Preface Zhong Jingwen 1
序 钟敬文 1
自序 1
第一编 中国的古代文化与神话 3
古代中国的祭祀仪式与化装 3
Ancient Chinese sacrificial rites and make-up 3
Section One Ancient Chinese culture and fairy tales 3
并逢与协胁——古代中国的“怪力乱神”研究之一 32
Sexual affairs—On“Almighty Gods and monsters”of ancient China 32
中国古代歌谣的咒术性 52
Incantation in ancient Chinese folk ballads 52
Legend of the Emperor Yao s power passing to the Emperor Shun 60
尧舜禅让传说的真象 60
神话中的性问题——以作为母体的葫芦为中心 87
Sexual affairs in fairy tales—On mother Calabash 87
大禹治水 96
The Emperor Dayu tames rivers 96
One-eyed wind God 112
独眼风神 112
肖像夫人故事的谱系 129
Section Two Comparison between Chinese and Japanses folk tales 129
Origins of Madame Portrait s story 129
第二编 中日民间故事比较 129
Dog and grain—On the legends of grains sources in Southeast Asia 151
狗与谷物——关于东亚谷物起源传说之研究 151
Stereotype of the charcoal man in the legend 170
烧炭翁型故事的结构 170
Comparison between Japancee and Chinese orally-passed folk literature—On animal fighting 177
口传民间文学之比较——以动物争斗故事为中心 177
中国西南地区火把节起源的传说——与斋藤实盛的驱虫传说相比较 200
The legend of the Torch Festival in Southwest China—Comparison with the legends about SAITO SANEMDRI s story of expelling insects and worms 200
Origins of Japanese folk tales-The guest on the New Year s Eve 221
日本民间故事的谱系——大岁之客 221
Legends and fairy tales—On fields of daughter-in-law 245
传说与神话——以“媳妇田”传说为中心 245
Questions of the universe origin in The Songs of the South by Quyuan and the Miao s genesis tales 265
《楚辞·天问》和苗族的创世歌 265
第三编 中国西南地区的神话与习俗 265
Section Three Myths and folk customs in Southwest China 265
Symbols of eyes—On genesis tales of ethnic minorities in Southwest China 283
眼睛的象征——中国西南少数民族创世神话研究 283
Two consequent origins of mankind—Genesis tales of the ethnic minorities in Southwest China 295
人类的两次起源——中国西南少数民族的创世神话 295
The Yi s Cuotaiji and Japanese January customs 316
彝族的撮泰吉与日本的正月习俗 316
The Miao s drum sacrificial rites and its Legends 330
苗族鼓社祭与神话 330
Section Four Comparison of Chinese and Japanese sacred judgments 345
Notes of the origins of iron and fire God-judgments 345
铁火神判系谱杂记 345
第四编 神判比较 345
古代的习惯法 359
Ancient custom law 359
神判与巫师——以中国西南地区为中心 380
God-judgments in Japan and in Southwest China 388
日本和中国西南的神判 388
God-judgments and witches—Tales that occurred in Southwest China 389
Section five Studies on the book Land and Water Survey 411
Land and Water Survey and iron 411
《山海经》与铁 411
第五编 《山海经》研究 411
Horse-taming incantation in ancient China—On Land and Water Survey 428
中国古代的驯马咒术——《山海经》研究 428
Incantation medicine prayed for pregnancy in ancient China—On folklore in Land and Water survey 437
中国古代妊娠祈祷的咒药——《山海经》的民俗学研究 437
Goat with big tail and needle stone—On Land and Water survey 462
羬羊与箴石——《山海经》研究 462
Witches and wars—On Land and Water Survey 472
巫师与战争——《山海经》研究 472
The social background of the folk customs in Land and Water Survey 485
《山海经》的民俗社会背景 485
Odd-looking ethnic minorities—Views of the ethnic minorities in Land and Water Survey 502
长相怪异的民族——《山海经》中的周边民族观 502
Section Six Bridge between Chinese culture and Japanese culture——Jiang Nan 521
Ancient Chinese culture on the eastern coast 521
东海沿岸的中国古代文化 521
第六编 中日文化交流的桥梁——江南 521
Flying Head in the air 537
空中“飞头” 537
Development of Wuyue culture 545
吴越文化的演变 545
Turtledove cane and tattoo—Wuyue legends and archaeology 572
鸠杖与文身——吴越的传说与考古学 572
Sources of the above selected papers 581
论文出处一览 581
Postscript by the translatornt 584
译后记 584