《中学生新新英语阅读 初中中级》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:11 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:丁林棚,朱红梅主编
  • 出 版 社:北京:人民日报出版社
  • 出版年份:2001
  • ISBN:7801534255
  • 页数:287 页

Convert 4

Which One to Call Back 6

The Problem of Two Flounders 10

In the Air 14

Violin Lessons 18

A Short Holiday 22

Kid s Talk 26

Importance 30

The Cuitar Player 34

Not Such A Simple Question 38

Dirty Hands 42

Information Please 46

The Cure 50

Helping Hands 54

The Bet 58

Tom s Compositon 62

A Clever Professor 66

Dog For Sale 68

A Fishy Story 72

Safe Hands 76

Guilty or Not Guilty 80

An Important Friend 84

The Third Button 88

Which Smith 92

Dream Win 96

The Generous Policeman 100

A Bad Neighbor 104

The Frogs Asking for a King 108

The Salt Merchant(商人)and His Ass 112

The Oxen and the Butchers 116

The vain Jackdaw 120

The Goatherd and the Wild Goats 124

The Dog with a Bell 128

The Fox Who Had Lost His Tail 130

The Man and His Two Sweethearts 132

The True Friends 136

The Old Woman and the Doctor 138

The Charger in the Mill 142

The Fox and the Monkey 146

The Horse and His Master 150

The Mother Monkeys and Her Baby 154

The Window and Her Little Maids 158

The Cat and the Birds 162

The Ox and the Frog 166

The Father and His Two Daughter 170

The Thief and His Mother 174

The Mouse,the Frog,and the Hawk(鹰) 178

The Man Bitten by a Dog 182

The Two Pots 184

The Wolf s Request 186

The Huntsman and the Fisherman 190

The Two Dogs 194

The Widow and Her Sheep 198

The Wild Ass and the Lion 202

The Eagle and the Arrow 206

The Lion and the Shark 208

The Cock,the Cat, And the Mouse 212

Amin and the Eggs 218

The Adventures(历险)of Tom ThumbⅠ 222

The Adventures(历险)of Tom ThumbⅡ 228

Little Claus and Great ClausⅠ 232

Little Claus and Great ClausⅡ 238

Little Claus and Great ClausⅢ 242

Little Claus and Great ClausⅣ 246

Little Claus and Great ClausⅤ 250

Little Claus and Great ClausⅥ 256

Little Claus and Great ClausⅦ 260

Little Claus and Great ClausⅧ 264

Little Claus and Great ClausⅨ 270

Little Claus and Great ClausⅩ 274

Little Claus and Great ClausⅪ 280

Little Claus and Great ClausⅫ 284