《民族学研究 第10辑》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:12 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:中国民族学会编
  • 出 版 社:北京:民族出版社
  • 出版年份:1991
  • ISBN:7105013532
  • 页数:324 页

A Right Attitude Towards the Traditional Culture Qiu Pu 1

正确对待传统文化&秋浦 1

重视民族学的调查研究&郑必坚 7

Paying Attention to Ethnolongical Investigation and Research&Zheng Bijian 7

传统文化与民族学漫谈&杨堃 11

Talking about the Traditional Culture and Ethnoiogy&Yang Kun 11

中国少数民族的社会文化类型及其社会主义现代化过程&林耀华 15

Socto-Cultural Types of the Chinese Ethnic Minorities and the Process of Socialist Modernization&Li 15

传统文化·民族·民族学&贺国安 37

Traditional Culture&Ethnic Groups&Ethnology&He Guo an 37

试论民族的传统观念与改革开放&周朱流 53

Discussion on Traditional Concepts of Ethnic Groups and the Reform&Openness&Zhou Zhuliu 53

Cultural Types of Ethnic Groups and TheirAdjustment to Modernization&Guo Dalie 66

民族文化类型及其与现代化的调适&郭大烈 66

Adaptation of Ecology of Ethnic Culture to Modernization&Naranbilik 79

民族文化生态与现代化的适应&纳日碧力戈 79

传统文化与现代化的双向调适&郭家骥 85

Two-Way Adjustment of Ethnic Traditional Culture to Modernization&Guo Jiaji 85

二元相融 脱贫致富&程昭星 99

To Shed Poverty and Attain Prosperity through Combination of Traditional and Modern Cultures&Cheng 99

民族传统文化的现代变迁与趋向&袁少芬 111

Current Changes and Trends of the Ethnic Traditional Culture&Yuan Shaofen 111

黑龙江省民族经济类型与存在的问题&权宁朝 124

Ethnic Economical Types of Heilongjiang Province and Problems Concerned&Quan Ningchao 124

富饶的贫困&徐仁瑶 133

Rich Poverty&Xu Renyao 133

文化—山区民族发展中的重大课题&白振声 140

Culture—lmportant Problem for Ethnic Development in Mountain Areas&Bai Zhensheng 140

台湾少数民族文化变迁比较研究&许良国 147

Comparative Study of Cultural Changes of Taiwai Ethnic Minorities&Xu Liangguo 147

合亩制与家族公社的若干问题&李根蟠 卢勋 165

Some Problems about Combining-Tillage(合亩)System and Family Communes&Li Genfan Lu Xun 165

Elementary Introduction to Intermarriage between Naxi and Han People&Li Jinchun 183

浅谈纳西族同汉族的通婚&李近春 183

Comparison between Yi and Han Peasants in Structure of Revenue and Expenditure&Pan Jiao Chu Xiaojua 194

凉山彝汉农民经济收支对比&潘蛟 楚小娟 194

Changes of Traditional Economy and Culture in Pastoral Areas of Qinghai Tibetans&Ou Chaoquan 205

青海藏族牧区传统经济文化之变迁&欧潮泉 205

Exploring into Functions of Tibetan Custo-mary Laws in Dealing with Criminal Cases&Chen Guangguo 215

藏族习惯法在判处刑事案件中的作用探讨&陈光国 215

Traditional Tibetan Drama and Its New Type&Lu Liandi 230

传统藏剧和新藏剧&陆莲蒂 230

On Status,Functions and Nature of sorcerer(毕摩)of Yi People&Yi Mouyuan 238

论彝族“毕摩”的地位、作用和性质&易谋远 238

Traditional Culture and Its Reform of Yi People in Liangshan Mountains&Feng Min 253

凉山彝族传统文化与改革&冯敏 253

Historical Kin Relationships of Traditional Cultures of Naxi People&Liu Longchu 266

纳西族传统文化的历史亲缘关系&刘龙初 266

Dong People s Combining-Treaty(合款)and Construction of Spiritual Civilization&Shi Ruoping 281

侗族“合款”与精神文明建设&石若屏 281

Dai People s Traditioal Education: Functions and Effects&Zhang Yuanqing 289

傣族传统教育的作用和影响&张元庆 289

on Culural Features of Economic Development of Va People&Luo Zhiji 299

佤族经济发展中的文化特点问题&罗之基 299

Pondering over Problems of Alcohol Abuse&Wang Zhaowu 307

对酗酒问题的思考&王昭武 307

Han people s Small-Scale Farming Economy and Patriarchal Clan Community&Wang Xiaoding 312

汉族小农经济与宗族共同体&王小丁 312


4th Academic Conference of Chinese Ethnological Society Convened in Beijing (Chen Jingyuan) 322

中国民族学会第四届学术讨论会在北京举行(陈景源) 322

·学术动态· 322