《柯灵思新交际英语 中级 上》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:9 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:(美)(柯灵思)Edwin T.Cornelius,Jr.著;《柯灵思新交际英语》编译组编译
  • 出 版 社:北京:新时代出版社
  • 出版年份:2000
  • ISBN:7504204722
  • 页数:169 页

CONTENTSTASK 25 Accepting an offer or invitation.  1

TASK 26 Refusing an offer or invitation.  6

TASK 27 Responding to courtesies extended by others.  11

TASK 28 Expressing gratitude.  16

TASK 29 Expressing sympathy.  21

TASK 30 Making polite suggestions.  26

TASK 31 Giving and seeking permission to do something.  31

TASK 32 Asking a favor or being asked to do a favor.  36

TASK 33 Making apologies for past events.  41

TASK 34 Requesting others to do something.  46

TASK 35 Expressing preference.  51

TASK 36 Asking for advice about social courtesies.  56

TASK 37 Making an appointment for a meeting.  61

TASK 38 Canceling an appointment.  66

TASK 39 Introducing yourself or being introduced at a meeting.  71

TASK 40 Taking part in a business meeting.  76

TASK 41 Finding out about agreement and disagreement.  81

TASK 42 Making a phone call to transact business.  86

TASK 43 Attending an international(multi-cultural)meeting.  91

TASK 44 Expressing whether something is considered possible or impossible.  96

TASK 45 Finding out whether others are obliged to do something.  101

TASK 46 Expressing gratitude for somebody's hospitality.  106

TASK 47 Making a social telephone call.  111

TASK 48 Expressing emotional feelings.  116

Appendix  121