Lesson 1 Text: China in the Market Place 1
Lesson 2 Text: The Curtain Goes Up 19
Lesson 3 Text: Beijing Rising 38
Appendix to L.1-3 On China s Economic Reform:Deng Calls for Speedup in Reform 55
Lesson 4 Text: A Global Perspective 71
Lesson 5 Text: U.S.is Prepared to See Trade Relations Worsen 101
Lesson 6 Text: Economis Troubles Cloud New Market s Future 114
Lesson 7 Text: Japan Says No 127
Lesson 8 Text: Here Comes Korea, Inc. 151
Lesson 9 Test: Prosperity Persists in the UAE 174
Lesson 10 Text: Free Trade, with Luck 203
Lesson 11 Text: The Comeback of International Barter 219
Lesson 12 Text: Soft Drink Wars:the Next Battle 233
Lesson 13 Text: Hong Kong is Tops at Cracking U.S.Shell Eggs 249
Lesson 14 Text: Soft Commodities 258
Lesson 15 Text: Weekly Commodities 275
Lesson 16 Text: Pushing U.S.Style, Nike And Reebok Sell Sneakers to Europe 298
Lesson 17 Text: New Worlds To Conquer 313
Lesson 18 Text: The Tug of War on Textiles 331
Lesson 19 Text: A Big Hit in the Stores 350
Lesson 20 Text: An Oil Crisis Knocks on Recovery s Door 360
Index to Notes on Technical Terms Introductions to International Organizations and Enterprises 370