
  • 购买积分:11 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:齐丽霞,刘卉主编
  • 出 版 社:大连:大连理工大学出版社
  • 出版年份:1998
  • ISBN:7561113994
  • 页数:263 页

第一部分 六级考试命题规律及答题技巧 1

第一节 大学英语六级考试写作要求、作文评分原则及标准 1

一、作文测试要求 1

二、作文题评分原则 1

三、评分标准 2

第二节 大学英语六级考试作文样题及历年命题规律分析 3

一、大学英语六级考试作文样题 3

二、六级考试作文命题规律分析 4

一、提纲作文 5

第三节 大学英语六级考试作文备考题型归纳及指导 5

二、图表作文 6

三、标题作文 7

四、关键词作文 8

五、主题句作文 9

六、根据所给文章写出梗概或大意 10

第四节 常见写作文体、写作技巧及常用句型、句式、词语概览 10

一、常见写作文体归类 10

二、实用写作技巧 11

三、常用过渡词语、句型句式及其他 12

一、1999年1月大学英语六级作文真题 17

第二部分 历年六级考试写作真题详解及应试思路点拨 17

二、1996年6月大学英语六级作文真题 26

三、1994年6月大学英语六级作文真题 35

第三部分 六级考试专项题型考点强化训练 45

1.No Pains,No Gains 45

2.Why Should We Cherish Our Land 46

3.Make Full Use of School Days 48

4.Is“Serving the People”Out of Date 49

5.Preciousness of Time 51

6.Students Part-time Jobs 53

7.On Choosing Careers 54

8.Generation Gap 56

9.City Life Compared with Rural Life 57

10.Why Do Mountaineers Live a Long Life 59

11.Should Men and Women Be Equal 60

12.On Women 62

13.Why Crime Rate Is on the Rise 63

14.On Failure 65

15.On Sense of Responsibility 66

16.How to Solve the Energy Problem 67

17.Re-employment Program in China 69

18.China s Economy Is to Survive 71

19.Video Games 72

20.On Luck 73

21.How to Solve the Housing Problem in Big Cities 75

22.On Mood 76

23.Importance of Food 78

24.TV s Effect on Children 79

25.Relationship Between Students 81

26.The Duty for the Young to Take Care of Their Old Parents 82

27.Advantages of a Job Interview 83

28.Reading 85

29.Getting to Know the World Outside the Campus 86

30.The Town I Live in 87

31.Keeping a Diary in English 89

32.Honesty 90

33.Why I Came to College 91

34.Youth Is a Golden Age 93

35.Examination Cheating 94

36.Temptations 96

37.The Positive and Negative Aspects of Skyscrapers 97

38.Knowledge 98

39.Is Studying Really of No Use 100

40.Work and Play 101

41.The Importance of Confidence 103

42.Man s Strong Will 104

43.The Importance of the Reform and Open-door Policy 106

44.The Flood-fighting Spirit 107

45.My View on China s Unemployment Today 108

46.Shortage of Fresh Water 110

47.An Education for a Man 111

48.Reading—The Best Means to Acquire Knowledge 112

49.Why Do You Study English 114

50.How to Keep Fit 115

51.Fast Food in China 116

52.To Dance or Not to Dance 118

53.Practice Makes Perfect 119

54.Unemployment in China 121

55.Should Class Attendance Be Required 122

56.Air Pollution 124

57.How to Achieve Your Ambition 125

58.Bike:How Important and Convenient 126

59.Failure Is the Mother of Success 128

60.On Making Friends 129

61.Why Do We Launch the“Project Hope” 131

62.Computers 133

63.More Private Cars Or Not 134

64.Water Pollution 136

65.Information in the Modern World 137

66.Combating Fake Goods 139

67.Attitudes Towards Work 140

68.To Study Abroad or at Home 142

69.Shopping in Luxury Malls or Discount Shops 143

70.Why to Lose Weight 145

71.The Prospect of the 21st Century 146

72.Criticism 148

73.Part-time Education 149

74.Complaint 150

75.Tuition Fees 152

76.Ban Smoking in Public 153

77.Can Money Buy Happiness 155

78.Housing Problem in Big Cities 156

79.Science and Life 157

80.On the Purchase of Books 159

81.Which Is Easier:Oral English or Written English 160

82.To Become a Graduate or an Employee 162

83.Man and Nature 163

84.Save Forests 165

85.Looking Forward to the 21st Century 166

86.My Ideal Friend 168

87.The Influence of Advertisements on Consumers 169

88.Hard Work Is Good for Health 170

89.Wealth and Happiness 172

90.Car Accidents Declining in Walton City 174

91.Education System in China 175

92.Changes in the Ways People Spent Their Holidays 177

93.World Population 178

94.Grade Inflation” 181

95.Family Income and Expenses 183

96.Average Incomes of the Chinese Peasants Between 1978 and 1986 184

97.The Progress of Urbanization in Eight Countries of the World in 1998 186

98.A Nation s Intolerable Burden 187

99.Changes in College Students Ways of Spending Summer Vacation 189

100.Natural Gas Production 190

101.Production and Consumption of Oil by Different Regions 193

102.Why many TV Viewers Like to Watch Sports 194

103.Teenager Smoking 196

104.Use of Science Club Membership Dues 198

105.Is There No Water 199

106.An Absent-minded Person 200

107.A Routine Incident in Our Life 202

108.On Going Abroad 203

109.Traffic Problems in Big Cities 204

110.The Strong and the Weak 206

111.Noise 207

112.Let Die or Be Kept Alive by Machines 208

113.Science:Good or Evil 209

114. My English Language Education 210

115.Why Divorce Rate Is on the Rise 212

116.Ways People Spend Leisure Time 213

117.The Effects of Eating Too Much Sugar 214

118.Can Tests Tell the Whole Story 215

119.Positive and Negative Aspects of Sports 217

120.Novel Reading 218

121.Water 219

122.The Role of Migrant Workers 220

123.My View on the Struggle Against Corruption 221

124.Advantages of a Five-day Week 223

125.Energy Crisis 224

126.Smoking and Health 226

127.Global Awareness of Grain Shortage 227

128.The Population Explosion 228

129.Talent and Industry 230

130.Can Road Accident Be Avoided 231

131.Advantages and Disadvantages of Telephone 233

132.On Money 234

133.My Opinion of Today s Education 236

134.Hobbies 238

135.Where There Is a Will There Is a Way 239

136.Endurance 241

137.Try to Be Good Students 242

138.Economic Status and Women s Equality 244

139.The Merits and Demerits of Watching TV 245

140.Competition and Cooperation 247

141.Request for After-class Tutoring 248

142.Automated Collection Bus:A Success or a Failure 250

143.Students Hire Housekeepers 251

144.Pure and Applied Science 253

145.A World Without Oil 255

附录 历年全国大学英语六级考试作文题目(1990年~1999年) 258