《研究生英语听力 1》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:9 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:王美娣,吴建蘅编著
  • 出 版 社:上海:复旦大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2002
  • ISBN:7309031784
  • 页数:187 页

Lesson One Housing(I) 1

Part A Warming Up Housing Problems 1

Part B Focus Listening 3

Conversation 3

Apartment Hunting 4

I m Moving To... 4

I m Moving To Boston 5

Settle Down To The New Place 6

Lesson Two Housing(II) 7

Passage 7

Apartment Problems 7

Housing In Britain 8

Where To Live? 9

Part C Oral Practice 10

Lesson Three Transportation 12

Part A Warming Up Your Attention,Please 12

Part B Focus Listening 13

Conversation You ll Be Fined 13

I Couldn t Start The Car Again 14

A Traffic Accident 15

Passage Drunk Driving 16

Part C Oral Practice 17

Lesson Four Spoken Message(I) 18

Part A Warming Up Why Didn t The Cal Go Through? 18

Part B Focus Listening 19

Conversation Who Does The Caller Want To Get Through? 19

Can I Take A Message? 19

Lesson Five Spoken Message (II) 21

Passage 21

We're Sorry 21

Please Leave A Message 21

Your Attention,Please 22

Thank You For Calling 23

Part C Oral Practice 24

Lesson Six Sleep 25

Part A Warming Up People s Dreams 25

Part B Focus Listening 27

Passage What Did You Dream About? 27

Do You Have Trouble Sleeping? 28

What Happens When You Sleep? 29

How Much Sleep Do You Need? 30

Part C Oral Practice 30

Lesson Seven College Life(I) 32

Part A Warming Up Let s Study For Our Quiz 32

Part B Focus Listening 33

Conversation Maybe I Can Be Sick Tomorrow Too 33

Selecting A course 33

Seeing The Advisor 34

Lesson Enght College Life(II) 36

Passage 36

Grading Procedure 36

English Literature 201 37

How To Handle Exam 38

Tips Given By Educational Psychologists 39

Part C Oral Practice 39

Lesson Nine Electronic Equipment 40

Part A Warming Up Basic Computer Knowledge 40

Part B Focus Listening 41

Conversation Do You Want To Have Them? 41

The Internet 42

Do You Fix Washing Machines? 43

Passage Effects Of Computers On Higher Education 44

Part C Oral Practice 45

Lesson Ten Job(I) 46

Part A Warming Up I Need A Job 46

Part B Focus Listening 48

Conversation Where Do You Work? 48

Apply For Waitress(A) 49

Apply For Waitress(B) 49

Is It All Excitement To Be A Doctor? 50

Do You Enjoy Being A Guide? 51

Lesson Eleven Job(II) 53

Passage Toll Collector 53

Jobs For The Future 54

This Is A Full-Time Position 55

Job Hotline 56

Part C Oral Practice 57

Lesson Twelve Smoking 59

Part A Warming Up No Smoking Here 59

Part B Focus Listening 61

Conversation Why Did Teenagers Start Smoking? 61

Passage My Mom Smokes 61

Who First Started To Smoke? 62

European Attitudes Towards Smoking 63

Part C Oral Practice 64

Lesson Thirteen Eating(I) 66

Part A Warming Up Can I Have Dinner With You? 66

Part B Focus Listening 67

Conversation What Do You Have For Breakfast? 67

Eat In The Restaurant 68

Dinner At The T-Rose Restaurant 68

Lesson Fourteen Eating(II) 70

Passage How To Eat Less 70

Do You Have Breakfast Everyday? 70

Food Style In America 71

Junk Food 72

Part C Oral Practice 73

Lesson Fifteen Further Education 74

Part A Warming Up I Need Information For An English Course 74

Part B Focus Listening 75

Conversation Can We Go To Evening Classes Together? 75

An Adult Education Program 76

Passage Back To School For 96-Year-Old Man 77

Student s Life 78

Part C Oral Practice 78

Lesson Sixteen Entertainment(I) 80

Part A Warming Up Do You Ever Buy Lottery Tickets? 80

Part B Focus Listening 82

Conversation We Are Going To The Macdonna Concert 82

A Nice Quiet Beach 82

What A Great Place For A Picnic 82

What Can We Do This Weekend? 83

Going To A Movie 83

Lesson Seventeen Entertainment (II) 87

Passage What Do People Do With Lottery Money? 87

Thank You For Calling The Theater 88

I Couldn t Survive Without Music 89

Movie Talk 90

Part C Oral Practice 91

Scripts 92

Lesson One Housing(I) 92

Lesson Two Housing(II) 100

Lesson Three Transportation 103

Lesson Four Spoken Message(I) 110

Lesson Five Spoken Message(II) 115

Lesson Six Sleep 119

Lesson Seven College Life(I) 125

Lesson Eight College Life(II) 129

Lesson Nine Electronic Equipment 133

Lesson Ten Job(I) 141

Lesson Eleven Job(II) 149

Lesson Twelve Smoking 154

Lesson Thirteen Eating(I) 160

Lesson Fourteen Eating(II) 165

Lesson Fifteen Further Education 169

Lesson Sixteen Entertainment (I) 175

Lesson Seventeen Entertainment (II) 183