Ⅰ The Tense 1
Ⅱ The Passive Voice 15
Ⅲ Adjective,Adverb and Comparison 23
Ⅳ The Preposition 28
Ⅴ The Non-finite Verbs 39
A.The Infinitive 39
B.The Gerund 43
C.The Participle 47
D.Miscellaneous Exercises 51
Ⅵ Types of Complement 64
Ⅶ The Subjunctive Mood 71
A.The Noun Clause 79
Ⅷ The Complex Sentence 79
B.The Attributive Clause 85
C.The Adverbial Clause 96
D.Miscellaneous Exercises 106
Ⅸ The Emphatic Form 119
Ⅹ Inversion 122
Ⅺ Ellipsis 126
Ⅻ The Uses of “That” 133
ⅩⅢ The Uses of“It” 138
ⅩⅣ The Uses of “As” 141
ⅩⅤ Examples of Long Sentences for Translation 148
Key to the Exercises 153