前言 3
综述与进展 3
高精度加权紧致非线性格式的研究进展&(邓小刚,刘昕,毛枚良,张涵信) 3
基于HDCS-E8T7格式的气动噪声数值模拟方法研究进展&(姜屹,邓小刚,毛枚良,刘化勇) 14
计算流体力学中的验证与确认&(邓小刚,宗文刚,张来平,高树椿,李超) 30
高精度格式及其构造理论 43
High-order accurate dissipative weighted compact nonlinear schemes&(DENG Xiaogang) 43
Developing High-Order Weighted Compact Nonlinear Schemes&(Xiaogang Deng, Hanxin Zhang) 58
Geometric conservation law and applications to high-order finite difference schemes with stationary grids&(Xiaogang Deng, Meiliang Mao, Guohua Tu, Huayong Liu, Hanxin Zhang) 81
A family of hybrid cell-edge and cell-node dissipative compact schemes satisfying Geometric conservation law&(Xiaogang Deng, Yi Jiang, Meiliang Mao, Huayong Liu, Song Li, Guohua Tu) 97
Further studies on Geometric Conservation Law and applications to high-order finite difference schemeswith stationary grids&(Xiaogang Deng,Yaobing Min, Meiliang Mao, Huayong Liu, Guohua Tu, Hanxin Zhang) 114
On the freestream preservation of finite volume method in curvilinear coordinates&(Dan Xu, Xiaogang Deng, Yaming Chen, Yidao Dong, Guangxue Wang) 136
Reevaluation of high-order finite difference and finite volume algorithms with freestream preservation satisfied&(Yidao Dong, Xiaogang Deng, Dan Xu, Guangxue Wang) 149
高精度格式推广/应用技术研究 161
Extending Weighted Compact Nonlinear Schemes to Complex Grids with Characteristic-Based Interface Conditions&(Xiaogang Deng,Meiliang Mao,Guohua Tu,Yifeng) 161
High-Order Behaviors of Weighted Compact Fifth-Order Nonlinear Schemes&(Liu Xin, Deng Xiaogang, Mao Meiliang) 173
Large eddy simulation on curvilinear meshes using seventh-order dissipative compact scheme&(Yi Jiang, Meiliang Mao, Xiaogang Deng, Huayong Liu) 178
Developing a hybrid flux function suitable for hypersonic flow simulation with high-order methods&(Dongfang Wang, Xiaogang Deng, Guangxue Wang, Yidao Dong) 189
Efficiency benchmarking of seventh-order tri-diagonal weighted compact nonlinear scheme on curvilinear mesh&(Shengye Wang, Xiaogang Deng, Guangxue Wang, Dan Xu, Dongfang Wang) 208
Developing a new mesh deformation technique based on support vector machine&(Xiang GaoYidao Dong, Chuanfu Xu, Min Xiong, Zhenghua Wang and Xiaogang Deng) 228
Large eddy simulation on curvilinear meshes using seventh-order dissipative compact scheme&(Yi Jiang, Meiliang Mao, Xiaogang Deng, Huayong Liu) 240
Effect of Nonuniform Grids on High-Order Finite Difference Method&(Xu Dan, Deng Xiaogang, Chen Yaming, Wang Guangxue, Dong Yidao) 251
Extending Seventh-Order Dissipative Compact Scheme Satisfying Geometric Conservation Law to Large Eddy Simulation on Curvilinear Grids&(Yi Jiang, Meiliang Mao, Xiaogang Deng and Huayong Liu) 274
Effect of Geometric Conservation Law on Improving Spatial Accuracy for Finite Difference Schemes on Two-Dimensional Nonsmooth Grids&(Meiliang Mao, Huajun Zhu, Xiaogang Deng, Yaobing Min and Huayong Liu) 297
Further improvement of weighted compact nonlinear scheme using compactnonlinear interpolation&(Zhen-Guo Yan, Huayong Liu, Yankai Ma, Meiliang Mao, Xiaogang Deng) 331New nonlinear weights for improving accuracy and resolution of weighted compact nonlinear scheme&(Zhenguo Yan, Huayong Liu, Meiliang Mao, Huajun Zhua, Xiaogang Deng) 342
Parallelizing a High-Order CFD Software for 3D, Multi-block, Structural Grids on the TianHe-1A Supercomputer&(Chuanfu Xu, Xiaogang Deng, Lilun Zhang,Yi Jiang, Wei Cao, Jianbin Fang, Yonggang Che, Yongxian Wang, Wei Liu) 357
Collaborating CPU and GPU for large-scale high-order CFD simulations with complex grids on the TianHe-1A supercomputer&(ChuanfuXu, XiaogangDeng, LilunZhang, etc) 371
Parallelizing and optimizing large-scale 3D multi-phase flow simulations on the Tianhe-2 supercomputer&(Dali Li, Chuanfu Xu, Yongxian Wang, Zhifang Song, Min Xiong, Xiang Gao and Xiaogang Deng) 394
Performance modeling and optimization of parallel LU-SGS on many-core processors for 3D high-order CFD simulations&(Dali Li, Chuanfu Xu, Bin Cheng, Min Xiong, Xiang Gao and Xiaogang Deng) 409
高精度格式的具体应用 431
High-Order and High Accurate CFD Methods and Their Applications for Complex Grid Problems&(Xiaogang Deng, Meiliang Mao, Guohua Tu, Hanxin Zhang, Yifeng Zhang) 431
Numerical investigation on body-wake flow interaction over rod-airfoil configuration&(Jiang Yi, Mao MeiLiang, Deng Xiaogang, Liu HuaYong) 453
Validation of a RANS transition model using a high-order weighted compact nonlinear scheme&(TU GuoHua, Deng Xiaogang, MAO MeiLiang) 488
Osher Flux with Entropy Fix for Two-Dimensional Euler Equations (Huajun Zhu, Xiaogang Deng, Meiliang Mao, Huayong Liu and Guohua Tu) 495
基于雷诺应力模型的高精度分离涡模拟方法&(王圣业,王光学,董义道,邓小刚) 518
邓小刚院士及合作者发表的论文 535