《淮河流域能量与水分循环研究 1》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:11 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:赵柏林,丁一汇主编
  • 出 版 社:北京:气象出版社
  • 出版年份:1999
  • ISBN:7502927166
  • 页数:273 页

1.Weather Situation and the Main Achievement During Intensive Observation of Huaihe River Basin Energy and Water Cycle Experiment in the Summer of 1998 Ding Yihui Zhang Yan Ma Qiang Cao Xingshan Liu Xiaochang 1

1.1998年夏淮河流域试验加密观测期间主要天气形势特点及其重要观测成果 丁 一汇 张雁 马强 曹性善 刘孝昌 1

2.1998年梅雨期区域边界“水汽流”特征及其对长江流域持续特大暴雨影响 徐祥德 张雪金 姚文清 12

2.The Characteristic of Warter vapor Stream at the Edge of Region during Meiyu Period of 1998 and its Effects on the Sustamed Exceptional Torrential Rain in changjiang River Basin Xu Xiangde Zhang Xuejin Yao Wenqing 12

3.1998年长江淮河流域梅雨锋持续降水背景初探 王亚非 沈文海 宋永加 20

3.Possible Causation of Long Persistent Precipitation Around the Yangtze-Huaihe River Basinin 1998 Wang Yafei Shen Wenhai Song Yongjia 20

4.Summer Monsoon Over East Asia During the Period of GAME/HUBEX Observation in 1998 Lu Er Ding Yihui Johnny C.R.Chan 28

4.CAME/HUBEX试验期的东亚夏季风 陆尔 丁一汇 陈仲良 28

5.Heavy Rainstorm Caused By Mesoscale Dry and Moist Gushes Zheng Lanzhi Li Guojie Kong Qingxin Zhai Wuquan Zhao Jianyong Wang Shudong 35

5.中尺度干、湿涌激发的强暴雨 郑兰芝 李国杰 孔庆欣 翟武全 赵建勇 王曙东 35

6.淮河流域大气水汽汇的时空分布 简茂球 林文实 罗会邦 40

6.Temporal Variations and Distributions of Moisture Sinks over Huaihe River Basin Jian Maoqiu Lin Wenshi Luo Huibang 40

7.A Study of the Heavy Precipitarion During the Meiyu Period in 1991 Yi Qingju Liu Yanying Zhou Li Xu Xiangde 46

7.1991年江淮暴雨的能量和水汽分析 仪清菊 刘延英 周丽 徐祥德 46

8. A Study of the Kinetic Energy Budget During Period of Yangtze-Huaihe Meiyu,1991 Peng Jiangbei Song Zhengshan 53

8.1991年江淮地区三度梅期动能收支分析 彭京备 宋正山 53

9.The Physical Process of the Development of the SW Vortex Causing Heavy Rainfall in 1991 Wang Yafei Zhang Yan 67

9.造成1991年江淮暴雨的西南涡发生发展物理过程 王亚非 张雁 67

10.淮河流域大气水汽输送特征及其对旱涝形成的影响 高国栋 陆渝蓉 翟盘茂 高波 吴必文 陈勇进 75

10.The Features of Water Vapour Transport in the Atmosphere and Their Effects on Flood/Drought over the Huaihe River Valley Gao Guodong Lu Yurong Zhai Panmao Gao Bo Wu Biwen Chen Yongjing 75

11.Retrieval Wind Field with the Variational Assimilation Method Using Reflectivity Data of a Rainstorm Wei Ming Ge Wenzhong 82

11.暴雨回波反射率因子的变分同化风场反演 魏鸣 葛文忠 82

12.双多普勒雷达资料在1998年江淮梅雨锋降水分析中的应用 徐晖 张卫平 郎需兴 郭霞 葛文忠 88

12.An Analysis from Dual-Doppler Radar Data during Period of the Meiyu Season in 1998 Xu Hui Zhang Weiping Lang Xuxing Guo Xia Ge Wenahong 88

13.HUBEX-IOP暴雨降水的中尺度数值模拟试验 朱民 魏鸣 葛文忠 96

13.Mesoscale Numerical Simulation Experiment of Rainstorm Precipitation during HUBEXIOP Zhu Min Wei Ming Ge Wenzhong 96

14.淮河流域试验中尺度强暴雨系统的卫星微波遥感研究 张文建 卢乃锰 冉茂农 102

14.Monitoring Strong Convective Mesoscale Systems during HUBEX FILED Intensive Observations from Satellites Microwave Measurements Zhang Wenjian Lu Naimeng Ran Maonong 102

15.Estimation of Atmospheric Water Vapor with Measurements of GMS-5 Infrared Channels and Maicrowave Radiometer Li Wanbiao Zhu Yuanjing Zhao Bolin Zhang Xiaoaing 112

15.地基微波辐射计和静止气象卫星联合遥测大气水汽总量 李万彪 朱元竞 赵柏林 张晓青 112

16.Comparison Study of Predicting Precipitation at Huaihe River Basin with TRMM and GMS-5 Satellite Gao Huilin Yuan Jian Zhu Yuanjing Zhao Bolin 119

16.TRMM和GMS-5卫星对淮河流域降水估计的对比研究 高慧琳 袁健 朱元竞 赵柏林 119

17.A Fusing Technique of Satellite Rainfall Estimation with Raingauge Data Lu Naimeng Shi Chunxiang Zhang Wenjian 125

17.卫星降水估计结果与地面降水观测结果的融合技术 卢乃锰 师春香 张文建 125

18.SSM/I Remote Sensing of Precipitation in Huaihe River Basin Area in 1991 Li Wanbiao Zhu Yuanjing Zhao Bolin 130

18.SSM/I遥感中国1991年淮河流域降水 李万彪 朱元竞 赵柏林 130

19.HUBEX Radiation Observations and Optical Depth of Atmospheric Aerosols over ShouXian Area Shi Guangyu Teruyuki Nakajima etc. 137

19.HUBEX辐射观测及气溶胶光学特性的研究 石广玉 中鸟映至等 137

20.Experimental Study on the Estimate of Energy Balance in Huaihe River Basin Using Micrometecrological Methods Zhu Zhilin Sun Xiaomin ZhangRenhua 144

20.用微气象方法估算淮河流域能量平衡的实验研究 朱水 治林 孙晓敏 张仁华 144

21.The Application of Discrete-ordinate Method for Vector Radiative Transfer in Microwave Chen Yong Zhu Yuanjing Zhao Bolin 153

21.微波矢量辐射传输模式的应用 陈勇 朱元竞 赵柏林 153

22.Preliminary Analysis of the Water Balance for the Shiguan River Catchment in the Huaihe River Basin XU Shijin Qian Mingkai Xu Hui Yang Minqin 162

22.淮河史灌河流域水量平衡初步分析 徐时进 钱名 开 徐慧 杨民钦 162

23.Representativeness of Intensive Precipitation Measurement During the Intensive Focus Observation(IFO)Period of GAME/HUBEX Wang Xiangwen Xu Guifang Zhang Xiaojin Li Dong Wu Dejun 168

23.IFO期间雨量加密观测资料的代表性——HUBEX气象观测站网布设的探讨 王相文 许桂芳 章晓今 李栋 吴可军 168

24.A Preliminary Analysis of Intensive Hydrologic Observation Data in the Shiguan River Catchment of the Huaihe River Basin Xu Hui Qian Mingkai Yang Minqin 175

24.淮河史灌河流域加密观测主要水文要素初步分析 徐慧 钱名开 杨民钦 175

25.Analysis of Soil Moisture in the Shiguan River Basin Peng Shunfeng 182

25.史灌河流域土壤含水量分析 彭顺风 182

26.The Impact of the Land Surface Processes on the Predictive Skill of IAP Prediction System for Short-term Climate Anomaly Lin Zhaohui Li Xu Zhao Yan Guo Yufu Zeng Qingcun 187

26.气候模式中陆面过程的改善对IAP PSSCA预测技巧的影响 林朝晖 李旭 赵彦 郭裕福 曾庆存 187

27.Experiment of Cumulus Parameterization Scheme in Regional Climate Model Liu Yiming Ding Yihui 201

27.区域气候模式中积云对流方案的初步试验 刘一鸣 丁一汇 201

28.Brief Description of IAP Land Surface Model IAP94 Dai Yongjiu Xie Zhenghui Lin Zhaohui Yang Xiaosong Guo Yufu Zeng Qingcun 214

28.陆面物理过程模式IAP94简介 戴永久谢正辉 林朝晖 杨小松 郭裕福 曾庆存 214

29.A Discussion on Some Issues of Macroscale Hydrologic Modeling Liu Xinren 221

29.大尺度水文模拟若干问题的讨论 刘新仁 221

30.Digital Hydrological Modeling on the Shiguan River Basin Ren Liliang Liu Xinren 229

30.史灌河流域数字水文模型研究 任立良 刘新仁 229

31.Hydrological Modeling in the Coupled Land-Atmospheric Model Hao Zhenchun Ren Liliang Liu Xinren 237

31.陆气耦合水文模式研究 郝振纯 任立良 刘新仁 237

32.An Application of the Mass-Lumped Finite Element Method to an Unsaturated Soil Water Flow Problem Xie Zhenghui Zeng Qingcun Dai Yongjiu Wang Bin 246

32.有限元集中质量法在非饱和土壤水流中的应用 谢正辉 曾庆存 戴永久 王斌 246

33.Information Entropy Analysis of Rainfall Field Zhang Jiguo Liu Xinren 255

33.雨量场的信息熵分析 张继国 刘新仁 255

34.Regional Data Assimilation System for HUBEX Zhu Zongshen Guo Xiaorong Ma Qingyun Hao Min Tao Shiwei Liu Zhiyuan Cui Bo Wang Jianjie 261

34.HUBEX区域资料同化系统 朱宗申 郭肖容 马清云 郝民 陶士伟 刘致远 崔波 王建捷 261

35.Data Collection,Process and Database of the Huaihe River Basin Energy and Water Cycle Experiment Li Ji 269

35.淮河流域能量与水分循环试验(HUBEX)资料的收集、处理及试验数据集 李骥 269

36.HUBEX Science Steering Committee and Summary of Its Themes/Topics 272

36.HUBEX项目专家委员会及课题/专题设置 272