Introduction 1
PartⅠ Theories of Language Learning 1
Introduction 1
The Empiricist Approach of Structuial 1
Linguistics 1
The Rationalist Approach to Language 5
Learning 5
Summary 10
Part Ⅱ Teaching Methods Introduction 11
The Grammar-Translation Method 11
The Direct Method 13
The Audio-Lingual Method 17
The Cognitive-Code Method 21
The Functional/Notional Approach 25
The Eclectic Approach 30
Some Recent Experiments 31
Community Language Learning 31
The Silent Way 32
Suggestology 34
Summary 35
Part Ⅲ TEFL in China:Yesterday and Today Introduction 37
A Brief History 37
Practical Methodological Problems 49
The Present Textbooks 49
Methodological Trends in Schools 53
Summary 68
Basic Principles 69
Part Ⅳ Practical Applications:What to Teach and How to Teach Introduction 69
Developing Listening Skills 78
A Skill That Cannot Be Neglected 79
Stages of Development in Listening Comprehension 83
Practical Listening Activities 83
Some Cautions and Techniques 95
Summary 97
Developing Speaking Skills 97
Is Speaking a Skill Justified for Chinese Secondary Students? 98
Processes in the Teaching of the Speak-ing Skill 101
Practical Speaking Activities 103
Some Cautions and Techmques 120
Summary 125
Developing Reading Skills 126
The Stages of Reading Development 127
Some Techniques at Early Stages of Reading 132
Intensive and Extensive Reading 139
Some Cautions and Techniques 162
Summary 167
Developing Writing Skills 168
The Role of Writing and Definition of the Writing Skill 168
Writing Practice 172
Some Cautions and Techniques 185
Summary 187
Teaching the Features of the Language 188
Teaching the Sound System 188
Teaching Grammar 197
Teaching Vocabulary 216
Summary 226
Part Ⅴ Epilogue and Prologue Introduction 227
Some Factors Affecting Language Teaching and Learning 227
The Students 228
Environmental Conditions 235
The Teachers 242
Summary 245
Recommendations 245
Recommendations on TEFL in Schools 246
Recommendations on the Retraining of In-service Teachers 249
Recommendations on the Training of Pre-service Teachers 251
Conclusion:Adapt,Do Not Adopt 257
Appendix Ⅰ:Extracts from Cognitive-Code Textbooks 260
Appendix Ⅱ:Extracts from a Functionally-Based Text-book 262
Appendix Ⅲ:Table:Teaching Methods in 31 Schools 265
Appendix Ⅳ:Questionnaire to 130 Teachers in SixShanghai Districts 265
Appendix Ⅴ:Qualifications for High School Teachers ofModern Foreign Language(M.L.A.) 266
Bibliography 271
Language Journals 276