
  • 购买积分:19 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:(美)劳德(Laudon,K.C.)
  • 出 版 社:北京:高等教育出版社
  • 出版年份:2001
  • ISBN:7040100460
  • 页数:662 页



Chapetr 1 The Information Systems Revolution:Transforming Business and Management 2

Chapetr 1 The Information Systems Revolution:Transforming Business and Management 2

InPart Delivers Digital Parts on the Internet 3

The Competitive Business Environment 4

1.1 Why Information Systems? 4

What Is an Information System? 7

Window on Technology:UPS Competes Globally with Information Technology 9

A Business Perspective on Information Systems 10

1.2 Contemporary Approaches to Information Systems 12

Behavioral Approach 13

Approach of this Text:sociotechnical Systems 13

Technical Approach 13

1.3 The New Role of Information Systems in Organizations 14

The Widening Scope of Information Systems 14

The Network Revolution and the Internet 16

New Options for Organizational Design:The Networked Enterprise 18

Window on Management:Asian Netrepreneurs Thrive on the Internet 18

Electronic Commerce and Electronic Business 23

Window on Organizations:Internet Trading Heats Up 24

1.4 Learning to Use Information Systems:New Opportunities with Technology 27

The Challenge of Information Systems:Key Management Issues 27

Integrating Text with Technology:New Opportunities for Leaming 29

Summary 30

Management Wrap-Up 30

Key Terms 31

Review Questions 31

Group Project 31

Tools for Interactive Learning 31

Case Study:Battling Information Overload:A New Business Is Born 32

Chapetr 2 The Strategic Role of Information Systems 34

Chapetr 2 The Strategic Role of Information Systems 34

Orchids Paper Products Moves Back on Course 35

2.1 Key System Applications in the Organization 37

Different Kinds of Systems 38

Six Major Types of Systems 39

Window on Technology:Canadian Oil Companies Make Data Flow 43

Ralationship of Systems to One Another Integration 47

2.2 Information Systems and Business Strategy 48

What Is a Strategic Information System? 48

Business-Level Strategy and the Value Chain Model 49

Window on Organizations:Mining for Profitable Customers 54

Film-Level Strategy and Information Technology 56

Industry-Level Strategy and Information Systems:Competitive Forces and Network Economics 58

Window on Management:British Consumer Companies Pool Their Data 60

2.3 Using Systems for Competitive Advantage:Management Issues 61

Managing Strategic Transitions 61

What Manager Can Do 62

Management Wrap-Up 63

Summary 63

Key Terms 64

Review Questions 64

Group Project 65

Tools for Interactive Learning 65

Case Study:Can Sears Reinvent Itself? 65

Chapetr 3 Information Systems,Organizations,and Business Processes 68

Chapetr 3 Information Systems,Organizations,and Business Processes 68

Schneider Responds to the New Rules of the Trucking Game 69

3.1 The Relationship Between Organizations and Information Systems 71

The Two-Way Relationship 71

What is an Organization 72

3.2 Salient Features of Organizations 73

Why Organizations Are So Much Alike:Common Features 73

Why Organizations Are So Different:Unique Features 75

Business Processes 78

Levels of Analysis 79

3.3 How Organizations Affect Information Systems 80

Decisions About the Role of Information Systems 82

Information Technology Services 82

Why Organizations Build Information Systems 84

Window on Organizations:Euro Currency Conversion Creates a Systems Nightmare 85

3.4 How Information Systems Affect Organizations 86

Economic Theories 86

Behavioral Theories 87

Window on Technology:Oil Companies Go Virtual 88

The Internet and Organizations 90

Window on Management:Learning to Share Knowledge 91

Implications for the Design and Understanding of Information Systems 91

Management Wrap-Up 92

Summary 93

Key Terms 93

Review Questions 93

Case Study:Utilities Deregulation Sparks Big Business Changes 94

Tools for Interactive Learning 94

Group Project 94

Chapetr 4 Information,Management,and Decision Making 96

Chapetr 4 Information,Management,and Decision Making 96

Can Marks and Spencer Spark a Comeback? 97

4.1 What Managers Do 98

Putting Management and Information Systems in Context 98

Three Schools of Management 99

The Technical-Rational Perspective 100

The Behavioral Perspective 101

Window on Technology:Schwab s Managers Turn to the Internet 104

The Cognitive Perspective and Postmodern Era 106

Types of Decisions and Types of Systems 109

4.2 Introduction to Decision Making 109

Types of Decisions:Structured vs.Unstructured 109

Levels of Decision Making 109

Window on Management:Managers Look to the Future 110

Stages of Decision Making 110

4.3 Individual Models of Decision Making 112

The Rational Model 112

Muddling Through 113

Bounded Rationality and Satisficing 113

Psychological Types and Frames of Reference 114

4.4 Organizational Models of Decision Making 115

Bureaucratic Models 115

Window on Organizations:Blockade by the Book 116

Political Models of Organizational Choice 116

Garbage Can Model 116

Traditional and Contemporary Management 117

Implications for System Design 118

Management Wrap-Up 120

Summary 120

Key Terms 121

Review Questions 121

Tools for Interactive Learning 122

Case Study:A Tale of Two Cities Information Systems 122

Group Project 122

Chapetr 5 Ethical and Social Impact of Information Systems 124

Chapetr 5 Ethical and Social Impact of Information Systems 124

Health Files on the Internet:What Price for Convenience? 125

5.1 Understanding Ethical and Social Issues Related to Systems 127

A Model for Thinking about Ethical,Social,and Political Issues 127

Five Moral Dimensions of the Information Age 127

Key Technology Trends That Raise Ethical Issues 128

5.2 Ethics in an Information Society 130

Basic Concepts:Responsibility,Accountability,and Liability 130

Ethical Analysis 130

Candidate Ethical Principles 131

Window on Technology:Are the Cookies Eating Your Privacy? 132

Professional Codes of Conduct 132

Some Real-World Ethical Dilemmas 132

5.3 The Moral Dimensions of Information Systems 134

Information Righsts:Rights:Privacy and Freedom in an Information Society 134

Property Rights:Intellectual Property 136

Window on Management:Did Reuters Steal from Bloomberg? 137

Accountability,Liability,and Control 140

Winddow on Organizations:Employee Guidelines for Using Software 141

System Quality:Data Quality and System Errors 143

Quality of Life:Equity Access,Boundaries 144

Management Actions:A Corporate Code of Ethics 150

Management Wrap-Up 150

Summary 151

Key Terms 151

Review Questions 151

Group Tools for Interactive Learning 152

Case Study:Profiling You! 152

Part One Case Study:Daimler Chrysler and GM:Organization Technology and Business Processes in the U.S.Auto Industry 154

Case Study Questions 159

Chapetr 6 Computers and Information Processing 160


Chapetr 6 Computers and Information Processing 160


Navigation Canada Takes Flight With New Computers 161

6.1 What Is a Computer System? 162

How Computers Represent Data 163

Time and Size in the Computer World 164

Computer Generations 165

6.2 The CPU and Primary Storage 166

Primary Storage 166

The Arithmetic-Logic Unit and Control Unit 168

6.3 Computers and Computer Processing 168

Categories of Computers 168

Types of Semiconductor Memory 168

Window on Technology:Mainframes Leam to Serve the Web 170

Microprocessors and Processing Power 171

Computer Networks and Client/Server Computing 173

Network Computers and Total Cost of Ownership 174

Magnetic Disk 175

6.4 Secondary Storage 175

Window on Management:Network Computers:A New Management Option 176

4.5 How Information Technology Has Changed the Management Process 177

Window on Organizations:Selecting Laptop Computers:The Bottom Line for Organizations 177

Optical Disks 178

Magnetic Tape 179

6.5 Input and Output Devices 180

Input Devices 180

Batch and On-Line Input and Processing 182

Output Devices 182

6.6 Information Technology Trends 184

Interactive Multimedia 184

Superchips and Fifth-Generation Computers 185

Smart Cards and Microminiaturization 186

Social Interfaces 187

Management Wrap-Up 187

Summary 188

Key Terms 189

Review Questions 189

Group Project 190

Tools for Interactive Learning 190

Case Study:CheckFree Looks at the Total Cost of Ownership 190

Chapetr 7 Informations Systems Software 192

Chapetr 7 Informations Systems Software 192

Software Helps Norway s National Hospital Deliver Better Care 193

7.1 What is Software? 194

Software Programs 195

Major Types of Software 195

7.2 System Software 196

Functions of the Operating System 196

Multiprogramming,Virtual Storage,Time Sharing,and Multiprocessing 196

Language Translation and Utility Software 198

Graphical User Interfaces 199

PC Operating Systems 200

Window on Organizations:Should Businesses Switch to Linux? 203

7.3 Application Software 203

Generation of Programming Languages 203

Popular Programming Languages 204

Fourth-Generation Languages and PC Software Tools 206

7.4 New Software Tools and Approaches 213

Object-Oriented Programming 213

Java 215

Window on Technology:Banque Generale Luxembourg Competes with Object Technology 216

Hypertext Markup Language(HTML) and XML 217

7.5 Managing Software Assets 217

Software Trends 217

Window on Management:Adding Java to the Programming Mix 218

Software Maitenance and the Year 2000 Problem 219

Selecting Software for the Organization 220

Management Wrap-Up 221

Summary 222

Key Terms 223

Review Questions 223

Group Project 224

Tools for Interactive Learning 224

Case Study:The Year 2000 Problem 224

Chapetr 8 Managing Data Resources 226

Chapetr 8 Managing Data Resources 226

Saab Centralizes Customer Data 227

File Organization Terms and Concepts 229

8.1 Organizing Data in a Traditional File Environment 229

Accessing Records from Computer Files 230

Problems with the Traditional File Environment 233

8.2 The Database Environment 234

Database Management Systems 235

Logical and Physical Views of Data 236

8.3 Designing Databases 237

Hierarchical Data Model 237

Network Data Model 238

Relational Data Model 239

Advantages and Disadvantages of the Three Database Models 239

Creating a Database 241

8.4 Database Trends 242

Distributed Databases 243

Object-Oriented and HyPermedia Databases 244

Multidimensional Data Analysis 245

Window on Technology:La Scala s Multimedia Database 246

Data Warehouses 246

Window on Management:Canned Data Marts on the Rescue 249

Linking Databases to the Web 249

8.5 Management Requirements for Database Systems 250

Data Administration 250

Data Planning and Modeling Methodology 251

Database Technology Management and Users 251

Window on Organizations:DNA Databases:Crime Fighters or Threats to Privacy? 252

Management Wrap-Up 253

Summary 253

Key Terms 254

Review Questions 255

Group Project 255

Tools for Interactive Learning 255

Case Study:The EPA Cleans Up Its Own Mess with a Data Warehouse 256

Chapetr 9 Telecommunications and Networks 258

Chapetr 9 Telecommunications and Networks 258

Manitoba Insurance Goes Wireless 259

9.1 The Telecommunications Revolution 260

The Marriage of Computers and Communications 261

The Information Superhighway 261

Telecommunications System Components 261

9.2 Components and Functions of a Telecommunications System 261

Communications Channels 263

Types of Signals:Analog and Digital 263

Communications Processors and Software 267

Network Topologies 268

9.3 Communications Networks 268

Private Branch Exchanges and Local Area Networks(LANs) 270

Wide Area Networks(WANs),Valued-Added Networks(VANs),and Network Services 271

Enterprise Networking and Standards 274

Window on Organizations:Banco do Brasil Competes with a Multiservice WAN 274

Facilitating Applications 277

9.4 Electronic Commerce and Electronic Business Technologies 277

Window on Management:Monitoring Employees on Networks:Unethical or Good Business? 278

Electronic Data Interchange and Electronic Commerce 281

Window on Technology:Videoconferencing on the Internet 281

9.5 Management Issues and Decisions 282

The Challenge of Managing Enterprise Networking 282

The Telecommunications Plan 284

Management Wrap-Up 286

Summary 286

Key Terms 287

Review Questions 287

Group Project 288

Tools for Interactive Learning 288

Case Study:State Street Banks on Networks to Stay Competitive 288

Chapetr 10 The Internet:Electronic Conmerce and Electronic Business 290

Chapetr 10 The Internet:Electronic Conmerce and Electronic Business 290

Tiny Firms Become Intermational Giants on the Internet 291

10.1 The Internet 292

What is the Internet? 292

Internet Technology and Capabilities 293

The World Wide Web 296

Intranets and Extranets 298

Internet Benefits to Organizations 299

10.2 The Internet and Electronic Commerce 302

Internet Business Models 302

Customer-Centered Retailing 305

Window on Technology:Interacting with the Customer 307

Business-to-Business Electronic Commerce:New Efficiencies and Relationships 307

Electronic Commerce Support Systems 310

10.3 Intranets and Electronic Business 311

How Intranets Support Electronic Business 311

Intranets and Group Collaboration 312

Intranet Applications for Electronic Business 313

Coordination and Supply Chain Management 315

Window on Organizations:The Supply Chain Goes Global 317

10.4 Management Challenges and Opportunities 317

Unproven Business Models 317

Technology Hurdles 318

Business Process Change Requirements 318

Window on Management:Avoiding Channel Conflict 319

Legal Issues 320

Security and Privacy 320

Management Wrap-Up 321

Summary 321

Key Terms 322

Review Questions 322

Group Project 322

Tools for Interactive Learning 323

Case Study:Bidding the Profits of Web Companies Lower 323

Part Two Case Study:Amazon.com versus Barnes Noble:The Battle of the Bookstores 326


Chapetr 11 Redesigning the Organization with Information Systems 330


Chapetr 11 Redesigning the Organization with Information Systems 330

Grupo Financiero Bital Moves to Private Banking Systems 331

11.1 Systems as Planned Organizational Change 333

Window on Organizations:How a Call Center Changed a Company 333

Linking Information Systems to the Business Plan 334

Establishing Organizational Information Requirements 334

11.2 Systems Development and Organizational Change 338

The Spectrum of Organizational Change 338

Business Process Reengineering 340

Window on Technology:Redesigning with the Intermet 341

Process Improvement and Total Quality Management(TQM) 344

11.3 Overview of Systems Development 346

Systems Analysis 347

System Design 348

Completing the Systems Development Process 351

11.4 Understanding the Business Value of Information Systems 353

Capital Budgeting Models 354

Case Example:Primrose,Mendelson,and Hansen 356

Nonfinancial and Strategic Considerations 361

Window on Management:Extranet ROIs:Figuring the Payback 362

Management Wrap-Up 363

Summary 364

Key Terms 364

Review Questions 365

Group Project 365

Tools for Interactive Learning 365

Case Study:Greasing Mobil s Orders 366

Chapetr 12 Approaches to Systems-Building 368

Chapetr 12 Approaches to Systems-Building 368

Euro Brokers Lures New Clients on the Net 369

12.1 The Traditional Systems Lifecycle 370

Stages of the Systems Lifecycle 371

Limitations of the Lifecycle Approach 372

12.2 Alternative System-Building Approaches 372

Prototyping 372

Application Software Packages 374

Window on Technology:Enterprise Resource Planning Systems:Benefits and Headaches 377

End-User Development 377

Outsourcing 381

Window on Management:VISA s Outsourcing Triumph 382

12.3 System-Building Methodologies and Tools 383

Structured Methodologies 383

Object-Oriented Software Development 388

Computer-Aided Software Engineering(CASE) 389

Rapid Application Development(RAD) 391

Software Reengineering 391

Window on Organizations:Gulf Canada Refines Budgeting with Object-Oriented Software 392

Management Wrap-Up 393

Summary 393

Key Terms 394

Review Questions 395

Group Project 395

Tools for Interactive Learning 395

Case Study:Can a German Software Giant Provide Enterprise Solutions? 396

Chapetr 13 System Success and Failure:Implementation 398

Chapetr 13 System Success and Failure:Implementation 398

Lights Go Out for Washington State s LAMP Project 399

13.1 Information System Failure 400

Information System Problem Areas 401

Window on Organizations:Facing Up to ERP Software 402

Measuring System Success 403

13.2 Causes of Information System Success and Failure 404

The Concept of Implementation 404

Causes of Implementation Success and Failure 406

Window on Management:Are the Users Involved in Your Project? 408

Window on Technology:Boston Tunnel s Data Gridlock 410

The Challenge of Business Process Reengineering(BPR)and Enterprise Planning(ERP) 412

The Implementation Process:What Can Go Wrong 413

13.3 Managing Implementation 414

Controlling Risk Factors 414

Designing for the Organization 418

Sociotechnical Design 419

Summary 420

Management Wrap-Up 420

Key Terms 421

Review Questions 421

Group Project 421

Tools for Interactive Learning 422

Case Study:Healtheon s Healthcare System Struggle 422

Part Three Case Study:System Modernization at the Social Security Administration 424


Chapetr 14 Managing Knowledge 432

Chapetr 14 Managing Knowledge 432


Shell Wakes Up with Knowledge Management 433

14.1 Knowledge Management in the Organizaion 434

Information Systems and Knowledge Management 435

Knowledge Work and Productivity 435

14.2 Information and Knowledge Work Systems 436

Distributing Knowledge:Office and Document Management Systems 437

Window on Management:Managing Building Projects with the Internet 439

Creating Knowledge:Knowledge Work Systems 440

Sharing Knowledge:Group Collaboration Systems and Intranet Knowledge Environments 442

What Is Artificial Intelligence? 444

14.3 Artificial Intelligence 444

Window on Organizations:Multimedia Education for Learning Organizations 445

Why Business Is Interested in Artificial Intelligence 446

Capturing Knowledge:Expert Systems 446

Organizational Intelligence:Case-Based Reasoning 451

Neural Networks 453

14.4 Other Intelligent Techniques 453

Window on Technology:Case-Based Reasoning Teams Up with Intranets 454

Fuzzy Logic 456

Genetic Algorithms 458

Intelligent Agents 460

Summary 462

Management Wrap-Up 462

Key Terms 463

Review Questions 463

Group Project 464

Tools for Interactive Learning 464

Case Study:Booz,Allen s Quest for Knowledge Management 464

Chapetr 15 Enhancing Management Decision Making 466

Chapetr 15 Enhancing Management Decision Making 466

Foiling Bad Forecasts with a DSS 467

15.1 Decision-Support Systems(DSS) 468

Types of Decision-Support Systems 469

DSS and MIS 469

Components of DSS 471

Examples of DSS Applications 472

Window on Technology:Utilizing Barclay s Bulging Data Warehouse 475

Web-Based DSS 476

Window on Organizations:Bond Network:A Web-Based Financial DSS 478

15.2 Group Decision-Support Systems(GDSS) 478

What Is a GDSS? 478

Characteristics of GDSS 479

GDSS Software Tools 480

How GDSS Can Enhance Group Decision Making 482

15.3 Executive Support Systems(ESS) 483

The Role of ESS in the Organization 484

Developing ESS 484

Benefits of ESS 485

Window on Management:Netting Information on Your Competition 485

Example of ESS 486

Management Wrap-Up 488

Summary 488

Key Terms 489

Review Questions 489

Group Project 490

Tools for Interactive Learning 490

Case Study:Premier Inc.Learns to Make Healthier Decisions 490

Part Four Case Study:Can Boeing Fly High Again? 492


Chapetr 16 Information Systems Security and Control 496


Chapetr 16 Information Systems Security and Control 496

Why Systems Are Vulnerable 498

16.1 System Vulnerability and Abuse 498

Window on Organizations:Internet Hackers on the Rise 500

Concerns for System Builders and Users 501

Window on Management:Disaster Recovery in the Information Age 502

System Quality Problems:Software and Data 503

General Controls 506

16.2 Creating a Control Environment 506

Application Controls 509

Security and the Internet 511

Window on Technology:Building a Security Infrastructure for Electronic Commerce 515

Developing a Control Structure:Costs and Benefits 516

The Role of Auditing in the Control Process 517

16.3 Ensuring System Quality 518

Software Quality Assurance 518

Data Quality Audits 519

Management Wrap-Up 520

Summary 520

Key Terms 521

Review Questions 521

Tools for Interactive Learning 522

Group Project 522

Case Study:Did the FAA Fly Off Course? 522

Chapetr 17 Managing International Information Systems 526

Chapetr 17 Managing International Information Systems 526

Kellogg Seeks Global Coordination 527

17.1 The Growth of International Information Systems 528

Developing the International Information Systems Infrastructure 529

The Global Environment:Business Drivers and Challenges 530

Window on Organizations:Marine Power Europe s Extranet Challenge 533

17.2 Organizing International Information Systems 534

Global Strategies and Business Organization 534

State of the Art 534

Global Systems to Fit the Strategy 536

17.3 Managing Global Systems 537

A Typical Scenario:Disorganization on a Global Scale 537

Reorganizing the Business 537

Strategy:Divide Conquer Appease 538

Implementation Tactics:Cooptation 540

17.4 Technology Issues and Opportunities 541

Main Technical Issues 541

The Management Solution 541

Window on Management:Developing an International Web Strategy 544

Window on Technology:Virtual Private Networks to the Rescue 546

New Technical Opportunites and the Internet 547

Management Wrap-Up 548

Summary 548

Group Project 549

Review Questions 549

Tools for Interactive Learning 549

Key Terms 549

Case Study:Pirelli s Drive Toward a Global Strategy 550

Managing Firm Infrastructure and Enterprise Systems 552

Chapetr 18 Managing Firm Infrastructure and Enterprise Systems 552

Coca-Cola Creates an Extended Enterprise 553

18.1 Managing IT Infrastructure and Architecture:Enterprise Computing 555

Basic Concepts of Enterprise Computing 556

Industrial Networks and Transenterprise Systems 558

Business Drivers:The Changing Business Environment 559

Technology Drivers:The New Networked Environment 562

An Ideal Model of Enterprise Computing 562

18.2 Managing the New IT Infrastructure 563

Elements of the New IT Infrastructure 563

Window on Technology:Harley-Davidson Fights Back with its IT Infrastructure 563

Key Infrastructure Decisions 565

Connecting Infrastructure to Strategy:Governance 567

Dealing with Mergers and Acquisitions 567

Window on Management:Bank Mergers:More Than Meets the Eye 569

Enterprise Systems:The Vision 570

18.3 Enterprise Systems 570

Enterprise Systems:The Reality 571

18.4 Industrial Networks and Extended Enterprise Systems 573

Window on Organizations:Extending the Supply Chain 574

Industrial Networks:The Vision 574

Industrial Networks:The Reality 576

Steps to Building and Managing Enterprise Systems and Industrial Networks 577

Management Wrap-Up 579

Summary 579

Key Terms 580

Review Questions 580

Group Project 580

Tools for Interactive Learning 581

Case Study:Using a Shoehorn to Fit in an ERP System 581

Part Five Case Study:When Two Titans Merge:Management,Organization,and Technology Challenges at Citigroup 584