
  • 购买积分:10 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:郑晓瑛著
  • 出 版 社:北京:中国人口出版社
  • 出版年份:1997
  • ISBN:7800794024
  • 页数:235 页

引言 1

1 The History of Concept of Reproductive Health 1

1.1 The Enlightenment of International Women Movement 1

Foreword 1

1 生殖健康概念的沿革 1

1.1国际妇女运动的启蒙 1

1.2 The Guidance of Women Health Movement and Reproductive Rights 4

1.2妇女卫生保健运动中生育控制和生育权利的导向 4

1.3计划生育的提出 5

1.3 Family Planning Programme 5

1.4生殖健康概念的形成 6

1.4 The Process Shaped the Concept of Reproductive Health 6

1.5 The Development of Reproductive Health 7

1.5生殖健康的发展 7

2 The Connotation of Reproductive Health 9

2.1 The International Opinions of Reproductive Health 9

2.1生殖健康的国际学术观点 9

2 生殖健康的内涵 9

2.2 Reproductive Health and Population Policies 19

2.2生殖健康与人口政策 19

2.3 Rights Issues on Reproductive Health 22

2.3生殖健康中的权利问题 22

2.4中国生殖健康的内涵 25

2.4 The Connotation of Reproductive Health in China 25

2.5 Challenges on Reproductive Health 26

2.5生殖健康面临的挑战 26

2.6 Strategies on Reproductive Health 28

2.6生殖健康的发展方向 28

3.1 Why Reproductive Health as Women-centered 30

3 Women-centered Reproductive Health 30

3.1为何要提出以妇女为中心的生殖健康 30

3 以妇女为中心的生殖健康 30

3.2 The Contents of Women-centerd Reproductive Health 32

3.2以妇女为中心的生殖健康的内容 32

3.3 Rights on Women-centered Reproductive Health 33

3.3实现以妇女为中心的生殖健康中的权利问题 33

3.4 Male Participate on Women-centered Reproductive Health 40

3.4男性参与的以妇女为中心的生殖健康 40

3.5 Women Status and Reproductive Health 41

3.5提高妇女地位对生殖健康的影响 41

3.6以妇女为中心的生殖健康对社会协调发展的影响 47

3.6 Women-Centered Reproductive Health Affect On Society Development 47

4 Family Planning Programs in China 51

4.1 The Chinese Characteristic Family Planning Programs 51

4.1具有中国特色的计划生育 51

4 中国的计划生育 51

4.2 Family Planning and Reproductive Health 59

4.2计划生育与生殖健康的关系 59

4.3 The Practicing of Family Planning in China 61

4.3中国的计划生育实践 61

4.4 Reconsideration and Improvements Family Planning Programs 65

4.4重新认识和完善计划生育方案 65

4.5防止妇女意外妊娠和意外妊娠后的服务 77

4.5 The Services for Unwanted Pregnancies in China 77

5 妇幼卫生保健与生殖健康 81

5 Maternal and Children Health Care (MCH) and Reproductive Health 81

5.1妇女生殖健康与妇女健康 84

5.1 Reproductive Health and Women s Health 84

5.2儿童保健 106

5.2 Children Health Care 106

5.3加强妇幼健康教育 121

5.3 Strengthened MCH Education 121

5.4中国妇幼健康面临的挑战 122

5.4 Challenges on MCH in China 122

6 生殖道感染和艾滋病的控制与防治 127

6.1生殖道感染 127

6 Prevention of Reproductive Tract Infections (RTIs) and AIDS 127

6.1 Reproductive tract Infections (RTIs) 127

6.2 RTIs and STDs 132

6.2生殖道感染与性传播疾病(STDs) 132

6.3艾滋病与生殖道感染 134

6.3 RTIs and AIDS 134

6.4生殖健康与生殖道感染和艾滋病 135

6.4 Reproductive Health and RTIs and AIDS 135

6.5影响妇女生殖道感染的因素 136

6.5 The Factors Affecting Women s RTIs 136

6.6 Strategies on Prevention and Control of RTIs and AIDS 139

6.6生殖道感染和艾滋病的控制和防治对策 139

7.1国际青少年生殖健康的规划 143

7 青少年的生殖健康 143

7.1 The Programs of International Adolescent Reproductive Health 143

7 Adolescent Reproductive Health 143

7.2 The Contents of Adolescent Reproductive Health 146

7.2青少年生殖健康的内容 146

7.3 Appropriate Technologies of Adolescent Reproductive Health Education 148

7.3传递青少年生殖健康信息的适宜技术 148

7.4中国青少年生殖健康教育现状 150

7.4 The Situation of Adolescent Reproductive Health Education in China 150

8 Evaluation of Reproductive Health 152

8.1 Quantitative Evaluation of Reproductive Health 152

8.1生殖健康的主要定量评估指标 152

8 生殖健康评估的探讨 152

8.2 Qualitative Evaluation of Reproductive Health 158

8.2生殖健康定性评估的内容 158

8.3 Participants and Organizations of Evaluation on Reproductive Health 160

8.3生殖健康评估的参与者及参与机构 160

8.4 Imagination of Evaluation 161

8.5 Systematic and Practical Evaluation of Reproductive Health 161

8.4评估的思路和设想 161

8.5生殖健康评估指标的系统性和实用性 164

8.6 Summaries 165

8.6小结 165

9 Case Studies 166

9.1 Chinese Population Policies and Reproductive Health Before and After ICPD-National Report (一) 166

9.1国际人口与发展大会前后的中国人口政策及生殖健康实践——国际项目中国报告(一) 166

9 生殖健康的个案研究 166

9.2 The Studies on Factors Affecting Contraceptive Effectiveness and Contraceptive Prevalence in China-Report (2) of NSFC Program 176

9.2影响避孕措施效果和避孕现用率的因素与分析——国家自然科学基金项目报告(二) 176

9.3 Survey Report on the Attitude of Graduate Students Towards Knowledge of Reproductive Health and the Corresponding Behavior 196

9.3高等院校研究生生殖健康知识、态度和实践情况的调查——世界卫生组织资助项目报告(一) 196

9.4 Effect of Induced Abortion on Women s Psychological Stress and Choice and Shift of Contraceptive Methods 207

9.4人工流产手术对妇女心理状态及其节育措施选择和转换的影响——南南合作项目阶段报告 207

9.5 Cost/Benefit Analysis of conversion of the Use of Steel to Copper IUDs in China——UNFPA Program 216

9.5引入新型宫内节育器的成本-效益分析——联合国P-43项目报告(一) 216

9.6 The Analysis of Negative Economic Effect due to Contraceptive Failure of the Stainless Steel Ring (IUD). 223

9.6不锈钢金属单环避孕失败后妊娠的经济负担 223

References 229

参考文献 229

Postscript 234

后记 234