1.三张五代(十世纪)时的中国绘画与元末山水画之关系 "Some Aspects of Tenth century Painting as seen in Three Recently Published Works"&高居翰 James Cahill 1
2."The Real World Style and The Object(Wu)in late Sung Painting”&艾端慈 Richard Edwards 37
3."Ao-T'u-Hua At Tun Huang" 敦煌艺术中之凹凸画&Wen Fong 方闻 73
4."Inscriptions on Taoist Statues" 道家造像上题款研究&Jan Fontein 冯方天 95
5."The Nature and Significance of the Collection of Liang Ching-Piao" 梁清模收藏之渊源及价值&Wai-Kam Ho 何惠鉴 Sherman E.Lee 101
6.“Some Notes on the Social History of Chinese Art” 有关中国社会艺术史的几点观察&Michael Sullivan 159
7."The Individuality of Honan Tradition in the Shang Period"&W.William Watson 171
8."Kings of Hell" 地狱之王&Lothar Ledderose 雷德侯 191
9."New Problems in the Tun Huang Studies" 敦煌绘画艺术的新问题&Hsio-Yen Shih 时学颜 211
10.“A New Approach to the Study of Medieval Jade Zoomorphs" 中古时代之中国玉器&Rene Yvon Lefebvre D'Argence 达祥西 247
11.“Some Characteristic Shapes and Patterns of Chinese Export Ware Found at Vostat” 中国贸易瓷(发现於埃及Vostat)之基本形式及饰纹&Bo Gyllensvard 319
12."A Heterodex Chinese Painting Tradition in the Formation of Japanese Nanga" 日本南画中的中国绘画影响&Hsu Hsiao-Hu 徐小虎 351
13.“Sung Lacquers”宋代漆器&George Kuwayana 顾华山 399
14."The Urban Structure of Two Ancient Towns Ch'ang An and Angkor"&Gildo Fossati 431
15.近代中国之国画运动&古原宏伸 Kohara Hironobu 449
16.正仓院之绘画&川上泾 Kawakami Kei 465
17.明代中国青花瓷器上之饰纹——两种饰纹之研究&庄申 483
18.黄公望之挂轴构图之研究——证明九珠峰翠之真实性&傅申 501
19.国画六法的研释&黄君璧 519
20.山水画中点景人物的断代研究&李霖灿 523
21.中国艺术史论&谭旦冏 559
22.古玉形制研究&那志良 571
23.民初国画之革新运动&姚梦谷 587
24.汉唐间书法艺术理论之发展&王壮为 601
25.磬的历史与比较之研究&庄本立 615
26.草书衍化及其比较&史紫忱 643
27.宋代思想与绘画风格&曾堉 675