《操作系统概念 英文本》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:23 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:(美)Abraham Silberschatz等著
  • 出 版 社:北京:高等教育出版社
  • 出版年份:2002
  • ISBN:7040110482
  • 页数:887 页
图书介绍:本书是计算机类专业操作系统课程的一本经典教材,自第一版问世以来,经历了近20年的锤炼,被认为是该课程教材的一本圣经。它对操作系统的概念和基本原理给出了清晰的阐述。本书所涉及的基本概念和算法均基于当前商用操作系统,并在非特定操作系统的通用环境中展开讲解。书中介绍了大量与流行操作系统相关的实现技术,包括Solaris 2、Linux、Windows NT、Windows 2000、OS/2和Apple Macintosh操作系统。此版包括了线程、Windows 2000的新章节,并新增了客户/服务器模型和网络文件系统、嵌入式操作系统、实时操作系统、分布式操作系统等。 作者Abraham Silerschatz是贝尔实验室信息科学研究中心的副主任, Greg Gagne是威斯敏斯特学院计算机学系主任,Peter Baer Galvin曾在布朗大学计算机科学系执教,现为Corporate Technologies公司的首席技术专家。


Chapter 1 Introduction 3

1.1 What Is an Operating System? 3

1.2 Mainframe Systems 7

1.3 Desktop Systems 11

1.4 Multiprocessor Systems 12

1.5 Distributed Systems 14

1.6 Clustered Systems 16

1.7 Real-Time Systems 17

1.8 Handheld Systems 19

1.9 Feature Migration 20

1.10 Computing Environments 21

1.11 Summary 23

Exercises 24

Bibliographical Notes 25

Chapter 2 Computer-System Structures 27

2.1 Computer-System Operation 27

2.2 I/O Structure 30

2.3 Storage Structure 34

2.4 Storage Hierarchy 38

2.5 Hardware Protection 42

2.6 Network Structure 48

2.7 Summary 51

Exercises 52

Bibliographical Notes 54

Chapter 3 Operating-System Structures 55

3.1 System Components 55

3.2 Operating-System Services 61

3.3 System Calls 63

3.4 System Programs 72

3.5 System Structure 74

3.6 Virtual Machines 80

3.7 System Design and Implementation 85

3.8 System Generation 88

3.9 Summary 89

Exercises 90

Bibliographical Notes 92


Chapter 4 Processes 95

4.1 Process Concept 95

4.2 Process Scheduling 99

4.3 Operations on Processes 103

4.4 Cooperating Processes 107

4.5 Interprocess Communication 109

4.6 Communication in Client-Server Systems 117

4.7 Summary 126

Exercises 127

Bibliographical Notes 128

Chapter 5 Threads 129

5.1 Overview 129

5.2 Multithreading Models 132

5.3 Threading Issues 135

5.4 Pthreads 139

5.5 Solaris 2 Threads 141

5.6 Window 2000 Threads 143

5.7 Linux Threads 144

5.8 Java Threads 145

5.9 Summary 147

Exercises 147

Bibliographical Notes 148

Chapter 6 CPU Scheduling 151

6.1 Basic Concepts 151

6.2 Scheduling Criteria 155

6.3 Scheduling Algorithms 157

6.4 Multiple-Processor Scheduling 169

6.5 Real-Time Scheduling 170

6.6 Algorithm Evaluation 172

6.7 Process Scheduling Models 177

6.8 Summary 184

Exercises 185

Bibliographical Notes 187

Chapter 7 Process Synchronization 189

7.1 Background 189

7.2 The Critical-Section Problem 191

7.3 Synchronization Hardware 197

7.4 Semaphores 201

7.5 Classic Problems of Synchronization 206

7.6 Critical Regions 211

7.7 Monitors 216

7.8 OS Synchronization 223

7.9 Atomic Transactions 225

7.10 Summary 235

Exercises 236

Bibliographical Notes 240

Chpater 8 Deadlocks 243

8.1 System Model 243

8.2 Deadlock Characterization 245

8.3 Methods for Handling Deadlocks 248

8.4 Deadlock Prevention 250

8.5 Deadlock Avoidance 253

8.6 Deadlock Detection 260

8.7 Recovery from Deadlock 264

8.8 Summary 266

Exercises 266

Bibliographical Notes 270


Chapter 9 Memory Management 273

9.1 Background 273

9.2 Swapping 280

9.3 Contiguous Memory Allocation 283

9.4 Paging 287

9.5 Segmentation 303

9.6 Segmentation with Paging 309

9.7 Summary 312

Exercises 313

Bibliographical Notes 316

Chapter 10 Virtual Memory 317

10.1 Background 317

10.2 Demand Paging 320

10.3 Process Creation 328

10.4 Page Replacement 330

10.5 Allocation of Frames 344

10.6 Thrashing 348

10.7 Operating-System Examples 353

10.8 Other Considerations 356

10.9 Summary 363

Exercises 364

Bibliographical Notes 369

Chapter 11 File-System Interface 371

11.1 File Concept 371

11.2 Access Methods 379

11.3 Directory Structure 383

11.4 File-System Mounting 393

11.5 File Sharing 395

11.6 Protection 402

11.7 Summary 406

Exercises 407

Bibliographical Notes 409

Chapter 12 File-System Implementation 411

12.1 File-System Structure 411

12.2 File-System Implementation 413

12.3 Directory Implementation 420

12.4 Allocation Methods 421

12.5 Free-Space Management 430

12.6 Efficiency and Performance 433

12.7 Recovery 437

12.8 Log-Structured File System 439

12.9 NFS 441

12.10 Summary 448

Exercises 449

Bibliographical Notes 451


Chapter 13 I/O Systems 455

13.1 Overview 455

13.2 I/O Hardware 456

13.3 Application I/O Interface 466

13.4 Kernel I/O Subsystem 472

13.5 Transforming I/O to Hardware Operations 478

13.6 STREAMS 481

13.7 Performance 483

13.8 Summary 487

Exercises 487

Bibliographical Notes 488

Chapter 14 Mass-Storage Structure 491

14.1 Disk Structure 491

14.2 Disk Scheduling 492

14.3 Disk Management 498

14.4 Swap-Space Management 502

14.5 RAID Structure 505

14.6 Disk Attachment 512

14.7 Stable-Storage Implementation 514

14.8 Tertiary-Storage Structure 516

14.9 Summary 526

Exercises 528

Bibliographical Notes 535


Chapter 15 Distributed System Structures 539

15.1 Background 539

15.2 Topology 546

15.3 Network Types 548

15.4 Communication 551

15.5 Communication Protocols 558

15.6 Robustness 562

15.7 Design Issues 564

15.8 An Example:Networking 566

15.9 Summary 568

Exercises 569

Bibliographical Notes 571

Chapter 16 Distributed File Systems 573

16.1 Background 573

16.2 Naming and Transparency 575

16.3 Remote File Access 579

16.4 Stateful Versus Stateless Service 583

16.5 File Replication 585

16.6 An Example:AFS 586

16.7 Summary 591

Exercises 592

Bibliographical Notes 593

Chapter 17 Distributed Coordination 595

17.1 Event Ordering 595

17.2 Mutual Exclusion 598

17.3 Atomicity 601

17.4 Concurrency Control 605

17.5 Deadlock Handling 610

17.6 Election Algorithms 618

17.7 Reaching Agreement 620

17.8 Summary 623

Exercises 624

Bibliographical Notes 625


Chapter 18 Protection 629

18.1 Goals of Protection 629

18.2 Domain of Protection 630

18.3 Access Matrix 636

18.4 Implementation of Access Matrix 640

18.5 Revocation of Access Rights 643

18.6 Capability-Based Systems 645

18.7 Language-Based Protection 648

18.8 Summary 654

Exercises 655

Bibliographical Notes 656

Chapter 19 Security 657

19.1 The Security Problem 657

19.2 User Authentication 659

19.3 Program Threats 663

19.4 System Threats 666

19.5 Securing Systems and Facilities 671

19.6 Intrusion Detection 674

19.7 Cryptography 680

19.8 Computer-Security Classification 686

19.9 An Example:Windows NT 687

19.10 Summary 689

Exercises 690

Bibliographical Notes 691


Chapter 20 The Linux System 695

20.1 History 695

20.2 Design Principles 700

20.3 Kernel Modules 703

20.4 Process Management 707

20.5 Scheduling 711

20.6 Memory Management 716

20.7 File Systems 724

20.8 Input and Output 729

20.9 Interprocess Communication 732

20.10 Network Structure 734

20.11 Security 737

20.12 Summary 739

Exercises 740

Bibliographical Notes 741

Chapter 21 Windows 2000 743

21.1 History 743

21.2 Design Principles 744

21.3 System Components 746

21.4 Environmental Subsystems 763

21.5 File System 766

21.6 Networking 774

21.7 Programmer Interface 780

21.8 Summary 787

Exercises 787

Bibliographical Notes 788

Chapter 22 Historical Perspective 789

22.1 Early Systems 789

22.2 Atlas 796

22.3 XDS-940 797

22.4 THE 798

22.5 RC 4000 799

22.6 CTSS 800

22.7 MULTICS 800

22.8 OS/360 801

22.9 Mach 803

22.10 Other Systems 804

Bibliography 807

Credits 837

Index 839