《Step by Step:中学生流利英语脱口说》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:11 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:潘庆生,方立平,朱跃隽编
  • 出 版 社:上海:上海科技教育出版社
  • 出版年份:2001
  • ISBN:7542826964
  • 页数:276 页

Section One 3

Dialogue 1 How Is Everything 近况如何 3

Dialogue 2 At the Breakfast Table 餐桌聊天 7

Dialogue 3 About the Family 谈谈家庭 11

Dialogue 4 Time Inquiries 询问时间 16

Dialogue 5 Weather 天气 21

Dialogue 6 Asking the Way 问路 25

Dialogue 7 School Life 学校生活 30

Dialogue 8 In the Library 图书馆借书 34

Dialogue 9 Sporting 体育活动 39

Dialogue 10 Phone Bills 电话帐单 43

Dialogue 11 WAP Mobile Phones 网络手机 47

Dialogue 12 Congratulations 祝贺 52

Dialogue 13 In the Hospital 医院看病 56

Dialogue 14 Posting 邮寄 61

Dialogue 15 Shopping 商场购物 65

Dialogue 16 Time Off 余暇 71

Dialogue 17 Getting a Job 找工作 75

Dialogue 18 At the Bank 银行开户 80

Dialogue 19 Place an Order 电话订货 85

Dialogue 20 A Visit to a Zoo 游逛动物园 89

Dialogue 21 Listening to Music 听音乐 93

Dialogue 22 Fashion 时尚 98

Dialogue 23 Booking 预订 103

Dialogue 24 Making an Appointment 约会 109

Dialogue 25 Making Complaints 抱怨 115

Dialogue 26 TV Programmes 电视节目 120

Dialogue 27 A Talk-show Interview 电视采访 124

Dialogue 28 Medibank Private 个人医保 130

Dialogue 29 Public Survey 民意调查 134

Dialogue 30 Save the Environment 拯救环境 139

Section Two 147

Passage 1 To Begin the Class with 开始上课 147

Passage 2 Birthday Bash 生日狂欢 149

Passage 3 Costly Ignoring 昂贵的忽视 151

Passage 4 Guest Etiquette 做客礼仪 153

Passage 5 Head First 一“头”当先 156

Passage 6 No Need for MBA MBA 不学自通 158

Passage 7 Lucky Trip 运动之旅 160

Passage 8 Making a Big Deal Out of Nothing 小题大作 162

Passage 9 Fancy New Suit 奇装异服 164

Passage 10 Business and Pleasure 公务与乐趣 167

Passage 11 Campus Comedy 校园喜剧 169

Passage 12 The Moment,Before and After 前后一刹间 171

Passage 13 Brain Food 健脑食品 174

Passage 14 Native English Speakers Outnumbered 英语本族语的人口劣势 176

Passage 15 The King of Rock and Roll 摇滚乐之王 179

Passage 16 The State Opera House in Vienna 维也纳歌剧院 182

Passage 17 Beatles No. 1 Again 甲壳虫乐队重登榜首 184

Passage 18 Culture Shock 文化冲击 186

Passage 19 A Green World 绿色世界 188

Passage 20 The Australian Leading Airline 澳利大亚头号航空公司 191

Passage 21 About Overpopulation 关于人口过剩 194

Passage 22 The Incredible Shrinking Kangaroo 难以置信的袋鼠退化 196

Passage 23 Boomerangs 回飞棒 199

Passage 24 The Rice Diet 主食米饭 201

Passage 25 I Love Trees(Ⅰ) 我爱树木(Ⅰ) 204

Passage 26 I Love Trees(Ⅱ) 我爱树木(Ⅱ) 206

Passage 27 Mobile Phone Manners(Ⅰ) 手机礼仪(Ⅰ) 208

Passage 28 Mobile Phone Manners(Ⅱ) 手机礼仪(Ⅱ) 211

Passage 29 How to Use a Knife, Fork and Spoon(Ⅰ)如何使用刀叉(Ⅰ) 214

Passage 30 How to Use a Knife, Fork and Spoon(Ⅱ)如何使用刀叉(Ⅱ) 217

Section Three 224

Picture Talk 1 The First School Day 开学第一天 224

Picture Talk 2 A Typist 一位打字员 225

Picture Talk 3 Right after He Gets Home 回家之后 226

Picture Talk 4 Two Meetings with Boss 二见老板 227

Picture Talk 5 A White-collar Worker 一位白领 228

Picture Talk 6 John s Bike 约翰的自行车 229

Picture Talk 7 Losing Weight 减肥 230

Picture Talk 8 Christmas Shopping 圣诞购物 231

Picture Talk 9 Identifying Signs 识别标记 232

Picture Talk 10 A Beach Picnic 海滩野餐 233

Reference Key 235