《台湾地区中医药文献摘要专辑 9》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:12 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:陈介甫
  • 出 版 社:国立中国医药研究所
  • 出版年份:1998
  • ISBN:9570231386
  • 页数:334 页

一、台湾大学暨医学院124篇 1

(一)研究论文 1

1.Comparison of the Actions of Some Platelet-Activating Factor Antagonists on Platelets and Aortic Smooth Muscles 1

2.台湾牛皮消中分离出二种新的Pregnane Glycosicl Cynanformoside A and B,Two new Pregnane Glycosides from the Aerial Part of Cynanchum formosanum 3

3.Dicentrine,a Natural Vascular α1-Adrenoceptor Antagonist,Isolated from Indera megphylla 5

4.Flavonoids from the Roots of Scutellaria Iuzonica Rolfe 7

5.Litebamine,A Novel Phenanthrene Alkloid from Litsea cubeba 9

6.台湾新归化种药用植物—补骨脂(豆科) Psoralea corylifolia Linn.(Leguminosae)-A Newly Naturalized Medicinal Plant for Taiwan 11

7.Two New Chalcones,Laxichalcone and Derrichalcone From the Roots of Derris Iaxiflora Benth 13

8.Vasodilatory Action Mechanisms of Apigenin Isolated from Apium graveolens in Rat Thoracic Aorta 15

9.Vasorelaxants from Chinese Herbs,Emodin and Scoparone,Possess Immunosuppressive Properties 17

10.Antiplatelet Actions of Some Coumarin Compounds Isolated from Plant Sources 19

11.Ca2+-Channel Blockade in Rat Thoracic Aorta by Protopine Isolated from Corydalis Tubers 21

12.Ca2++Channel Blocking Effects of Three Coumarin Compounds 23

13.A Facile Semisynthesis of Litebamine,A Novel Phenanthrene Alkaloid from Boldine via a Biogenetical Approach 25

14.Inhibition of Angiotensin-I-Converting Enzyme by Tetrahydroxyxanthones Isolated From Tripterospermum Ianceolatum 27

15.Inhibition of Moloney Murine Leukemia Virus Reverse Transcriptase Activity by Tetrahydroxyxanthones Isolated from the Chinese Herb,Tripterospermum Iancelatum(Hyata) 29

16.Inhibitory Effect of Curcumin,an Anti-inflammatory Agent,on Vascular Smooth Muscle Cell Proliferation 31

17.Inhibitory Effects of Flavonoids on Moloney Murine Leukemia Virus Reverse Transcriptase Activity 33

18.A New Glycoside,Brachynoside,Isolated from Clerodendron brachyanthum Schauer 35

19.PAF Antagonism In Vitro and In Vivo by Aglafoline from Aglain elliptifolia Merr 37

20.Platelet-Activating Factor Antagonism in Rabbit Platelets by the Derivative of Ochotensimine Isolatd from Corydalis ochotensi s 39

40.A Novel 12-Deoxorotenone,12-Deoxo-12α-Acetoxyelliptone,from the Roots of Derris oblonga 39

21.Possible Mechanism of Immunosuppressive Effect of Scoparone(6,7-dimethoxycoumarin) 41

22.Studies on Formosan Soft Corals,2.Cytotoxic Cembranolides from the Soft Coral Lobophytum michaelae 43

23.Two New Benzofuran Derivatives,Corylifonol and Isocorylifonol from the Seeds of Psoralea corylifolia 45

39.The Mode of Action of Primary Bile Salts on Human Platelets 47

24.Vasodilator Effect of Scoparone(6,7-Dimethoxycoumarin)from a Chinese Herb 47

25.Vasorelaxation of Rat Thoracic Aorta Caused by Osthole Isolated from Angelica pubescens 49

26.Antiplatelet Activity of Some Prenylfavonoids 51

27.台湾产植物有关抗血小板凝集及血管松弛之成分 Antiplatelet Effects and Vasorelaxing Action of Some Constituents of Formosan Plants 53

28.Antiproliferative Effect of Esculetin on Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells:Possible Roles of Signal Transduction Pathways 55

29.Ca2+-channel Blockade in Rat Thoracic Aorta by Crychine Isolated from Cryptocarya chinensis Hemsl 57

30.Chemical and Antiplatelet Aggregative Investigation of the Leaves of Clausena excavata 59

31.CIS-19,a Novel Platelet Activating Factor Receptor Antagonist:In Vitro and In Vivo Studies 61

32.Daphnoretin,a New Protein Kinase C Activator Isolated from Wikstroemia indica C.A.Mey. 63

33.6a,12a-Dehydro-β-toxicarol and Derricarpin,Two New Isoflavonoids,from the Roots of Derris oblonga Benth 65

34.Dehydroodorin,A Cytotoxic Diamide from the Leaves of Aglaia formosana 67

35.风不动成分之研究 Disformone and Dischidiol from Dischidia formosana 69

36.Frangulin B,an Antagonist of Collagen-Induced Platelet Aggregation and Adhesion,Isolated from Rhamnus formosana 71

37.HPLC Analysis of Emodin in Serum,Herbs and Chinese Herbal Prescriptions 73

38.Inhibition of Collagen-Induced Platelet Aggregation and Adhesion by a Pseudocyanide Derivative of Avicine Isolated from Zanthoxylum integrifoliolum Merr 75

41.Pharmacological Activity of(-)-Discretamine,a Novel Vascular α-Adrenoceptor and 5-Hydroxytrptamine Receptor Antagonist,Isolated from Fissistigma glaucescens 81

42.Protection by Scoparone Against the Alterations of Plasma Lipoproteins,Vascular Morphology and Vascular Reactivity in Hyperlipidaemic Diabetic Rabbit 83

43.The Relaxant Actions on Guinea-pig Trachealis of Atherosperminine Isolated from Fissistigma glaucescens 85

44.头花香苦草成分之研究 Studies on the Constituents of Hyptis rhomboides 87

45.Vasoconstricting Effect in Rat Aorta Caused by Thaliporphine Isolated from the Plant Neolitsea konishii K 89

46.Alkaloids from Lycopodium casuarinoides 91

47.Antimuscarinic Action of Liriodenine,Isolated from Fissistigma glaucescens,in Canine Tracheal Smooth Muscle 93

48.Antiplatelet Aggregation Principles of Dedrobium IoddigesⅡ 95

49.Antiplatelet and Vasorelaxing Actions of the Acetoxy Derivative of Cedranediol Isolated from Juniperus squamata 97

50.台产茜草的抗血小板成分 Antiplatelet Constituents of Formosan Rubia akane 99

51.Antiplatelet Effects of Clausine-D Isolated from Clausena excauvata 101

52.Antiproliferative Effect of Baicalein,a Flavonoid from a Chinese Herb,on Vascular Smooth Muscle Cell 103

53.Antitumor Agent,151.Bis-(helendlinyl)Glutarate and Bis-(Isoalantodiol-B)Glutarate,Potent Inhibitors of Human and Topoisomerase Ⅱ 105

54.Bioactive Alkaloids from Annona squamosa 107

55.Comparison of the Pharmacologic Action of Two Isoquinoline Alkaloids on Rat Cardiac Tissue 109

56.Dicentrine,an α-Adrenoceptor Antagonist with Sodium and Potassium Channel Blocking Activities 111

57.(-)-Discretamine,a Selective α1-Adrenoceptor Antagonist,Isolated from Fissistigma glaucescens 113

58.The Effect of 3-[2-(Cyclopropylamino)Ethoxy]Xanthone on Platelet Thromboxane Formation 115

59.Effects of Baicalein and Esculetin on Transduction Signals and Growth Factors Expression in T-lymphoid Leukemia Cells 117

60.The Electrophysiological Effects of Dicentrine on the Conduction System of Rabbit Heart 119

61.台湾新归化种牻牛儿苗科植物—麝香牻牛儿苗(拟) Erodium moschatum(L.)L'her.(Geraniaceae)-A Newly Naturalized Plant for Taiwan 121

62.Inhibition of Cyclooxygenase Activity and Increase in Platelet Cyclic AMP by Girinimbine,Isolated from Murraya euchrestifolia 123

63.Inhibition of Platelet Thromboxane Formation and Phosphoinositides Breakdown by Diisoeugenol 125

64.Inhibitory Effects of Polyphenolic Catechins from Chinese Green Tea on HIV Reverse Transcriptase Activity 127

65.Mechanism of Vasorelaxation Caused by N-Benzylsecobol-dine in Rat Thoracic Aorta 129

66.Morphological Evidence for the Antiatherogenic Effect of Scoparone in Hyperlipidaemic Diabetic Rabbits 131

67.Pharmacological Characteristics of Liriodenine,Isolated from Fissistigma glaucescens,a Novel Muscarinic Receptor Antagonist in Guinea-Pigs 133

68.The Relaxant Action of Osthole Isolated from Angelica pubescens in Guinea-Pig Trachea 135

69.Sesquiterpene Pyridine Alkaloids from Maytenus emargi-nata:Emarginatine-C and-D and Cytotoxic Emarginatine-E and Emarginatinine 137

70.Studies on the Bioactive Principles from San-Ling-Pai-Chu-San 139

71.Studies on the Constituents of Heterostemma brownii(Ⅰ) 141

72.Thaliporphine,a Positive Inotropic Agent with a Negative Chronotropic Action 143

73.Vasorelaxing Effect in Rat Thoracic Aorta Caused by Laurotetanine Isolated from Litsea cubeba Persoon 145

74.Antiplatelet Effect of Gingerol Isolated from Zingiber Officinale 147

75.Bioactive Alkaloids from Annona Reticulata 149

76.Bioactive Constiuents from the Stems of Annona montana 151

77.Differential Inhibition of Reverse Transcriptase and Cellular DNA Polymerase-α Activities by Lignans Isolated from Chinese Herbs,Phyllanthus myrtifolius Moon,and Tannins from Lonicera japonica Thumb and Castanopsis hystrix 153

78.Effects of CIS-19,a novel PAF Receptor Antagonist,on PAF-induced Eosinophil Recruitment and Enhancement of Superoxide Anion Generation in Guinea-pigs 155

79.Electrophysiological Basis for Antiarrhythmic Efficacy,Positive Inotropy and Low Proarrhythmic Potential of(-)-Caryachine 157

80.Five New Pregnane Glycosides from Cynanchum taiwanianum 159

81.Inhibition on Platele Activation by Shikonin Derivatives Isolated from Arnebia euchroma 161

82.Marchantinquinone,Isolated from Reboulia hemisphaerica,as Inhibitor of Lipid Peroxidation and as free Radical Scavenger 163

83.Napalolides A-D,Four New Sesquiterpene Lactones from Carpesium nepalense 165

84.Nepalolides A-D,Four New Sesquiterpene Lactones from Carpesium nepalense 167

85.New Steroid Acids from Antrodia cinnamomea,a Fungal Parasite of Cinnamomum micranthum 169

86.由台产鼠李分离出新的抗血小板烯醋衍生物 Novel Antiplatelet Naphthalene from Rhamnus nakaharai 171

87.Pharmacological Evaluation of N-methyl-actinodaphnine,a new Vascular α-Adrenoceptor Antagonist,Isolated from Illigera Iuzonensis 173

88.Roripamine,A Sulphonylalkyl Amine from Rorippa indica 175

89.Roripanoside,A New Kaempferol Rhamnoside from Rorippa indica(L.)Hiern 177

90.Antiplatelet Aggregation Constituents of Annona purpurea 179

91.Antiplatelet and Vasorelaxing Actions of Some Benzylisoqinoline and Phenanthrene Alkaloids 181

92.Antiplatelet Effects and Vaorelaxing Action of Some Aporphinoids 183

93.Antiproliferative Effect in Rat Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells by Osthole,Isolated from Angelica pubescens 185

94.Antioxidant Properties of Isotorachrysone Isolated from Rhamnusnakaharai 187

95.Antiplatelet Effect of Demethyldiisoeugenol 189

96.Chemical Components of the Leaves of Duranta Repens LINN 191

97.Electrophysiological Mechanisms for Antiarrhythmic Efficacy and Positive Inotropy of liriodenine,a Natural Aporphine Alkaloid from Fissistigma glaucescens 193

98.Electrophysiological Mechanisms for the Antiarrhythmic Action of(-)-Caryachine in Rat Heart 195

99.(±)-Govadine and(±)-THP,Two Tetrahydroprotoberberine Alkaloids,as Selective α1-Adrenoceptor Antagonists in Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells 197

100.Induction of Calcium Release from Sarcoplasmic Reticulum of Skeletal Muscle by Xanthone and Norathyriol 199

101.Inhibitory Effects of Plant Growth Regulators on Xanthine Oxidase 201

102.Modulation of Microsomal Cytochrome P450 by Scutellariae Radix and Gentianae Scabrae Radix in Rat Liver 203

103.New Naphthoquinones from the Stem of Diospyros maritima Blume 205

104.New Prenylflavones from the Leaves of Epimedium sagittatum 207

105.台产桑科植物分离出新的抗血小板凝集的活性成分 Novel Antiplatelet Constituents from Formosan Moraceous Plants 209

106.Pharmacological Characteristics of BDTI,a New Isoquinoline-Derived β2-Adrenoceptor Agonist,in Canine Trachea and Rat Heart 211

107.Protective and Therapeutic Effects of Huanglian-Jie-Du-Tang on Hepatotoxin-induced Liver Injuries 213

108.Six Lignans from Phyllanthus myrtifolius 215

109.Steroids and Triterpenoids of Antrodia cinnamomea—A Fungus Parasitic on Cinnamomum micranthum 217

110.Studies on Constituent s of Saururus chinensis 219

111.Superoxide Anion Scavenging Effect of Coumarins 221

112.Three New Purinium Derivatives,Heteromines A,B,and C from Heterostemma brownii 223

113.Transformation of Cedrane Skeleton to Noracorane and Decahydroazulene Skeletons via Free Radical Reaction Autooxidation of 8β-Hydroxycedran-13-al 225

114.ADP-mimicking Platelet Aggregation Caused by Rugosin E,an Ellagitannin Isolated from Rosa rugosa Thunb 227

115.Antiplatelet Effects of Some Aporphine and Phenanthrene Alkaloids in Rabbits and Man 229

116.The Effect of the Selective PAF Antagonist CIS-19 on PAF-and Antigen-induced Bronchoconstriction,Microvascular Leakage and Bronchial Hyperreactivity in Guinea-pigs 231

117.The Effects of Cantharidin analogues on Xanthine Oxidase 233

118.Inhibition of Xanthine Oxidase by Hydroxylated Anthra-quinones and Related Compounds 235

(二)博硕士论文 237

119.中药成分emodin及scoparone血管松弛作用机转之研究 237

120.中药成份scoparone免疫抑制作用机转之研究 Mechanisms of Immunosuppressive Effect of Scoparone from Chinese Herb 239

121.中药成分scoparone在高血脂兔子之药理作用 241

122.中药材成份esculetin及baicalein对细胞之讯息传递与生长因子基因表现之影响 Effects of Esculetin and Baicalein on Cellular Transduction Signals and Growth Factor Genes Expression 243

123.植物成份对人类肝癌细胞株HepG2 cells及血管平滑肌细胞之作用及其机转之研究 Effects of Plant components on Human Hepatoma Cell Line HePG2 Cells and Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells 245

124.中药材成分esculetin及myricetin抗动脉硬化作用机转之研究 Possible Mechanism of Antiatherosclerotis Effects of Esculetin and Myricetin 247

二、药物食品检验局30篇 249

研究论文 249

1.Studies on the Tannins form Euphoria Iongana Lam. 249

2.八十年度台湾地区国术馆贩售风湿镇痛及镇喘类中药制剂羼加西药成分之调查 251

3.Determination of Baicalin and Puerarin in Traditional Chinese Medicinal Preparations by High-Performance Liquid Chromatography 253

4.Determination of Cinnamic Acid and Paeoniflorin in traditional Chinese Medicinal Preparations by High-performance Liquid Chromatography 255

5.大陆中药品质调查 257

6.中药材品质调查 259

7.中药浓缩制剂浓缩倍数之研究 261

8.温清饮、三黄泻心汤及小青龙汤中Geniposide、Berberine及Paeoniflorin成分安定性探讨 263

9.温清饮中栀子之Geniposide及芍药之Paeoniflorin定量 265

10.Determinatin of Paeoniflorin,Ferulic Acid and Baicalin in the Traditional Chinese Medicinal Preparation Dang-Guei-San by High-performance Liquid Chromatography 267

11.中药浓缩制剂制程中微生物污染之探讨 269

12.市售中药浓缩制剂总灰分、酸不溶性灰分、水抽提物及稀醇抽提物等品质调查 271

13.荆芥连翘汤中paeoniflorin,geniposide及glycyrrhizin成分之高效液相层析定量方法之研究 273

14.Determination of Liquiritin,Glycyrrhizin,Hesperidin,Cinnamic Acid,Cinnamaldehyde,Honokiol and Magnolol in the Traditional Chinese Medicinal Preparation Wuu-Ji-San by High-performance Liquid Chromatography 275

15.Identification of Western Medicines as Adulterants in Chinese Herbal Medicines Using a Broad-Spectrum Drug Screening HPLC System 277

16.天麻药材中指标成分Parishin,Parishin B及C之高效液相层析定量法之探讨 279

17.中药丸剂重量差异试验法及规格制订之探讨 281

18.中药掺加Sulfamethoxazole之定量探讨 283

19.毛细管电泳法定量风湿镇痛类中药制剂中掺加西药成分之探讨 285

20.利用高效液相层析法筛检中药制剂中掺加之风湿镇痛类西药成分 287

21.Determination of Gentiopicrside,Mangiferin,Palmatine,Bererine,Baicalin,Wogonin and Glycyrrhizin in the Traditional Chinese Medicinal Preparation Sann-Joong-Kuey-Jian-Tang by High Performance Liquid Chromatography 289

22.Determination of Parishin,Parishins B and C in Traditional Chinese Medicinal Preparations by High Performance Liquid Chromatography 291

23.Micellar Electrokinetic Capillary Chromatography of Clobenzorex HCI and Diazepam Adulterated in Anorexiant Traditional Chinese Medicine 293

24.Parishins B and C from Rhizomes of Gastrodia Elata 295

25.一种固精补元气中药丸掺加Acetaminophen,Piroxicam,Ethoxybenzamide,Hydrochlorothiazide,Chlorzoxazone,Caffeine及Nicotinamide西药成分之分析与定量研究 297

26.中药制剂中掺加Aminitrozole,Metronidazole,Ornidazole及Tinidazole之高效液相层析分析 299

27.中药制剂掺加Nifedipine高效液相层析定量方法之应用 Quantitiative Analysis of Nifedipine Adulterated in Traditional Chinese Medicine by HPLC 301

28.玄参药材中高极性成分之分离及高效液相层析定量研究 303

29.以逢机扩增多型性DNA鉴别乾燥根茎之黄连品种 Identification of dried rhizomes of Coptis specied using random amplified polymorphic DNA 305

30.Phenolics from Acalypha Indica 307

三、中山大学13篇 309

研究论文 309

1.Studies on Formosan Soft Corals,2.Cytotoxic Cembranolides from the Soft Coral Lobophytum michaelae 309

2.Studies on the Formosan Soft Corals 1-Cytotoxic Cembrane Diterpenes from Sarcophyton trocheliophorum 311

3.Alkaloids from Lycopodium casuarinoides 313

4.Comparison of the Pharmacologic Action of Two Isoquinoline Alkaloids on Rat Cardiac Tissue 315

5.New Steroid Acids from Antrodia cinnamomea,a Fungal Parasite of Cinnamomum micranthum 317

6.Bioactive Taxanes from the Roots of Taxus mairei 319

7.New Secoiridoid Glucosides from Jasminum Ianceolarium 321

8.New Taxne Diterpenoids from the Roots of Taxus mairei 323

9.Steroids and Triterpenoids of Antrodia cinnamomea-A Fungus Parasitic on Cinnamomum micranthum 325

10.Bioactive Lignans and Taxoids from The Roots of Formosan Taxus mairei 327

11.Taxane Diterpenes from Taxus mairei 329

12.Taxanes from the Roots of Taxus mairei 331

13.Three Secoiridoid Glucosides from Jasminum Ianceolaium 333