《石油精炼工艺手册 产品生产工艺与技术》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:9 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:Robert A.Meyers主编
  • 出 版 社:哈尔滨:哈尔滨工业大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2017
  • ISBN:9787560363516
  • 页数:200 页

第5册(本册)产品生产工艺与技术 3

Part 2 Base Aromatics Production Processes 3

Chapter 2.1.Aromatics Complexes&Patrick Whitchurch 3

Chapter 2.2.UOP Sulfolane Process&Aiguo Liu 11

Chapter 2.3.Q-MaxTM Process for Cumene Production&Jose L.Miramontes and Robert J.Schmidt 21

Chapter 2.4.UOP Cyclar Process&Helin Cox 31

Chapter 2.5.UOP Isomar Process&Veronica G.Deak 39

Chapter 2.6.UOP Tatoray Process&Feng Xu and Claudio Bertelli 45

Chapter 2.7.UOP ParexTM Process&Linda Shi Cheng 55

Part 5 Synthesis Gas and Hydrogen Production 65

Chapter 5.1.Amec Foster Wheeler Hydrogen Production&Mitesh S.Joshi 65

Chapter 5.2.Technip Hydrogen Production&Sanjiv Ratan and Koos Overwater 91

Chapter 5.3.E-GasTM Gasification&ChancelorWilliams 127

Part 13 Oxygenates Production Technologies 137

Chapter 13.1.CB&I′s CDMtbe?/CDEtbe?/CDTame? Processes for the Production of High-Quality Ethers and Bio-Ethers&Rosette Hizon-Barias and Jackeline Medina-Bolivar 137

Part 14 Olefins from Methanol 147

Chapter 14.1.CB&I′s Methanol to Olefins Recovery and Olefin Interconversion&Carmen A.Fornarotto and Dennis P.Maloney 147

Chapter 14.2.Advanced Methanol-to-Olefins Process&John Senetar and Geoffrey Fichtl 157

Glossary 167

Abbreviations and Acronyms 169

Index 171

第1册 石油化工基础理论 3

Part 1 Alkylation and Polymerization 3

Chapter 1.1.UOP AIkyPlusTM Alkylation Process&Kurt A.Detrick, Jeffrey M.Knight,and Ronald K.Subris 3

Chapter 1.2.CB&I′s CDAlky? Process for the Production of High-Octane Alkylate: Breaking the Cold-Temperature Barrier&Jackeline Medina-Bolivar and Michael A.Haworth 13