles L.Hemler, Lester F.Smith, Lev Davydov, and Zhihao Fei 19

Chapter 3.3.Resid FCC Process: From Heavy Feeds to Valuable Products&Harvey McQuiston, Paul Marchant, and Nicolas Lambert 45

Chapter 3.4.INDMAX FCC: High Propylene Fluid Catalytic Cracking Technology by CB&I′s Lummus Technology Inc.and Indian Oil Corporation Ltd.&Rama Rao Marri and Debasis Bhattacharyya 63

Part 6 Hydrocracking 77

Chapter 6.1.ISOCRACKING: Hydrocracking for Superior Fuels andLubes Production&Alan G.Bridge, Ujjal K.Mukherjee, and Marvin Greene 77