
  • 购买积分:13 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:赖世雄编著
  • 出 版 社:北京:清华大学出版社
  • 出版年份:1993
  • ISBN:7302012407
  • 页数:365 页

1.如何利用假期 My View of a Holiday 1

2.能源的探寻 Man Seeking More Energy Resources 9

3.小小世界的问题 Problems in a Smaller World 16

4.车祸——现代文明的遗憾Traffic Accidents——a Sad By-product of Civilization 23

5.书海神游 The Adventure of Reading 30

6.勤奋的作家 Hard-working Authors 41

7.快乐—宝贵的财富 Happiness——a Valued Treasure 49

8.海滩假期 Seaside Holidays 57

9.美国人为何不多吃鱼? Why Don’t Americans Eat More Fish? 70

10.在台美商的中文流利吗? How Fluent in Chinese Are American Businessmen in Taipei? 80

11.家庭教育的重要性 Family Education 89

12.儿时记趣 A Childhood Reminiscence 98

13.校园恶作剧 A Campus Prank 107

14.大学教育 College Education 118

15.选课的艺术 Choosing College Courses 129

16.降低大学生失业率 Reducing Unemployment among College Graduates 137

17.何谓“好学生”? What Is a“Good Student”? 150

18.如何做明智的决定? How to Think Wisely? 160

19.电脑应该大众化吗? Are Computers for Everyone? 167

20.雨中散步饶有情趣 It’s Fun Walking in the Rain 178

21.猿人的进化 Evolving from Ape to Man 185

22.大猩猩大闹百货公司 A Gorilla Raised Hell in Macy’s 194

23.面恶心善的大猩猩 Gorillas,Fierce-looking but Peaceful 203

24.群龙无首则乱 Some of Mo Tzu’s Teachings 211

25.孙逸仙先生伦敦蒙难记 The Adventure of Dr.Sun Yat-scn 217

26.爱国心 Patriotic Attitudes 228

27.艺术的两大主流 Two Kinds of Art 238

28.个性与心脏病 Personality and Heart Disease 249

29.海伦·凯勒 Helen Keller 252

30.得之于出 Getting from Giving 269

31.查字典有碍学习吗?Can Using a Dictionary Be a Bad Habit? 278

32.来根烟?不!Say“No”to Smoking 288

33.男人是狼?还是羊?Wolf or Sheep? 298

34.人死后还有稳私权吗? Is There Privacy after Death? 309

35.雨水——生命的泉源Rain Water Keeps Life Going 320

36.经典之作Books for All Times 327

37.天气与气候Weath Climate 338

38.环保先驱——雷切尔·卡森Rachel Carson,Pioneering Environmentalist 349

39.熟能生巧Practice 359