
  • 购买积分:12 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:水涛著
  • 出 版 社:北京:科学出版社
  • 出版年份:2001
  • ISBN:7030095162
  • 页数:329 页

第一部分 新疆地区 1

新疆地区青铜文化研究现状述评 1

序 邹衡 1

The Studies of Xinjiang Bronze Culture in Recent Years: A Surveying Commentary 1

Part One Xinjing Region 1

新疆青铜时代诸文化的比较研究——附论早期中西文化交流的历史进程 6

A Comparative Study of Bronze Cultures in Xinjiang——with a discussion of the process of early cultural exchange between the East and the West 6

论塔里木盆地青铜文化的来源及相关问题 47

On the Origin and other Problems of Bronze Cultures in the Tarim Basin 47

对于新疆早期文化定性问题的基本认识 51

Basic Ideas about Classification of Early Caltures in Xinjiang 51

On the Relationship between the Tarim and Fergana Basins in the Bronze Age 55

On the Relationship between the Tarim and Fergana Basins in the Bronze Age 55

从周原出土蚌雕人头像看塞人东进诸问题 62

Problems of the Saka People s Movement East Toward: A discussion on the shell work of human head found in Zhouyuan 62

Horse Breeding, Horse Chariot and Horse Riding Cultures 68

驯马、马车与骑马民族文化 68

Methodological Problem of the Comparing Study on Sino-Foreign Cultures 71

中外文明比较研究中的方法论问题 71

New Finds of the Bronze Cultural Remains in Xinjiang during the Recent Years 78

New Finds of the Bronze Cultural Remains in Xinjiang during the Recent Years 78

The Meaning of Xinjiang Mummies for Understanding Chinese History 84

The Meaning of Xinjiang Mummies for Understanding Chinese History 84

On the Early Horse Riding Cultural Remains in Xinjiang 86

论新疆地区发现的早期骑马民族文化遗存 86

A Review and Front view of Studies on Prehistoric Archaeology in Northwest Region 99

Part Two Gansu and Qinghai Region 99

西北地区史前考古研究的回顾与前瞻 99

第二部分 甘青地区 99

Some Problems of Study of the Siwa Culture 110

关于寺洼文化研究的几个问题 110

On the Environmental Factor in Studies of Prehistoric Archaeology 115

史前考古学研究中的环境因素分析 115

A Study of Xindian Culture 116

辛店文化研究 116

The Relations between Cultural, Economical and Environmental Changes in the Bronze Age of Gansu and Qinghai 147

论甘青地区青铜时代文化和经济形态转变与环境变化的关系 147

A Noteworthy Work in the Study of Chinese Painted Pottery——A Review of The Study of Banshan and Machang Painted Pottery 154

中国彩陶研究的一部力作——评《半山与马厂彩陶研究》 154

Relationship between Environmental Change and Cultural Development during the Period of Prehistoric and Early Civilization in China 159

中国史前时期与文明时代初期的环境文化与文化发展 159

Relationship between Human Being and Environment at the Period of Early Civilization in Gansu and Qinghai 168

甘青地区早期文明兴衰的人地关系 168

The Achievements of Prehistoric Archaeology in the West China and Central Asia During the 20th Century 187

20世纪中国西部与中亚史前考古学的主要进展 187

A Study of Cultural Structure and Economic Form in the Bronze Age of Gansu and Qinghai 193

甘青地区青铜时代的文化结构和经济形态研究 193

Postsript 328

后记 328