
  • 购买积分:20 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:本书编委会编
  • 出 版 社:北京:华语教学出版社
  • 出版年份:2000
  • ISBN:7800525325
  • 页数:747 页

涉外办公 1

1.通知、通告、确认和招贴(Notices,Announcements,Confirmations & Posters) 1

1.1 通知(Notices) 1

1.1.1 开业通知(Opening Notice) 1

1.1.2 分公司开张通知(Opening Notice of a Branch) 2

1.1.3 设立分店启事(Notice of Establishment of a New Branch) 3

1.1.4 任命通知(Notice of Appointment) 3

1.1.5 人事变更启事(Notice for a Change of Personnel) 3

1.1.6 放假通知(Notice of Giving a Holiday) 4

1.1.7 提高服务费通知(Notice for Increasing Service Charges) 4

1.1.8 更改地址通知(Notice of Changing Location) 4

1.1.9 迁址启事(Notice of Removal) 5

1.1.10 逾期未付而暂停信贷的通知(Notice of Stopping Extending Credit) 5

1.1.11 授权启事(Notice of Authorization) 6

1.1.12 租赁游艇注意事项(Notice for Renting a Pleasure Boat) 6

1.1.13 合伙人变动启事(Notice of Change of Partnership) 7

1.2 通告(Announcements) 7

1.2.1 一般通告(General Announcement) 7

1.2.2 天气预报(Weather Forecast) 8

1.2.3 飞机误点通知(Announcement of a Plane Delay) 9

1.2.4 飞机故障通知(Announcement of a Plane Breakdown) 9

1.2.5 英语晚会报幕员讲话(Remarks of an Announcer at an English Evening) 10

1.3 确认(Confirmations) 11

1.3.1 确认计划安排(Confirmation of Arrangement) 11

1.3.2 确认预定宴席(Confirmation of Reservation) 12

1.3.3 确认供货人的口头指示(Confirmation of an Oral Order) 12

1.4 招贴(Posters) 13

1.4.1 商品甩卖(Clearance Sales) 13

1.4.2 商品拍卖(Auction) 13

1.4.3 影讯(Film News) 15

1.4.4 戏讯(Opera News) 15

1.4.5 演讲比赛(Speech Contest) 15

1.4.6 画展(Show of Paintings) 16

1.4.7 参观游览(Tour & Sightseeing) 16

1.4.8 讲座(Lecture) 16

2.会议事宜(Meetings) 17

2.1 会议通知(Notice of a Meeting) 17

2.2 会议日程安排(Meeting Agenda) 18

2.3 研讨会议程表(Workshop Agenda) 20

2.4 座谈会记录(Minutes of a Seminar) 20

2.5 投资会议记录(Minutes of an Investment Meeting) 23

2.6 会议总结(Summarizing on a Meeting) 23

2.7 附录:会议记录常用词汇(Appendix:Common Expressions Related to Meetings) 25

3.办公业务表格(Office Forms) 27

3.1 调查表(Questionnaires) 27

3.1.1 销售人员调查表(Questionnaire About Salespeople) 27

3.1.2 顾客调查表(Consumer Questionnaire) 28

3.1.3 宾客意见调查表(Questionnaire for Guests) 29

3.2 评估表(Evaluation Tables) 30

3.2.1 专业秘书自我评估表(The Professional Secretary's Self-Evaluation) 30

3.2.2 员工评估表(Employee's Evaluation Form) 31

3.2.3 工作表现评分表(Performance Rating Form) 32

3.2.4 面试评分表(Interview Rating Form) 33

3.2.5 工作分析表(Work Analysis Sheet) 35

3.3 旅行业务表格(Travel Forms) 36

3.3.1 公务旅行方案表(Travel Worksheet) 36

3.3.2 外国人临时住宿登记表(Registration Form for Temporary Residence for a Foreigner) 37

3.3.3 公务旅行日程表(一)(Itinerary Ⅰ) 37

3.3.4 公务旅行日程表(二)(Itinerary Ⅱ) 38

3.4 其他表格(Other Forms) 39

3.4.1 电话留言表(Telephone Message) 39

3.4.2 预约备忘卡(Reminder Card) 40

3.4.3 来访登记表(Register of Visitors) 40

3.4.4 来函文件摘要表(Digest of Incoming Mails) 41

3.4.5 邮件发送登记表(Distributed Mail Record) 41

4.涉外办公文书(Official Papers) 42

4.1 报告(Reports) 42

4.1.1 事故报告(Accident Report) 42

4.1.2 定期报告(Periodical Report) 44

4.1.3 旅行报告(Trip Report) 45

4.1.4 调查报告(Investigative Report) 47

4.1.5 描述性报告(Descriptive Report) 50

4.2 新闻(News Releases) 54

4.2.1 质量公司新闻稿(Quality Co.Press Release) 54

4.2.2 新闻简报(News Bulletin) 55

4.2.3 人事新闻(Personnel News) 56

4.3 建议书(Proposals) 57

4.3.1 书信式建议书(Letter-Form Proposal) 57

4.3.2 备忘录式建议书(Memoranda-Form Proposal) 59

5.演说辞令(Speeches) 61

5.1 欢迎词(Welcoming Speech) 61

5.1.1 欢迎新客户(Welcoming a New Client) 61

5.1.2 欢迎新职员(Welcoming a New Colleague) 61

5.2 答谢词(Speeches of Acknowledgement) 62

5.2.1 运动员答谢词(Athlete Delegate's Speech) 62

5.2.2 辞别答谢词(Departure Speech) 62

5.2.3 访问学者答谢词(Visiting Scholar's Speech) 63

5.3 欢送词(Speeches) 64

5.3.1 欢送某人调离(Seeing Off Speech for Someone Transferred) 64

5.3.2 欢送外宾(Seeing Off Speech for Foreign Guests) 65

5.3.3 欢送升迁者(Seeing Off Speech for Someone Promoted) 65

5.4 辞别词(Farewell Speeches) 66

5.4.1 离职告别词(Farewell Speech on Leaving Office) 66

5.4.2 访问告别词(Farewell Speech after a Visit) 67

5.4.3 简短告别词(A Short Farewell Speech) 68

5.5 祝酒词(Speeches for a Toast) 68

5.5.1 年终晚会(Speech at New Year's Eve Party) 68

5.5.2 圣诞晚会(Christmas Party Speech) 68

5.5.3 官员祝酒词(Governmental Official's Speech for a Toast) 69

5.6 演说词(Speeches) 70

5.6.1 就职演说(Inaugural Speech) 70

5.6.2 普通演讲(A General Speech) 72

附录1 各种会议用语(Appendix Ⅰ:Expressions Used at Meetings) 73

附录2 常见企业、商店名称(Appendix Ⅱ:Names of Common Enterprises and Stores) 76

附录3 常见标识用语(Appendix Ⅲ:Common Signs) 79

附录4 常见公共场所名称(Appendix Ⅳ:Names of Some Popular Public Places) 86

附录5 中国组织机构专有名称(Appendix Ⅴ:Names of Chinese Organizations) 87

涉外企业管理 93

1.人事管理(Personnel Management) 93

1.1 拒绝求职者(Refusal of a Job Application) 93

1.2 接受求职者(Acceptance of a Job Applica) 93

1.3 提升(Promotion) 94

1.4 根据协议解聘(Dismissal at the Expiration of a Contract) 94

1.5 因有好工作辞职(Resignation from a Job) 95

1.6 因裁员而解聘(Dismissal due to Cutbacks) 95

1.7 因表现不佳而解聘(Dismissal Because of Bad Behavior) 96

1.8 非正式临时合同(Provisional Contract) 96

1.9 聘约合同(Contract of Employment) 97

1.10 招聘房产职员(Advertisement for Real Estate Clerk) 99

1.11 招聘经理助理(Assistant Manager Wanted) 100

1.12 招聘机械工程师(Mechanical Engineer Wanted) 100

1.13 延长聘期合同(Extension of Employment Contract) 100

1.14 专业人才借聘合同(Specialists Employment Contract) 101

2.财务管理(Financial Management) 109

2.1 负债表(Balance Sheets) 109

2.1.1 资产负债表(Balance Sheet) 109

2.1.2 年终资产负债表(Annual Balance Sheet) 110

2.1.3 服务公司资产负债表(Balance Sheet of a Service Company) 111

2.1.4 制造业公司资产负债表(Balance Sheet of a Manufacturing Company) 112

2.2 损益表和收益表(Profit & Loss Sheets) 113

2.2.1 收益表(Profit Sheet) 113

2.2.2 损益表(Profit and Loss Statememt) 114

2.2.3 盈余和保留盈余表(Statement of Earnings and Retained Earnings) 115

2.2.4 服务性公司损益表(Net Income Statement of a Service Company) 116

2.2.5 制造业公司损益表(Income Statement of a Manufacturing Company) 117

2.3 现金流通(Cash Flow) 117

2.3.1 零用现金凭单(Petty Cash Voucher) 117

2.3.2 现金预支申请表(Application Form for Cash Advance) 118

2.3.3 零用现金办理记录(Petty Cash Transactions Record) 118

2.3.4 开支报告表(Expense Report) 119

2.3.5 公务旅行开支登记表(Record of Expenses of Business Trip) 119

2.3.6 借据(I.O.U) 120

2.3.7 收条(Receipt) 120

2.3.8 发票(Invoice) 120

3.广告促销、企业形象(Advertising for Sales and Enterprises) 121

3.1 广告促销(Advertisements for Sales) 121

3.1.1 洗衣机广告(Advertisement for a Washer) 121

3.1.2 电冰箱广告(Advertisement for a Refrigerator) 122

3.1.3 药品广告(Medical Advertisements) 122

3.1.4 招租广告(Advertisement for Rent) 123

3.1.5 招标广告(Invitation for a Bid) 123

3.1.6 委托外国商会登载广告事项(To Entrust a Foreign Commerce Chamber to Carry Advertisements) 124

3.2 企业形象广告(Advertisement for Corporation Image) 125

3.2.1 ××广告公司(××Advertising Corporation) 125

3.2.2 宾馆广告(Advertisement for Hotel) 127

3.2.3 旅游广告(Tour Advertisement) 128

3.2.4 学校广告(Advertisement for a School) 128

3.2.5 服务广告(Advertisement for a Service) 129

4.产品说明书(Guide to Products) 130

4.1 产品说明书(Guide to Products) 130

4.1.1 电视机使用说明书(Television Operating Guide) 130

4.1.2 电子计算机使用说明书(Miniature Electronic Calculator Operating Manual) 133

4.1.3 计算机软件使用说明书(Directions for Computer Software) 136

4.1.4 医疗仪器说明书(Directions for Medical Equipment) 138

5.其他(Miscelane ous) 141

5.1 摊位申请表(Application for Stands) 141

5.2 公寓租赁合同(Lease of an Apartment) 142

5.3 商标(Brand) 145

国际经济合作 146

1.国际经济合作(International Economic Cooperation) 146

1.1 涉外合同格式(Styles for Contracts Involving Foreign Interests) 146

1.1.1 格式合同(一)(Standard Form of Contract Ⅰ) 146

1.1.2 格式合同(二)(Standard Form of Contract Ⅱ) 147

1.1.3 格式合同(三)(Standard Form of Contract Ⅲ) 152

1.1.4 表格式合同(Form-Style Contract) 155

1.1.5 条款式合同(Clause-Style Contract) 156

2.中外合资合作企业创建(Establishment of a Joint Venture) 157

2.1 中外合资经营企业建立合同(Contract for Establishing a Joint Venture) 157

2.2 合资企业章程(Statutes of a Joint Venture) 181

2.3 股东协议(Shareholder's Agreement) 189

3.招标与投标(Invitation to Tender & Submission of Tender) 206

3.1 招标书(General Instructions to Tenderers) 206

3.2 投标书(Bidding Documents) 209

3.3 投标合同(Bidding Contract) 210

4.技术引进(Technology Transfer) 228

4.1 技术引进合同(Contract of Transfer of Technology) 228

4.2 商标许可合同(Agreement on Trademark License) 247

4.3 特许权转让合同(Licence Agreement) 255

4.4 专利权许可合同(Contract of Patent License) 268

5.“三来一补”合同(Contracts for Processing According to Buyer's Samples,Processing with Customer's Materials and Assembling Imported Parts,and for Compen Sation Trade) 283

5.1 来样加工合同(Agreement for Processing According to Buyer's Samples) 283

5.2 来料加工合同(Agreement for Manufacturing with Customer's Materials) 284

5.3 来料加工装配合同(Agreement for Processing and Assembling with the Customer's Materials) 289

5.4 来件装配合同(Contract for Assembling Imported Parts) 297

5.5 补偿贸易合同(Contract for Compensation Trade) 300

6.其他国际经济合作合同(Miscelaneous) 306

6.1 国际租赁合同(International Leasing Contract) 306

6.2 国际劳务合同纲要(Layout of International Labour Service Contract) 309

6.3 国际劳务供应合同(International Labour Service Contract) 312

6.4 银行贷款协议书(Bank Loan Agreement) 326

6.5 银团贷款协议书(Consortium Loan Agreement) 353

6.6 国际项目工程合同(Contract for Civil Works) 381

6.7 工程合作合同(Contract for Project Cooperation) 399

国际贸易 404

1.外贸函电(International Business Communications) 404

1.1 建立业务关系(Establishment of Business Relations) 404

1.1.1 要求建立业务关系(一)(Enquiring About for Establishing Business Relations Ⅰ) 404

要求建立业务关系(二)(Enquiring About Establishing Business Relations Ⅱ) 405

1.1.2 提议建立业务关系(Proposal for Establishing Business Relations) 405

1.1.3 与列名于刊物上的公司建立业务关系(Establishing Business Relations with a Company Listed in a Publication) 406

1.1.4 与商会推荐的公司建立业务关系(Establishing Business Relations with a Company Introduced by Chamber of Commerce) 406

1.1.5 要求介绍建立业务关系(Asking for an Introduction to Establish Business Relations) 407

1.2 询价(Enquiries) 408

1.2.1 首次询价(The First Enquiry) 408

1.2.2 普通询价(Routine Enquiry) 408

1.2.3 询盘(Enquiry) 408

1.2.4 买方询价(Buyer's Enquiry) 408

1.2.5 提供货物、要求买方递盘(Offering Goods and Asking for a Bid) 409

1.2.6 卖方关于货物的虚盘(Invitation for an Offer) 410

1.2.7 询价回信(Reply to an Enquiry) 412

1.2.8 买方询盘(Buyer's Enquiry) 413

1.2.9 询盘复函(Reply to a Buyer's Enquiry) 413

1.2.10 询价、询装运期(Enquiry About Prices and Transportation) 414

1.3 报价(Quotations) 415

1.3.1 报价(Quotation) 415

1.3.2 报盘(Offer) 415

1.3.3 报盘与还盘(Offer and Counteroffer) 415

1.3.4 提供价格表(Providing Price Lists) 416

1.3.5 报价单(Price List) 417

1.3.6 寄报价单(Sending a Price List) 418

1.3.7 卖方发实盘(Non-Firm Offer) 419

1.3.8 卖方发实盘(Firm Offer) 420

1.3.9 买方接受实盘(Accepting a Firm Offer) 421

1.4 索样(Asking for Samples) 421

1.4.1 索取样品(A Letter Requesting Samples) 421

1.4.2 寄送样品(Sending Samples,Patterns & Specimens) 422

1.4.3 收到样品(Acknowledgement of Samples) 423

1.5 定购(Ordering) 423

1.5.1 试订(Trial Order) 423

1.5.2 确认订购(Order Acknowledgement) 424

1.5.3 首次定购(First Order) 425

1.5.4 续订(Repeat Order) 425

1.5.5 收到样品、开出定单(Receiving Samples & Ordering) 426

1.5.6 订购单与信用证(An Order & a L/C) 427

1.6 信用证(Letter of Credit) 428

1.6.1 信用证(L/C) 428

1.6.2 要求开证(一)(Asking for Opening a L/C Ⅰ) 429

1.6.3 要求开证(二)(Asking for Opening a L/C Ⅱ) 429

1.6.4 要求开证(三)(Asking for Opening a L/C Ⅲ) 431

1.6.5 催开信用证(Urging to Establish a L/C) 431

1.6.6 开出信用证(Establishing a L/C) 432

1.6.7 跟单信用证(Documentary L/C) 434

1.6.8 通知收到信用证(Acknowledging Receipt of a L/C) 437

1.6.9 向国外银行申请开立信用证(Applying for a L/C) 438

1.6.10 要求修改信用证(Asking for L/C Amendment) 439

1.6.11 修改信用证(L/C Amendment) 440

1.6.12 请求寄样、并通知不能延长信用证有效期(Asking for Samples and Advising Impossibility to Extend L/C) 441

1.6.13 银行发出修改信用证通知(L/C Amendment from the Bank) 442

1.7 保险(Insurance) 443

1.7.1 保险单(一)(Policy Ⅰ) 443

1.7.2 保险单(二)(Policy Ⅱ) 443

1.7.3 要求货物保险(Request for Insuring Goods) 445

1.7.4 运输险投保单(On Board Insurance Certificate) 446

1.8 运输(Transport) 447

1.8.1 国际货物托运书(Shipper's Letter of Instruction) 447

1.8.2 催促早日装运(Urging Early Transportation) 448

1.8.3 装船通知(一)(Advice of Shipment Ⅰ) 448

1.8.4 装运通知(二)(Advice of Shipment Ⅱ) 449

1.8.5 装运通知(三)(Advice of Shipment Ⅲ) 449

1.8.6 装运通知(四)(Advice of Shipment Ⅳ) 450

1.8.7 装运指示(Shipping Instructions) 451

1.9 交货(Delivery) 452

1.9.1 收货单(Receipt) 452

1.9.2 提单(Bill of Lading[B/L]) 453

1.9.3 陆海联运提单(Combined Transport B/L) 454

1.9.4 空运提单(Airway Bill of Lading) 455

1.9.5 海运提单(Seaway Bill of Lading) 457

1.9.6 运输委托单(Consignment Instruction) 458

1.9.7 承运货物收据(Receipt of the Consignment) 459

1.10 结算(Settlement) 460

1.10.1 请求结清往日账款(Asking for Immediate Settlement) 460

1.10.2 结算单(Settlement Account) 460

1.10.3 寄送结算书(Sending Settlement Statement) 461

1.10.4 报告已开出汇票(一)(Advising of a Draft(Ⅰ)) 461

1.10.5 报告已开出汇票(二)(Advising of a Draft(Ⅱ)) 462

1.10.6 汇票(Draft[Bill]) 463

1.10.7 电汇证实书(Telegraphic Transfer Certificate) 465

1.10.8 汇票证实书(Mail Transfer Certificate) 465

1.10.9 通知已收货款(Informing of the Receipt of a Money Transfer) 465

1.10.10 收据(Receipt) 466

1.10.11 支票(Check) 466

1.10.12 旅行支票(Traveller's Cheque) 466

1.10.13 存单、取单(Paying-In Slip,Drawing Slip) 467

1.10.14 付账单(Payment Bill) 467

1.10.15 送款单(Paying-In Slip) 467

1.10.16 汇款申请书(Requisition for Remittance) 468

1.11 索赔(Claim) 468

1.11.1 报怨(Complaint) 468

1.11.2 索赔(Claim) 468

1.11.3 回答索赔函(Reply to a Claim) 469

1.11.4 理赔(Settlement of a Claim) 470

1.11.5 要求换货(Asking for a Replacement) 470

1.11.6 调换损坏品(Replacement of a Faulty Product) 471

2.外贸契约(Foreign Trade Contracts) 472

2.1 确认书(Comfirmations) 472

2.1.1 售货确认书(一)(Sales Comfirmation Ⅰ) 472

2.1.2 售货确认书(二)(Sales Comfirmation Ⅱ) 474

2.1.3 购货确认书(Confirmation of Purchase) 475

2.1.4 委托事宜确认书(Letter of Appointment) 476

2.1.5 进出口公司的售货确认书(Sales Comfirmation) 477

2.2 协定书(Agreements) 479

2.2.1 合作意向书(Letter of Intent for Cooperation) 479

2.2.2 议定书(Protocol) 482

2.2.3 协定书(Agreement) 484

2.3 贸易契约(Contracts) 487

2.3.1 出口合同(Export Contract) 487

2.3.2 进口合同(Import Contract) 492

2.3.3 进出口公司的销售合同(Sales Contract) 498

2.3.4 进出口公司的进口合同(Import Contract) 501

2.3.5 国际货物买卖合同(Agreement to Sell & Buy) 509

2.3.6 售货合同(Sales Contract) 521

2.3.7 商业合同(Commercial Contract) 522

2.3.8 贸易合同(Trade Contract) 529

2.3.9 代理契约(Agency Agreement) 535

2.3.10 独家销售代理协议(Exclusive Agency Agreement) 537

2.3.11 寄售契约(Agreement on Consignment) 542

2.3.12 机械设备贸易契约(Contract for the Supply of Mechanized Equipment) 544

2.3.13 国际货运合同(Transport Contract) 574

2.3.14 租赁贸易合同(Contract for Leasing Trade) 585

2.3.15 加工装配贸易(Processing and Assembling Trade) 587

3.外贸业务单证(Documents in Foreign Trade) 588

3.1 出口(Export) 588

3.1.1 出口证书(Export Declaration) 588

3.1.2 出口许可证(Export Licence) 589

3.1.3 一般原产地证书(Certificate of Origin) 590

3.1.4 惠普制Form A的证书(GSP Certificate of Origin,Form A) 591

3.1.5 出口货物报关单(Export Declaration for Export) 592

3.1.6 出口议付通知(Notice of Negotiation) 592

3.1.7 包装单(Packing Order) 593

3.1.8 装运单(Shipping Notice) 594

3.1.9 装箱单(Packing List) 595

3.2 进口(Import) 595

3.2.1 进口证书(Import Declaration) 595

3.2.2 付款报单(Payment Voucher) 596

3.2.3 外币兑换单(Exchange Memo) 597

3.2.4 进口货物报关单(Import Declaration) 597

3.2.5 票据托收委托书(Advice of Bills for Collection) 597

3.3 票据(Notes) 598

3.3.1 商业发票(Commercial Invoice) 598

3.3.2 样品发票(Sample Invoice) 599

3.3.3 形式发票(Pro Forma Invoice) 599

3.3.4 海关发票(Customs Invoice) 600

3.3.5 出口发票(Export Invoice) 602

3.4 证书(Certificates) 602

3.4.1 商检局签发的质量证和重量证(Certificates of Quality and Weight) 602

3.4.2 品质证书(Inspection Certificate) 604

附录 商业用语及短句(Business Expressions & Short Sentences) 605

法律文书 618

1.证明、公证、证书(Credentials) 618

1.1 证明(Certificates) 618

1.1.1 财力证明(Financial Certificate) 618

1.1.2 身份证明(Identity Certificate) 618

1.1.3 学历证明(Schooling Certificate) 619

1.1.4 体格检查证明(Certificate of Physical Examination) 619

1.1.5 医生证明(Medical Certificate) 620

1.1.6 病假证明(Certificate for Sick Leave) 620

1.1.7 预防注射证明(Certificate of Inoculation) 621

1.2 证书(Credentials) 621

1.2.1 身份证(Identity Card) 621

1.2.2 工作证(Employee's Card) 622

1.2.3 学生证(Student's ID card) 622

1.2.4 毕业证书(Diploma) 623

1.2.5 硕士学位证书(Certificate for Master's Degree) 623

1.2.6 奖状(Certificate of Merit) 624

1.2.7 退休证书(Retirement Certificate) 625

1.3 公证(Notarizations) 625

1.3.1 国籍公证(Notarial Certificate of Nationality) 625

1.3.2 经历公证(Notarial Certificate of Experience) 626

1.3.3 继承权公证(Notarial Certificate of Inheritance) 626

1.3.4 遗嘱公证(Notarial Certificate of Testament) 626

1.3.5 注册商标公证(Notarial Certificate of Trademark Registration) 627

2.常见法律文书(Documents of Law) 627

2.1 担保书(Guarrantee) 627

2.1.1 担保声明书(Affidavit of Warranty) 627

2.1.2 财产担保书(Financial Warranty Statement) 627

2.2 委托书(Power of Attorney) 628

2.3 转让书(Certificate of Transfer) 629

2.4 授权书(Written Authority) 629

2.5 保修单(Guarantee) 630

2.6 聘书(Letter of Employment) 631

2.7 借款人证明书(Certificate of a Loan) 631

2.8 律师意见书(一)(Opinion of Counsel Ⅰ) 632

2.9 律师意见书(二)(Opinion of Counsel Ⅱ) 636

2.10 律师意见书(三)(Opinion of Counsel Ⅲ) 639

3.投诉与答复投诉(Complaints & Replies) 642

3.1 投诉货物错发(Complaint About a Wrong Delivery) 643

3.2 对错发投诉的答复(Reply to a Complaint) 643

3.3 投诉包装不良(Complaint About Faulty Packing) 643

3.4 对包装不良投诉的答复(Reply to Above) 644

3.5 投诉货物短缺(Complaint About a Shortfall in an Order) 645

3.6 对投诉货物短缺的答复(Reply to Above) 645

3.7 投诉质量低劣(Complaint About Inferior Quality) 646

3.8 对投诉质量低劣的答复(Reply to Above) 647

涉外函电 648

1.书信格式(The Superscription & Style on English Letter) 648

1.1 信封格式(Superscription) 648

1.1.1 并列式(Blocked Form) 648

1.1.2 斜列式(Indented Form) 649

1.2 信文格式(The Style of an English Letter) 649

1.2.1 平头式(Block Form) 649

1.2.2 缩行式(Indented Form) 650

1.2.3 混合式(Modified Form) 650

2.书信范例(Letter Samples) 651

2.1 邀请信(Letters of Invitation) 651

2.1.1 邀请进行合作研究(An Invitation for Joint Research) 651

2.1.2 邀请外国专家来访(Inviting a Foreign Expert to Visit) 652

2.1.3 对邀请的答复(Replying to an Invitation) 653

2.2 介绍(Introductions) 654

2.2.1 介绍产品(Introduction of a New Product) 654

2.2.2 介绍公司(Introduction of a Company) 654

2.2.3 介绍新总裁(Introduction of a New President) 655

2.3 推荐信(Letters of Recommendation) 655

2.3.1 单位推荐信(A Company Recommendation) 655

2.3.2 个人推荐信(A Personal Recommendation) 656

2.3.3 留学推荐信(A Letter of Recommendation for Studying Abroad) 656

2.3.4 自我推荐信(A Letter of Self-Recommendation) 657

2.4 咨询信(Letters of Inquiry) 657

2.4.1 询问入学情况(Enquiring About Admission) 657

2.4.2 询问求职情况(Enquiring About a Job) 659

2.4.3 咨询(Detail Enquiry) 659

2.4.4 直接查询某公司信用与营业情况等(Enquiry About Business and Credit Standing) 660

2.5 预定信(Letters for Making Reservations) 660

2.5.1 预定机票(Booking a Plane Ticket) 660

2.5.2 预定车辆(Booking Vehicles) 661

2.5.3 预定旅馆(Booking Rooms) 661

2.5.4 取消预定(Cancelling a Reservation) 662

2.6 索函与回复(Letters Requesting Information and Replies) 663

2.6.1 索取档案资料(Requesting Data from Files) 663

2.6.2 索取档案资料后续信件(A Follow-Up Letter) 663

2.6.3 提供资料(Sending Information) 664

2.6.4 向索函人说明没有所需资料(Explaining That Information Is Not Available) 664

2.6.5 提供目录表(Sending Catalogues) 665

2.6.6 提供时价表(Sending a Price List) 665

2.7 预约(Appointments) 666

2.7.1 预约来访时间(Appointment Time) 666

2.7.2 商量参观的时间(Discussing Time of Visit) 666

2.7.3 更改预约(Change of an Appointment) 666

2.7.4 取消预约(Cancelling an Appointment) 667

2.8 其他(Miscellaneous) 668

2.8.1 规劝信(Letter Offering Advice) 668

2.8.2 录取信(Letter of Admission) 669

3.电报、电传、传真(Telegrams,Telexs,Faxes) 670

3.1 普通电报(Ordinary Telegrams) 670

3.1.1 庆贺电报(Congratulatory Telegram) 670

3.1.2 加急电报(Urgent Telegram) 670

3.1.3 新闻电报(News Telegram) 670

3.1.4 正式电报(Official Telegram) 671

3.1.5 社交电报(Telegram for Social Correspondence) 671

3.1.6 通知电报(Informing Telegram) 671

3.1.7 慰问及吊唁(Consolations & Condolences) 671

3.2 商务电报(Commercial Telegrams) 671

3.2.1 询价(Enquiry) 671

3.2.2 报盘(Offer) 672

3.2.3 还盘(Counteroffer) 672

3.2.4 索赔(Claim) 672

3.2.5 商务密码电报(Commercial Coded Telegrams) 672

3.3 电传(Telexes) 673

3.3.1 电传来电格式(Style of an Incoming Telex) 673

3.3.2 电传去电格式(Style of an Outgoing Telex) 674

3.3.3 电传来电实样(Sample of an Incoming Telex) 674

3.3.4 电传去电实样(Sample of an Outgoing Telex) 676

3.3.5 密码电传范例(Sample of a Coded Telex) 677

3.4 传真(Faxes) 678

3.4.1 传真的格式(Style of Fax) 678

3.4.2 传真范例(Sample of Fax) 679

附录1 常见书信用语用句(Appendix Ⅰ:Words,Phrases & Clauses Commonly Used in Business Letters) 680

附录2 商务书信常用开头语及结束语(Appendix Ⅱ:Opening & Closing Phrases Generally Used in Business Letters) 702

日常生活涉外文书 710

1.个人资料文本(Biographical Notes) 710

1.1 简历(Réusmé) 710

1.1.1 求职简历(Curriculum Vitae) 710

1.1.2 求学简历(Résumé) 711

1.1.3 自我推荐(Self-Recommendation) 713

1.2 自我介绍(Self-Introduction) 714

1.2.1 非正式场合自我介绍(Informal Self-Introduction) 714

1.2.2 正式场合自我介绍(Formal Self-Introduction) 715

1.3 个人材料(Personal Statements) 715

1.3.1 自我评估(Sel-Evaluation) 715

1.3.2 自述(Personal Statement) 716

1.3.3 自传(Autobiography) 717

2.日常生活文本(Miscellaneous Notices and Cards) 719

2.1 鸣谢启事(Acknowledgements) 719

2.2 寻人启事(Child Lost) 719

2.3 招领启事(Found) 720

2.4 征婚启事(Matrimonial Advertisement) 720

2.5 订婚启事(Notice of Engagement) 721

2.6 结婚启事(Notice of Marriage) 721

2.7 请假及续假(Asking for Leave and Asking for an Extension of Leave) 722

2.8 邀友来访(Inviting a Friend to Call) 722

2.9 对留言的答复(Reply to the Foregoing) 723

2.10 请求借款(Asking for a Loan) 723

2.11 借条(Receipt for a Loan) 724

2.12 请求还物(Asking for the Return of Something) 724

2.13 名片(Business Cards) 724

2.14 明信片(Post Card) 726

2.15 出席宴会的请柬(Invitation to a Dinner Party) 726

2.16 出席除夕联欢的请柬(Invitation to New Year's Eve Party) 727

2.17 接受邀请的正式回柬(Formal Reply to Accept the Above Invitation) 728

2.18 谢绝邀请的正式回柬(Formal Reply to Decline the Above Invitation) 728

2.19 婚礼请柬(Invitation to a Wedding) 729

2.20 茶会请柬(Invitation to a Tea Party) 730

2.21 舞会请柬(Invitation to a Dance) 730

2.22 赠物卡片(Card with an Accompanying Gift) 731

2.23 贺年卡(New Year's Card) 732

2.24 圣诞卡(Christmas Card) 733

3.公文(Official Documents) 734

3.1 命令(Decree) 734

3.2 悼词(Memorial Speech) 734

3.3 联合公报(Joint Communique) 736

3.4 海关规定(Customs Regulations) 736

3.5 宣言(Declaration) 738

4.其他(Miscellaneous) 740

4.1 守则(Regulations) 740

4.2 菜单(Menu) 741

4.3 讣告(Obituary Notice) 743

4.4 唁函(Letter of Condolence) 744

4.5 消息(Notice) 744

4.6 札记(Reading Notes) 746

4.7 科技论文提纲(Outiline for a Science and Techology Thesis) 746