
  • 购买积分:10 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:卢济威著
  • 出 版 社:北京:中国建筑工业出版社
  • 出版年份:2002
  • ISBN:7112048982
  • 页数:215 页

前言Foreword 1

立意与构思(代序)Design Intention and Conception 2

自然环境篇Natural Environment 6

1.无锡新疆石油职工太湖疗养院Wuxi Taihu Lake Sanatorium for the Oil Exploiting Workers 6

2.交通银行无锡会议培训中心Wuxi Convention and Training Center of the Communication Bank 32

3.东阳宾馆Dongyang Hotel(design) 50

4.椒江老干部活动中心Jiaojiang Retired Cadres Center 56

城市环境篇Urban Environment 66

5.上海教育会堂Shanghai Education Auditorium 66

6.上海国际医贸会议展览大厦Shanghai Intemational Medical Trade Exhibition Mansion 74

7.南浔华厦宾馆Nanxun Huaxia Hotel(design) 86

8.台州市银河商城Taizhou Yinghe Commercial City 92

9.上海静安寺地区城市设计Urban Design of the Jing an Temple District of Shanghai 98

10.上海静安寺广场(综合体)Jing an Temple Plaza(the complex) 111

11.上海杨浦商业中心城市设计Urban Design of Shanghai Yangpu Commercial Center 122

12.临海市崇和门广场城市设计Urban Design of Linhai Conghemen Square 130

新老结合篇Combination of the New and the Old 144

实用型新老建筑结合的探索Exploring an approach to combining the new and the old practical architectures 144

13.上海天益宾馆Shanghai Tianyi Hotel 146

14. 北京航空航天大学科学馆Science Hall of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics 154

居住篇Residence 164

15.上海杨浦区社会福利院Shanghai Yangpu District Public Welfare House 164

16.上海新城花园Shanghai Xincheng Garden 176

17.福州常青乐园(设计)Fuzhou Changqing Fairyland(design) 184

竞赛篇Competitions 200

18.中国乐山博物馆--未来文化乡土博物馆国际设计竞赛佳作奖Museum at Leshan, China-The Honorable Mention of the Intemational Design Contest of Hometown Museum for the Culture of the Future 200

19.长寿之家--日本国际设计竞赛三等奖House for Longer Life-The third Pnze of the Japanese International Design Competition 202

20.南方小型剧场--全国中小型剧场设计竞赛二等奖(最高奖)A Small-sized Theater in South China-The second Prize of the National Competition of Small and Middle-sized Theaters 204

21.南方中型剧场--全国中小型剧场设计竞赛二等奖(最高奖)A Middle-sized Theater in South China-the second Prize of the National Competition of Small and Middle-sized Theaters 208

22.平台邻里住宅--96上海住宅国际设计竞赛佳作奖Neighbourhood with Platlorm-The Honorable Mention of Shanghai International Residential Design Contest,1996 212