A New Age of Discovery/Introduction by Gordon Grice 6
James Akers 8
Manuel Avila 14
Richard C.Baehr 20
Frank Bartus 26
Lori Brown 32
Nicholas Buccalo 38
Li Chen 44
Frank M.Costantino 50
Angelo DeCastro 56
Lee Dunnette 62
Al Forster 68
Architectural Illustration in China/Interview with David Xiaoping Xu 74
Gordon Grice 76
Christopher Grubbs 82
Stephan Hoffpauir 88
William Hook 94
Howard Huizing 100
Douglas E.Jamieson 106
Young H.Ki 112
Sun-Ho Lee 118
Laura Clayton Linn 124
Charlie Manus 130
Rays Traced/Essay by Willem van den Hoed 136
Barbara Morello 138
Mark S.C.Nelson 144
Steve Parker 150
Guang Hao Qian 156
Barbara Worth Ratner 162
Michael Reardon 168
Richard Rochon 174
Ron Rose 180
Thomas W.Schaller 186
Hisae Shoda 192
James C.Smith 198
Dick Sneary 204
The Brazil-Portugal Connection/Essay by Angelo DeCastro 210
Sergei E.Tchoban 212
Willem van den Hoed 218
Andrew S.K.Wee 224
Curtis James Woodhouse 230
David Xiaoping Xu 236
Masaaki Yamada 242
Tamotsu Yamamoto 248
Fujio Yoshida 254
Aaron K.Zimmerman 260
Resources 266
Index 268
Selected Bibliography 269
Acknowledgments 270