《石油精炼工艺手册 脱氢、加氢处理与氢化工艺》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:10 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:Robert A.Meyers主编
  • 出 版 社:哈尔滨:哈尔滨工业大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2017
  • ISBN:9787560363493
  • 页数:220 页

第3册(本册)脱氢、加氢处理与氢化工艺 3

Part 4 Dehydrogenation 3

Chapter 4.1.UOP Oleflex Process for Light Olefin Production&Wolfgang Spieker and Gregory J.Nedohin 3

Chapter 4.2.UOP Pacol Dehydrogenation Process&Stephen Sohn, Yuree Whang, and Richard Zhang 13

Chapter 4.3.Light Olefin/Diolefin Production via CB&I′s CATOFIN?/CATADIENE? Processes&Herminio Febres II and Dennis P.Maloney 21

Chapter 4.4.TPC/UOP OXO-D Process&John Senetar, Christopher DiGiulio,Jeannie Blommel, Joseph Duff, Jillian Horn, Cliff Maat, and Michael Nutt 33

Part 7 Hydrotreating 41

Chapter 7.1.RDS/VRDS Hydrotreating: Transportation Fuels fromthe Bottom of the Barrel Christopher&J.Dillon and David N.Brossard 41

Chapter 7.2.Selective Hydrogenation Processes&Vesna Havran-Mueller,Jeannie Blommel, and Gregory J.Nedohin 59

Chapter 7.3.UOP RCD Unionfining Process&Ping Sun 69

Chapter 7.4.Production of Superior Lubricant Base Oil Utilizing ISODEWAXING and ISOFINISHING&SubhasisBhattacharya 81

Chapter 7.5.Process Intensification via CB&I′s CDHydro? Technologies&Maarten J.Almering and Michael A.Haworth 99

Chapter 7.6.UOP Hydrotreating Technology&Eseoghene Jeroro and Steven Zink 107

Chapter 7.7.UOP UnisarTM Process for Saturation of Aromatics&H.W.Goudy and Eseoghene Jeroro 119

Part 15 Hydrogen Processing 129

Chapter 15.1.Hydrogen Processing Historical Perspective&Alan G.Bridge and Gary L.Hamilton 129

Glossary 187

Abbreviations and Acronyms 189

Index 191

第1册 石油化工基础理论 3

Part 1 Alkylation and Polymerization 3

Chapter 1.1.UOP AIkyPlusTM Alkylation Process&Kurt A.Detrick, JeffreyM.Knight,and Ronald K.Subris 3

Chapter 1.2.CB&I′s CDAlky? Process for the Production of High-Octane Alkylate: Breaking the Cold-Temperature Barrier&Jackeline Medina-Bolivar and Michael A.Haworth 13

Chapter 1.3.BenzOUTTMTechnology for Benzene Reductionin Gasoline&Erik Moy and Sean C.Smyth 19

Chapter 1.4.UOP CatoleneTM Process&Zhihao Fei and Hosoo Lim 27