
  • 购买积分:17 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:汪士彬主编
  • 出 版 社:天津:南开大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2000
  • ISBN:7310013980
  • 页数:596 页


Unit One The Old Man and the Sea 1

Ⅰ.Language Points 1

Ⅱ.老人与海 5

Unit Two From Farth to Moon 7

Ⅰ.Language Points 7

Ⅱ.从地球到月球 12

Ⅰ.Language Points 14

Unit Thiee The First Men on Venus 14

Ⅱ.首批金星人 19

Unit Four Elephants 21

Ⅰ.Language Points 21

Ⅱ.象 27

Unit Five Sometimers They Seem AImost Human 29

Ⅰ.Language Points 29

Ⅱ.有时它们看起来几乎通人性 34

Ⅰ.Language Points 36

Unit Six Healthy Eating 36

Ⅱ.健康的饮食 42

Unit Seven Plastics-Man s Useful Materia 44

Ⅰ.Language Points 44

Ⅱ.塑料——人类极有用的材料 52

Unit Eight Sports around the World 54

Ⅰ.Language Points 54

Ⅱ.世界各地的体育运动 60

Unit Nine Madame Curie and Radinm 62

Ⅰ.Language Points 62

Ⅱ.居里夫人和镭 68

Unit Ten Learning Science 70

Ⅰ.Language Points 70

Ⅱ.学习科学 75

Unit Eleven Two Thanksgiving Day Gentlemen 77

Ⅰ.Language Points 77

Ⅱ.感恩节两绅士 84

Unit Twelve The Prince and the Judge 87

Ⅰ.Language Points 87

Ⅱ.王子与法官 95

Unit Thirteen The Tragedy from the Caifornian Gold Rush 98

Ⅰ.Language Points 98

Ⅱ.加利福尼亚淘金热酿成的悲剧 103

Unit Forurteen A Ship of Ice 105

Ⅰ.Language Points 105

Ⅱ.冰船 112

Unit Fifteen Nature Recycles Water 114

Ⅰ.Language Points 114

Ⅱ.大自然使水再循环 120

Uint Sixteen Paper and Its Uses 122

Ⅰ.Language Points 122

Ⅱ.纸及其用途 130

Ⅰ.Language Points 132

Unit Seventeen Pyramids 132

Ⅱ.金字塔 139

Uint Eighteen Tokyo 142

Ⅰ.Language Points 142

Ⅱ.东京 150

Unit Nineteen Eskimos inaChanging World 153

Ⅰ.Language Points 153

Ⅱ.变化的世界中的爱斯基摩人 160

Ⅰ.Language Points 163

Uint Twenty Cultural Survial,Inc. 163

Ⅱ.文化拯救社 172

Uint Twenty-one Energy Sense Makes Future Sense 174

Ⅰ.Language Points 174

Ⅱ.能源意识,利在未来 184

Uint Tweny-two Waste Not,Want Not 186

Ⅰ.Language Points 186

Ⅱ.不浪费,不愁缺(不费不匮) 193

Ⅰ.Language Points 195

Uint Twenty-Three Money 195

Ⅱ.货币 203

Uint Twenty-Four Talk Returns to the Doctor s Offoce 205

Ⅰ.Language Points 205

Ⅱ.“交谈”重返医生诊所 211

Uint Twenty-Five Dreams-Whant Do They Mean? 213

Ⅰ.Language Points 213

Ⅱ.梦意味着什么? 220

Uint Twenty-Six Have You Ever Seen a Flying Saucer? 222

Ⅰ.Language Points 222

Ⅱ.你可曾见过飞碟? 229

Uint Twenty-Seven Computers Concern Yon 231

Ⅰ.Language Points 231

Ⅱ.计算机与你息息相关 243

Uint Twenty-Einht Early Birds 246

Ⅰ.Language Points 246

Ⅱ.“先行者”号通讯卫星 253

Uint Twenty-Nine Alfred Nobel-a Man of Contrasts 255

Ⅰ.Language Points 255

Ⅱ.艾尔弗雷德·诺贝尔——一位自身表现出强烈反差的人物 262

Uint Thirty The Tramp and the Philosopher 264

Ⅰ.Language Points 264

Ⅱ.舞台上的流浪汉,现实中的哲学家 272

Uint Thirty -one Better Known as Mark Twain 274

Ⅰ.Language Points 274

Ⅱ.更以马克·吐温闻名于世 287

Uint Thirty-two Education in the United States 290

Ⅰ.Language Points 290

Ⅱ.美国的教育 298

Uint Thirty-Three Transportation 301

Ⅰ.Language Points 301

Ⅱ.交通与运输 312

Uint Thirty-Four Communications 315

Ⅰ.Language Points 315

Ⅱ.通讯与传播 325

Uint Thirty-Five American Food and Drink 329

Ⅰ.Language Points 329

Ⅱ.美国人的饮食 338

Unit Thirty-Six Graveard of the Atlantic 341

Ⅰ.Language Points 341

Ⅱ.大西洋墓地 350

补充材料参考译文 353

1.生火 353

2.纺织纤维的发展 354

3.向东或向西 356

4.一只太空黑猩猩 358

5.美国地理 362

6.天气 365

7.乡村生活 367

8.食物与烹调 369

9.假期 371

10.美国的体育运动 374

11.医疗 377

12.邮政 379

13.度量衡 381

14.图书馆 383

15.专家称北冰洋不久将成为公海 385

16.门洛帕克的奇才 388

附录ⅠGrammatical Collocations(语法词语搭配) 392

Ⅰ.名词与介词的搭配 392

Ⅱ.形容词与介词的搭配 419

Ⅲ.动词与介词(或副词)的搭配 444

附录Ⅰ.(词汇词语搭配) 501

Ⅰ.“Adj.+N”Collocations 501

Ⅱ.“Adv.+V(Adj)”Collocations 517

Ⅲ.“N+of+N”Collocations 556

Ⅳ.“N+V”Collocations 575

Ⅴ.“V+N”Collocations 584

符号与缩略语表 596